Saturday, September 24, 2022

News Weakly - 9/24/22

I have good news and I have bad news. Ligonier has released their State of Theology report for 2022. In it we find things like more than 50% believe that God cannot make mistakes and God learns and adapts to different circumstances. More than 70% believe everyone is born innocent in the eyes of God (including 65% of "Evangelicals"). A mere 36% think Christians have an obligation to be part of a local church. A growing number claim the Bible holds helpful stuff, but is not literally true. Really disturbing things like 43% of Evangelicals believing that Jesus was a great teacher, but not God. (I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that "Christ" is not the Christ of the Bible and, as such, cannot save.) And more. And even worse. There are things that appear to be improvements (good news) and then their is decay in things that are in direct contradiction (bad news) ... which, it appears, proves the premise that sin rots the brain (Rom 1:28). And Scripture is right (e.g., Matt 24:24; 1 Tim 4:1; 2 Tim 3:1-5).

Another Pandemic
Experts from the CDC are saying that sexually transmitted diseases are at an all-time high and "out of control." Ignoring (again) the standard medical approach to preventing disease transmission, no one is suggesting controlling sexual behavior. Go figure. COVID locked us all away, but monkeypox and STDs run rampant because we don't want to "stigmatize" anyone. God, on the other hand, doesn't mind it.

Without Hope
An "influential health group" has proposed that doctors should screen more for anxiety. Ya think? For years now we've lived under this cloud of "pandemic" that just keeps getting dragged along with others thrown in. We've had "insurrection" and "microaggression" and "gender dysphoria" and all sorts of crises that the media, social and mainstream, has fed us. No one is reporting on the 99% who are not encountering these problems because, well, that's not news. So we are fed a steady stream of "anxious" and wonder why we've become so anxious, "having no hope and without God in the world" (Eph 2:12). Go figure.

Fake News
This can't be. America's gas prices are on the rise again. Must be fake news. Didn't they pass that epic "Inflation Reduction Act"?

In other fake news, those Fox News guys are reporting that House Dems voted down an investigation into Hunter Biden's business schemes. Now, we know that can't happen. We know that the Dems are just as diligent in pursuing wrong doing by folks like Hillary. We know that Dems would never, say, load an investigation with, say, Trump haters, to, oh, I don't know, investigate Trump, would they? So why would they do anything like this? All they want is justice ... for the other guy.

Don't Beelieve the Media
From the seasonal to the touching to the timely, the Bee is on the job. A cutsie one about authorities reminding the nation that Fall doesn't officially begin until Carol puts up her "It's Fall Y'all" sign. A story about Martha's Vineyard taking revenge on DeSantis by shipping him 50 Karens. (They have enough that they can afford to do that, I'd think.) And then the sad story of Biden giving a tearful sniff at the Queen's casket.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. Strangely enough, the response to COVID was to force billions of people whether infected or not to significantly modify their behavior, and submit to a medical procedure being done to their body regardless of their choice. (Obviously it is possible to skip the vax, but they won't respect that choice) Yet when it comes to sexually transmitted diseases/monkeypox, the notion of expecting behavior changes is anathema.

  2. Yes, Craig, that is the glaring double standard that highlights the priorities. Work, family, social interaction, church? Not higher than all the restrictions for COVID. Sexual proclivities? Definitely outrank dangerous disease concerns.

  3. Unfortunately, that was already the truth all the way back to the beginning of the AIDS epidemic. Nobody was willing to curtail their sexual activity, so they had to develop the whole "safe sex" campaign.

  4. Why are you guys talking about this stuff??? Don't you know MAGA Republicans are the greatest threat to our dumbocrasy???


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