Saturday, August 06, 2022

News Weakly - 8/6/22

Vaguely Disturbing
The story from CBS opens with this: "The House voted Friday to ban semiautomatic assault weapons, as negotiations over police funding legislation continue." "Semiautomatic assault weapons," as it turns out, is a confusing term because "assault weapon" by some definitions necessarily includes "automatic." Herein is my problem. Loosely defining "assault weapon," just like in the 1964 Civil Rights Act that didn't clearly define "sex," can end up morphing into all weapons and we end up wondering why knives, baseball bats, and SUVs aren't banned, too. Oh, and Bibles. People definitely use those to assault people.

Lust in Power
Last week we puzzled over the declaration of emergency in San Francisco over monkeypox. This week, of course, we get the answer (like we didn't know). Despite concerns over monkeypox, they're going ahead with their famous fetish festival. COVID meant isolation; monkeypox means indulge that which is the primary speader. Unlike Hong Kong where they had an annual food expo ... but banned eating anything due to COVID. Clearly our COVID measures were more about what those in power wanted rather than safety since those in power now want to indulge the madness despite the danger.

So far there are about 6,600 people in the U.S. with monkeypox. It now qualifies as a public health emergency. Mind you, it is milder than smallpox, easily preventable. Mind you 99% of all cases are from male-to-male sexual contact. Mind you, if people would stop the behavior that spreads it, it would go away. But, no. Now it's a national emergency. But no one is going to even suggest restricting their sexual contact, at least temporarily, because ... well ... because. That's how stupid we've become.

Turnabout is Fair Play
Just a bizarre story. A man shot a woman in the neck. The bullet passed through her, ricocheted, and came back to kill the shooter. I suppose literal turnabout is fair play.

Injustice Department
Pro-abortionists are afraid of doctors and patients being prosecuted for killing babies. Hasn't happened, but that's their fear. On the other hand, the Justice Department is suing Idaho for banning most abortion in their state as allowed by the 10th Amendment. The "justice system" continues to block abortion laws for a right not found in the Constitution in defiance of the Constitution. What else can we expect from a "justice system" that denies justice?

Assault Weapons
More violence. In the Mirage in Las Vegas, a gun shot three people, killing one. In Gallup, New Mexico, an SUV drove through a parade. Several people including two police officers were injured. When will we ban these dangerous assault weapons that seem to be on a tirade? (And, on a side note, why was the guy behind the wheel of the SUV a "person" rather than the expected "white supremacist"? Because pictures show he was not white. But let's just keep that quiet, right?)

Wait ...
Hang on. We have too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which will kill us all, but breweries are encountering a shortage of CO2?

It Is What It Shall Bee
In the wake of the Brittney Griner verdict, the Bee headline raved, "Brittney Griner Rewarded With 9 Years Of Not Hearing The U.S. National Anthem." Following the government's lead, a wife proposed a "Household Debt Reduction Act" where she spends thousands of dollars at Target. True story: singer Demi Lovato says she's using "she/her" pronouns again. The Bee suggests it might be because she discovered her car had a flat tire. Then there is the helpful "complete list of problems solved by government spending. You can see that one for yourself.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

1 comment:

  1. Vaguely Disturbing

    Only vaguely. Aside from being utterly unconstitutional, it's just such a red herring. The problem isn't "assault weapons"...whatever they want that to mean at any given moment. It's a distinct lack of character on the part of those who abuse whatever inanimate object for evil purposes, be it an AR-15 or a brick. And to compound the lack of character of those who voted to push this aberration of a bill, they lied about the effectiveness of the last ban from the '90s...especially Biden, straight up lying in saying the 1994 ban worked. It didn't and he knows it.

    Lust in Power

    That community still leads in new HIV cases, so what would make anyone think they'd practice self-control now. But it's a problem far more widespread, for the lack of self-control is the driving cause of abortion in this country.

    Turnabout is Fair Play

    Call it an act of God, karma, poetic justice or just dumb luck, I just find the story absolutely heartwarming. It'll be even more so if the woman survives...assuming she wasn't the aggressor.

    Injustice Department

    Don't know why, but people get upset when I express my approval of prosecuting abortionists and pregnant women who hire them. It would be so totally just.

    Assault Weapons

    Isn't Larry Elder a white supremacist? Anyway...

    Wait ...

    People are going to whine about "climate change" when a more serious problem...less beer...looms over our heads?? Has it really come to this??

    It Is What It Shall Bee

    If Griner was a political prisoner, I could understand the outcries by those who don't get that Russia isn't moved by this administration. But she outright broke one of their laws. How does she get a pass simply because it's Russian laws she broke...laws she likely knew existed. I guess if there was some way to know for sure how strict they are in enforcing this law against Russians or non-Russians who aren't supporting Ukraine against them, that might change the picture just a bit.


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