Saturday, August 20, 2022

News Weakly - 8/20/22

Saving the World One Poor Person at a Time
In order to stop the decline in the price of gas, the BLM is pausing oil and gas leasing on 2.2 million acres of public land because environmental groups say they've failed to consider "climate impacts." The Sierra Club and the like hope to save the planet, but they plan to do it at your expense. Massachusetts is on board as well. They just passed a "major climage and clean-energy bill" that will block access to the cheapest ways to cook and heat homes or buy the most economical transportation. You economically challenged people, suck it up. This will save the world even if it destroys yours.

Questionable Motives
Salman Rushdie, the one who wrote Satanic Verses which earned him a fatwa, a Muslim death sentence, was stabbed at a lecture in Chautauqua, New York, by Hadi Matar, a 24-year-old Muslim from New Jersey. The authorities don't know his motive ... because they can't say the obvious. Don't want to be Islamophobic, you know. If it's not a white guy killing a person of color, they just can't be sure. Iran, on the other hand, has no problem laying blame. They celebrated the attack and made it clear it was Rushdie's fault.

Fight for your Rights
Six fraternities at USC have cut ties with USC. Why? Because the university is trying to curb their right ... to party. The school is trying to "prevent sexual assault and drug abuse" and, as everyone knows, fraternities are all about sexual assault and drug abuse, and you've got to fight for your right to party.

Leave That To The Experts
We decry it when the Left ignores their own "sins" and rants about the right. Now we have folks on the right ramping up threats against the FBI for serving a search warrant on former president Trump. This is more than embarrassing. It's wrong. Calls for civil war and armed rebellion? It's crazy. When the non-existent "insurrection" took place that fateful January 6th, it was deemed a "threat to democracy." Nonsense. But the current atmosphere of the extreme "Trump Love" types (that is, some of those who love Trump to the radical extreme) is indeed dangerous to democracy and is actually a call for insurrection. It has to stop. That kind of double standard ("It's wrong for you to to break the law with your so-called 'search warrant', but we're justified in breaking the law in our outrage") should be the sole domain of the Left who seems to have mastered it. Leave that to the experts.

Let's Play "Racial Discrimination"
They couldn't pull off reparations for black people, so the Minneapolis school district figured out how to make teachers pay for "the effects of past discrimination." In a blast of "fairness" where the primary mode of determining who to lay off will be "white or not," they will lay off white teachers first and give preferential hiring treatment to people of color. Because choosing who to hire and fire on the basis of race is a prime example of racism, and now we will get to see it as policy.

Spending to Cut Costs?
Well, he signed it, didn't he? That oxymoronic "Inflation Reduction Act." You know, where they spend 3/4 of a trillion dollars to ... reduce inflation. Oh, don't worry. They're just going to tax the rich -- a 15% minimum corporate tax rate. Mind you, it is you who will pay for that. More inflation. Another $370 billion for climate change, because climate change is clearly driving up inflation right now. A few will likely benefit from limits on Medicare drug prices. Of course, that group makes up the smallest portion (17%) of the population, but, hey, who's counting? Anything Big Government can do to dip into your wallet and call it "Inflation Reduction" has to be good, right? They will expect thank-you notes from all of you. (Did you know that this "climate change fighting bill" gives a boost to oil and gas companies?)

Just ... Stop
Similar to a story last week, a school identified as "Christian" in Florida is asking students guilty of sexual immorality to leave the school. They have a list of sexual sins that "are sinful in the sight of God" (complete with Bible references), but, oddly enough, they aren't sasying that students who murder, steal, dishonor parents, or fail to love God with their whole heart need to leave, too. Strange standards, only made worse by the name -- "Grace Christian School." False advertising -- twice -- if you ask me.

Helpful insights from the Bee
Some helpful tidbits from the Babylon Bee this week. Merrick Garland explained why the raid on Melania's closet was justified as he appeared wearing a stunning evening gown and matching sun hat. From Massachusetts, Boston Children's Hospital made history by throwing a child who claimed to be a bird off the roof as "species-affirming care." And why not? One piece offers 10 things you can do with $150K instead of paying a college to brainwash your kid. Something to think about. One savvy Trump voter is waiting to see if he gets raided by the FBI or gunned down by the IRS while the word is out that Liz Cheney won't return for season 2 of the wildly popular January 6 Hearings. We'll see.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. Saving the World One Poor Person at a Time

    At some point it would be nice if the "climate change" champions could provide the scientific evidence that we're actually in danger and need to spend needed tax dollars to fight it. I'm thinking Don Quixote, except his delusion results in protecting windmills.

    Of course, those "champions" of the planet don't send mean tweets, so...

    Questionable Motives

    Fortunately, the punk's motives are crystal clear to everyone.

    Fight for your Rights

    For Pete's sake!! What are they supposed to do?? Study???

    Leave That To The Experts

    It always pains me when center-right people act like lefties. I totally abhor any attempts to attack or assault law enforcement, even the FBI, who has demonstrated incredibly partisan behavior in the application of the law. But I would caution anyone who thinks there's a true "ramping up" if it's the feds who are saying it. They've been found guilty of setting up many center-right people, most specifically those who work with or support Trump. How much are the oppressed expected to take without some return fire? But I insist all should resist violent behavior and rebuke those who engage in it. That's what we have leftists for.

    Let's Play "Racial Discrimination"

    This is an absolutely heinous example of racism...a total perversion of even the perverse Affirmative Action policies.

    Spending to Cut Costs?

    The title is a "time-tested" chapter in the Dem playbook. It's not new. It's not surprising this line-up of Dem buffoons would engage in it. (But Orange Man Bad and that's all that matters)

    Just ... Stop

    Are they really not saying those other things, or are they simply focusing on that which is regarded as perfectly fine and, at worst, morally benign in today's culture? I haven't searched out their full list of expectations for students, but have you ascertained those sins are not listed? Do you expect that a kid convicted of crimes or other sins would not be suspended or expelled if unrepentant? I'm perfectly fine with what they did about this category of sin and I hope the other Christian school to where one of the students is reported to have transferred and been "accepted" teaches the truth about the sinfulness of LGBT behaviors, and would also cast out an unrepentant sinner as Scripture teaches.

    Such schools are not lacking in grace by casting out those who refuse to repent of their sinfulness. Indeed, they are totally Christian for doing so. I didn't read your particular article, but saw it reported elsewhere. I saw no mention of other sins which would result in expulsion. Why would we expect to, given the topic is LGBT behavior specifically? It's like the typical response when proponents are losing the arguments...that one is cherry picking and ignoring all others sins. Just...stop.

  2. On the last, the school is targeting specific sins -- LGBT, transgender, bestiality -- and specifically ignoring others. We know this because if they were consistent and removed anyone who was caught practicing sin, they'd have no school. They aren't aiming at sin; they're aiming at these particular ones. And I don't classify "Get out if you sin" as either grace or Christian.

  3. I would suggest that just as I'm accused of cherry-picking and ignoring all others sins in conversations about LGBT issues, here I'd insist the reason they felt the need to address LGBT issues is because, unlike most other sins, the LGBT community doesn't regard their behaviors as sinful, but how God made them, so it's OK. With the issue of "transgenderism" so much more in the news these days, it was probably a good idea...and I agree it is.

    The pastor did respond to criticism and did mention fornication. I would again assert they would probably not let an active thief attend there, either. I believe the issue is always a matter of whether or not a homosexual struggles with the desire or willingly indulges it. I would ask the dude what he would do if a kid came to him in confidence seeking help with the urges he knows is sinful. Would he kick out such a kid, especially if the kid insists there's no shenanigans being perpetrated? I would hope so, but that question never comes up in these kinds of stories. All we get is homosexuals whining about being oppressed and pastors not saying enough about their positions.

  4. The Bible has lots of sins listed. We understand them all to be sins, yet we're more "accepting" of some than others. Those evil LGBT types who justify their sin and call it good need to be addressed, but those of us who refuse to honor our parents are probably justified in refusing to honor our parents. Those sinful and maybe even crazy transgender types need to be reined in immediately, but as long as our greed doesn't cause too many ripples, we're okay with it. If they're going to kick out every sinner, they're going to be without a school. If they're going to pick and choose which sinners to evict, on what basis do they do it? Allow the "acceptable" sins to stay and just kick out the ones that offend the most? Is that what Jesus did when He preached to sinners? It seems completely arbitrary and inconsistent and, I'm sure you've noticed, I despise double standards, even if they're my own. I want to root them out where I see them in me and it is only considerate of me to point out the same in others.

  5. "If they're going to pick and choose which sinners to evict, on what basis do they do it?"

    I pretty much addressed that in my comments. The LGBT people not only regard their sin as not sin at all, but flaunt it in their open expression of it in their day-to-day. In addition, they seek to persuade all others, including God, their sin is not sin at all and thus unacceptable for any to criticize it in any way. Now imagine such people one method or another...promoting their sin in every area of your life. You'd be dealing with an unrepentant sinner, a true reprobate, of whom Scripture insists we must cast out. The reasons are clear, in that their presence unmolested can negatively influence others. This is an especially serious consequence among the young.

    Now consider other common sins and one is unlikely to find perpetrators promoting any of them in this way. Even other sexual sins not among the "slippery slope" examples of which Rick Santorum and others have longed warned, but those like adultery and fornication, are rarely promoted among congregants as moral or morally benign. No churches reach out to such people in the same way too many do to "welcome and affirm" them.

    What's more, some sins...such as greed...aren't seen as being a problem by those who manifest them. That is, one can indeed be greedy, but isn't truly cognizant of the fact. The pastor can even speak of greed, using a particularly greedy person as an example without mentioning the greedy person's name or giving the greedy person away in any way, and the greedy person would sit there and agree with everything the pastor's saying without actually seeing himself in the message. The sin isn't as overt as any typical LGBT person's sin. There are no activists promoting greed, no psychological "professionals" insisting the orientation of greed should not be stigmatized.

    Thus, to deny the LGBT kid a place among them is justified/practical in ways denying other sinners isn't. I simply don't believe, without hearing the pastor/principle saying it out loud, the LGBT sin is worse than other sins with regard to tolerating any of them.

  6. Your example of greed is my particular concern. A greedy Christian can be greedy without remorse or concern. I disagree that the world is not promoting greed; it does it full time. And if we are greedy, who cares, right? Except that God says it is idolatry. You suggest people don't promote sexual sin in the church. I just saw a Facebook page of a young man who "wants to be an example of godliness in my world" and posted a nice little meme about how a true believer abiding in Christ is at war with his sin, but a false Christian not abiding in Christ is at peace with his sin. His next post included the sonogram of his upcoming child that he has sired with his fiance and "couldn't be more excited." He is indeed promoting sexual sin alongside Christianity and it is indeed becoming more prevalent in churches, as evidenced by the numbers of Christians that cheered this young man on for impregnating his fiance. We've lost sight of sin in the church and relegated it to "those people" while it knocks on our door and resides in our own pockets.


We're always happy to have a friendly discussion with you readers. "Friendly" is the key word here. If it gets too heated or abusive, I'll have to block the comment. Let's keep it friendly, okay?