Saturday, August 13, 2022

News Weakly - 8/13/22

It's Things Like That ...
I'm at a loss to understand this. Bible Baptist Academy in Louisiana has kicked out 5-year-old Zoey who lost her father in a 2020 industrial accident because her aunt and her aunt's same-sex partner adopted her. The school claimed they were "committed to instructing and living in accordance with the teachings of Scripture," but I'm not sure how being related to someone who is not "in accordance with the teachings of Scripture" makes the girl not right either.

That's Entertainment ... Not
Lady Gaga opted to exceed her singing duties to call for the right to kill babies and violate the sanctity of marriage in her Chromatica Ball concert stop in Washington, D.C. She was "using her voice for the greater good" because what could be greater than terminating lives and redefining marriage? "I pray that this country will speak up and we will not stop until it's right!" she said, but I'm pretty sure God isn't listening (John 9:31).

Fighting Climate Change
Out of an abundance of deep and abiding concern for the welfare of workers, New York City has come up with a congestion plan. Let's just charge people so much that they can't afford to drive there. That ought to do it. Thank you, big government. "If we can just prevent people from driving anywhere, we can stop congestion and save the planet." Nice.

Looking Out For Your Money
The "Inflation Reduction Act" has passed the Senate (thanks to Kamala Harris's tie-breaking vote) and now the government plans to take more of your money and spend more on climate change to ... reduce inflation? "It is what we say it is and you can't say anything about it." One thing they'll be spending on is more IRS agents "willing to use deadly force." Sounds like a plan ... nay, a necessity.

Changing Strategy
They keep telling us that this COVID crisis isn't over. Just last month my county was in a "high transmission" status. So, to further combat this ongoing problem, the CDC has changed strategies. Masks and distancing are no longer mandated for schools or other institutions. Schools no longer have to screen the healthy. The focus is only on the highly vulnerable. You know, like what would have seemed to make sense from the beginning.

It Is To Laugh
John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods, is worried that "socialists are taking over." They're in the schools, the corporations, the military, and moving forward. Constitutional liberties, he says, are under threat. The loudest voices, of course, will encourage us to laugh at such conspiracy nonsense ... since if we don't we might see the truth.

Bee Informed
In the news were things like the "Inflation Reduction Act," IRS ramping up, and the raid on Trump's home. The Bee went with it. So Joe Biden will veto the Inflation Reduction Act after he has already claimed there was no inflation. Gamers look forward to the release of the first-person shooter game, Call of Duty: IRS Auditor, while the Bee speculates that by 2026 the unemployment rate will be 0 since we'll all be working for the IRS auditing each other. And, in an exposé, the story is out about how Trump saved his cache of classified documents from the FBI by labeling them "Epstein's Client List." They never even looked there.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. The story about the Baptist school kicking that girl out is absolutely horrible. I'd guess that she has friends at that school and it seems especially cruel to compound that loss of her dad with removing her from her friends as well.

    The fact that no one one the left thinks it strange that the IRS needs armed agents and is stockpiling ammunition tells me that the left is all about preparing to use force to impose it's will.

  2. The IRS later pulled the ad, so at least they thought it was strange.

  3. It's Things Like That ...

    While Zoey is unable to vote, due to the tragedy of her father's death...and being only's hard to hold it against her how her lesbo aunt and her fake wife live. Zoey is not living that way. Worse, it's doubtful that Zoey will ever get the Scriptural instruction she needs to know her aunt's lifestyle is the abomination it clearly is now that she's unable to attend. I wonder how that would've worked out at home. Oh well...I doubt Zoey would have been told not to tell her "folks" what she's learning in school.

    That's Entertainment ... Not

    Yeah, get things right. Murder your children and indulge in blatant sexual immorality.

    Fighting Climate Change

    They can't fool me! Eric Adams just hopes it'll be too expensive for Greg Abbott to send another busload.

    Looking Out For Your Money

    But we don't have to see so many nasty tweets, so...

    Changing Strategy

    This suggests they knew the right thing all along, but were too into control. Now they act like they had an epiphany.

    It Is To Laugh

    But we don't have to see so many nasty tweets, so...

    Bee Informed

    The headlines and story synopsis are funny enough I don't need to subscribe.

  4. Did they just pull the ad, or are did they actively deny that they have positions for armed IRS agents?

  5. Oh, they pulled it. They understood that wouldn't work. And, in fact, the IRS has had armed agents for a long, long time. They just didn't publicize it.

  6. Interesting. I'm a little confused as to why the IRS needs armed agents. It seems like there are plenty of federal LE who could step in if needed.

  7. They have a Criminal Investigation Division that might need to carry weapons as in any criminal investigation unit.


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