Thursday, August 11, 2022

Politically Incorrect

We all know that there are things we can say and there are things we can't. Well, let's be more precise. If "say" is a reflection of ideas, there are things we can think and there are things we cannot. More, in this current cancel culture climate (That's called "alliteration.") there can be serious consequences. The other day in a team meeting a football coach read what was on a player's iPad out loud before he realized that the player had put down some "outlawed" words, so the coach resigned, not for having the thoughts, but for speaking someone else's incorrect thought out loud. Under no circumstances can we even edge into things like that.

One of the worst offenders in today's environment is ... the Bible. Think about it. First there is "In the beginning God created ..." (Gen 1:1). That's bad. We know better. Evolution is true and God didn't create anything. Atheist Richard Dawkins argued that teaching children that God exists is as bad as child abuse. And America loves freedom, so suggesting we humans are under a Creator is definitely PI. But that's just the beginning. Saying that God made Eve as a help meet for Adam just won't do. It's sexist. Suggesting that women's pain in childbirth and resisting submission to husbands is a curse from sin is misogynistic. Laws about the proper treatment of slaves or selling daughters into marriage shouldn't even be mentioned. Laws about death penalties for adultery or, worse, homosexual behavior are horrifying. The headship of males in families is awful. The denigration of women (like "wives submit to your husbands" and "I do not permit a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man" and so on) is prevalent and wrong, wrong, wrong. The use of pronouns and masculine terms (like "man" for "mankind," referring to God as "Father," or using "Son" for Jesus rather than "child of God") need to be changed to suit the times. There are already "gender-accurate" translations available. And then there's that whole "crucifixion" thing where God sent His Son to die. Isn't that child abuse? And these are just a few quick examples.

The world is hostile to God (Rom 8:7) and offended by the cross (1 Cor 1:23). Spiritual things are essentially meaningless to them (1 Cor 2:14). In their spiritual blindness (2 Cor 4:3-4), they cannot see nor do they want the truth (John 3:20). In this environment it should be no surprise that people assault God's Word. But, please note. While it may be "politically incorrect," that doesn't make it false. If God's Word is true (and it is (John 17:17)), then let God be true though every man a liar (Rom 3:4). And don't let pressure from those "following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air" (Eph 2:2) dissuade you from the truth. Instead, be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Rom 12:2).

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