Thursday, August 25, 2022

Why Faith?

We Christians have this thing called "the Gospel." It is, in fact, unique in the world of religions. Every other religion on the planet has some sort of "earn your way to heaven" except Christianity. That's because we start with "You can't" and go from there. So our Gospel includes this fundamental principle: we are saved by faith in Christ. Not by works. Not by our efforts. Not by birth. Not by becoming a better person. Not by following laws. Faith. Apart from works. And that is truly Gospel, truly good news.

But have you ever asked why? I mean, sure, it's because we can't do it on our own. We are sinners at the core and can't stop it. So that's one reason why. But the Bible actually says why faith alone apart from works, circumcision, or works of the law is required (Rom 4:1-15). It is faith alone for a reason. These other things don't suffice is, which is why it depends on faith, and that it is by faith "in order that the promise may rest on grace and be guaranteed to all his offspring—not only to the adherent of the law but also to the one who shares the faith of Abraham" (Rom 4:16). The reason God designed our salvation to be based on faith is so that His grace is the answer. And when His grace is the answer, the certainty -- the guarantee -- is found in Him and not something we are or do.

We are saved by grace through faith so that God gets the glory. "If it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works; otherwise grace would no longer be grace" (Rom 11:6). If we did something to earn it, it would no longer be grace. If we were born into the right family or performed some ceremony (like circumcision) or obeyed the right rules, we would get the credit and it would not be grace. No, we don't have the ability to do any of those things, and that is certainly a primary reason that we are saved by faith -- there is no other option. But first and foremost, our salvation on the basis of faith is to demonstrate God's glory in God's grace. And that's a very good thing.

1 comment:

  1. It's almost as if YHWH knew that the "God shaped hole" in people would lead to a desire to earn our way into heaven, and He chose a way to salvation that was completely different from all other religions.


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