Sunday, September 18, 2022


Paul commanded Timothy "first of all" in the process of fighting the good fight (1 Tim 1:18) to pray (1 Tim 2:1-2). To pray a lot. To pray in many ways. To pray for everyone and especially for those in authority. Why? Today a lot of people are skeptical. Pray? In crisis or in calamity people will say, "Our prayers are with them" and others will complain. "What good is prayer?" As it turns out, prayer is amazingly effective. Prayer can do ... more.

According to Scripture, God is able to do more than you ask (Eph 3:20). "Oh, I don't know," some might say, "I can ask a lot." Okay, but, in fact, that Scripture says that God can do far more than you ask. "Really?" you question. "I mean, I have some pretty big requests." Maybe, but that text actually says He is able to do "far more abundantly than all" you ask. The terms are superlatives. He is able to do more, far more, abundantly more, beyond all we ask. Still, the skeptic answers, "I don't know. I have a pretty vivid imagination." Fine, let's go there. He "is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think." If you can dream it, He can exceed it. The God to whom we pray is able to exceed our wildest dreams. Why pray? Because that's the God to whom we pray.

Then, having answered every one of our objections as to His capability, Scripture takes it one step further. We are to pray for everyone because He can answer, but He does so "according to the power at work within us." Yes, He is "out there." Yes, He is Transcendent. So, sure, it sometimes feels like it's "pie in the sky," religious talk. It's not. It's here and now. It's real and actual and in place. God has the ability to exceed your wildest imagination when you ask, and He does it by using power already working in you. Present. Imminent. People can dismiss the power of prayer all they want. They can tell you that praying for people in trouble, in need, in authority is all nonsense. God thinks otherwise. God can do exceedingly more than we can ask or even imagine. We should pray ... especially for His glory (Eph 3:21).

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