Saturday, October 01, 2022

News Weakly - 10/1/22

Those Crazy Californians
California has become the first state to ban gas heaters and furnaces ... a state that is also experiencing electricity shortages and requiring more and more electrical devices. What could go wrong?

At the same time, we have Gov. Newsom on a junket using his campaign funds in hopes of transforming GOP states into the California scheme. Governor Abbott thinks it might help his campaign.

And then, at the end of the week, California passed a law that prohibits law enforcement or corporations from cooperating with out-of-state entities regarding warrants for investigation into or enforcement of laws restricting abortion. Yes, they are legal warrants. No, California will not comply. Apparently a new Sovereign Nation.

Arizona Chooses Life
Back in 1901 before the sixties' "Sexual Revolution" that called for sex on demand at all costs, Arizona banned abortion except in the case of saving the mother's life. You know, a pro-life position. That, of course, has been on hold for 50 years even after the SCOTUS ruling earlier this year because it was held up in court, but a Superior Court judge has released the block. Arizona now holds that all life deserves protecting. In the seventies the nation bought the notion that when women referred to "my body," they included the human being inside, and they could do whatever they wanted with that human being -- keep it or dismantle it. This law reverses that form of human ownership. We will, of course, wait for the other shoe to drop, because we, as a nation, will not long stand for human life over sexual freedom.

Inflation Revival Act
In light of the apparently slowing inflation, California Governor Newsom signed legislation to extend union options to farm workers. Mind you, farm workers are not part of the official labor force in this country but, setting that aside, we can be sure that farm workers will unite and drastically drive up the cost of farm products so they can have a better life.

Don't Bee Surprised
Not to be outdone by rightwing conspiracy theorists, Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams claimed "there is no such thing as a heartbeat at six weeks. It is a manufactured sound designed to convince people that men have the right to take control of a woman's body." (No, that was not the Bee; that was real.) So the Bee offered other ways women might be tricked into thinking babies are alive like those devious "ultrasound videos," crazy "genetic testing", and "feeling the 'baby' move." Oh, no, we won't be suckered into those lies. In other news (an oldy but goody), apparently Joel Osteen has tested negative for Christianity after he came in contact with a Bible. In other religious news, the FBI stormed a convent to arrest a group of dangerous pro-life extremist nuns. Nice!

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

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