Saturday, August 27, 2022

News Weakly - 8/27/22

Ridiculing the Ridiculous
Argos, a company in the UK, has been forced to drop a term in their ads because it is sexist. They advertised that they had "two-man delivery" to bring you their products and, clearly, that's sexist. "Don't you hire women??" Of course, they do, and, of course, "two-man" can simply use "man" in the sense of "human beings," but this will never do. They cannot be that sloppy. Let me correct the phrase for their ad. They should offer "two-human-beings-with-sufficient-age-and-sufficient-strength-to-do-the-job delivery." See? Much better. Another fine example of our anti-male, anti-racist, anti-sexist, anti-whatever-I-don't-like, judgmental stupidity.

The Problem of "Mass"
A 29-year-old Walmart shopper was carrying a loaded handgun in his waistband when it started to slip and fall. He grabbed it and it accidentally discharged -- once -- wounding the shopper and three other people. This is what is classified as a "mass shooting" because 4 people were injured in this accident. This is why we need to be more careful with terminology. On the other hand, a Maryland man was charged with a mass stabbing that left two people dead and two hospitalized. I'm waiting for Congress to take up knife control legislation. Maybe assault knives? Anything?

You can go to jail for abusing your children. You can lose your children if you neglect them. Everybody thought that the ultimate responsibility for a child rests with their parents. A judge in Maryland ruled that that was wrong. Parents have no right to know what their kids are doing at school. They do have the responsibility to take care of them, but not the right to know what they're doing. Certainly not if those kids are performing the most heroic thing a child today can do -- transitioning genders. Surprise, parents! You were mistaken. You get the responsibility, just not the authority. Good luck with that.

We have met the enemy, and the enemy ... is crisis pregnancy centers. At least, that's what Yelp thinks. That's what Popular Science thinks, too. If you are not going to kill that baby in a "crisis" (in quotes because the term in this case is so broad), then you are dangerous and people need to be warned. So they will flag these centers, warning that they "provide limited medical services" as if "killing your baby" is a "medical service." No one is flagging abortion clinics for providing limited help for expectant mothers who don't wish to kill their babies. Odd. (And as a sidenote, what does it tell you about the bias of Popular Science when they report something like this?)

Please ... Just Don't
William Barber and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove are miffed over the opposition of some in the GOP to Biden's student loan debt relief. Why? They believe the hypocrisy of Christian nationalism is on display as the GOP ignores the Bible in its panic over student loans. Now, dismantling this nonsense is not my point, but, clearly, the GOP is not the party of "Christian nationalism." There are some Christian nationalists in the GOP, but surely not all Republicans are Christian, let alone Christian nationalists. Then, when I looked at how they "ignore the Bible," it got really painful. "The Bible says, 'Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.' See?" Please, that just hurts to read. No one is getting their student loans forgiven for forgiving any debts. The "debts" in view in the text are not student loans, but moral obligations. "Jesus was referring to Leviticus 25." It is remarkably hypocritical to have those who patently discard the Bible attempting to lecture others who discard the Bible on what it means and what they should do. I'll take them seriously when they institute Old Testament civil laws and forgive the GOP as God forgives.

Ought Not Be Overwrought
The big story of the week -- or maybe just the loudest -- is Biden's plan to bail out $300 billion of student loans. A lot of Republicans aren't happy. Even some Democrats aren't happy. It wasn't democratic. It wasn't accomplished with the legislature. A single authority figure is taking $300 billion from taxpayers on his own word to pay off student loans. People want to know. "Why did I bother paying off mine when I could have gotten it free?" How is this not buying votes from a younger generation? Why do so many borrow so much for so little return? Why isn't AOC wearing a "Tax the Poor" dress in support? One meme I saw said, "My mortgage identifies as a student loan." Why not? Why isn't Pelosi leading the charge for Biden to forgive bar tabs? Why is this not an attack on democracy? Honestly, while I'm not happy about this new step, $300 billion is a drop in the bucket compared to the trillions the government is stealing from taxpayers. And the American public has ceased to recognize who is paying for all this (Hint: It's us.) and don't care much that it will increase your cost of living ... more ... so I don't see any point of getting myself overwrought on this.

Not Only From The Left
As if to illustrate my point, the publication has a story about a "far-right Christian group" warning that Christianity is a "serious threat" when practiced "as described in the Bible and modeled by the religion's namesake." That is Christians who follow Christ and the Bible are dangerous. Which is why it's important to note that not all the "far right" or even so-called "Christian" groups are Christians ... at all. And hatred for Christ's followers doesn't only come from the Left.

Not to Bee
I'm sorry, but the Bee actually got a bit ridiculous this week. Lots and lots of satire about student debt relief. Some was funny, but I just don't feel like laughing about it. Maybe Jesus did feed the 5,000 with Olive Garden's Never-Ending Breadsticks, but I didn't much care. Maybe the Pentagon really did mandate the Monkeypox vaccine only to the Navy, but I wasn't particularly amused. I expect it is undoubtedly true that none of those worried about overpopulation have volunteered to die first, but I can't seem to get exercised over it. Let's just let it go this week, okay?


  1. "Not Only From The Left" I read the linked article and I still don't understand. She's saying that Christ taught gay affirming messages? She's condemning Christians for being gay affirming? She's advertising a gay affirming book? So many contradictions that I couldn't even follow the article.

  2. I agree. Tough article. At one point it said there was only one employee, but at another it was an advertisement for a book written ... by another employee. I'm not sure who was confused; the organization or the journalist. I know I was.

  3. Ridiculing the Ridiculous

    "Poor Mr. Lupner," she once said. "He was born without a spine." That is the name of the Argos company president, isn't it?

    The Problem of "Mass"

    And that's why you don't use Full Metal Jacket cartridges!


    What an abject horror this judge is!


    Infanticide is all the rage these days.

    Please ... Just Don't

    It's bad enough when leftist/progressive "Christians" pervert Scripture...worse, actually...but to hear those with no true regard for it pretend they can use it to support their nonsense is a special annoyance. There's no Biblical support for making others pay off a loan, and less to suggest one can do that and posture as having helped everyone when they did nothing in reality.

    Ought Not Be Overwrought

    Trillions were spent because not enough citizens were overwrought about the millions, which became billions. ALWAYS be hacked, because they do that which justifies it. "Overwrought"? Not nearly enough.

    Not Only From The Left

    Yeah. Very confusing article. But it is true that there are those who are presumptuous in referring to themselves as "Christians" who proudly Support, Celebrate, Defend and Enable the LGBT agenda. If this person is angry about this, then this person is absolutely right. No Christian should be affirming immoral behaviors.

    Not to Bee

    I'm not getting what you're attempting to convey here. But the "Olive Garden's Never-Ending Breadsticks" bit just about had me spitting my Vino all over my computer. In addition, I had just subscribed to The Bee right before visiting here.

  4. I may have not properly conveyed what I meant over "overwrought." It's hard for me to get too worked up over $300 billion after they've already blown through $2 trillion. A drop in the bucket.

    The Bee piece, as always, was satirical.

  5. Well, of course the Bee piece was. I just wasn't sure you were. ;D

    As to the 300 billion, I'm more and more worked up about every red cent they spend foolishly, which just adds to the trillions already spent.

  6. Here's my thinking. If my wife was to go out and spend $2,000 on stuff we don't need and can't afford and I never complained, then spends another $300 on more of the same, which would upset me more? (And I thank God my wife isn't one of those kinds of wives.)

  7. Isn't this notion that we should use scripture to justify the student loan debacle, as example of christian nationalism on the left? Or couldn't it be seen that way?

  8. The Left's Christian nationalism. Nice.

  9. Stan,

    Isn't there a point vis-a-vis spending where you just kind of give up? There's literally no way that the US could ever pay the entirety of it, and I suspect that we really don't even know what an accurate amount is. I'm tempted to take the attitude of "My citizenship is ultimately in The Kingdom of God" and it's unlikely that I'll be around when things collapse, so what do I care". I know I shouldn't, but it's occasionally tempting.

  10. Ah...but to not complain is not the same as being good with it. And that additional amount now raises the total, which in my case, frustrates me even more. Even on that which is not frivolous, or in the case of government, outside it's Constitutional obligations, waste and foolishness also brings about frustration. Stewardship seems greatly ignored or misunderstood.


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