Monday, July 18, 2022

The Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ

Paul's second letter to the church at Thessalonica contains one of those quintessential texts on end times. The second chapter begins with, "Now concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ ..." (2 Thess 2:1) It contains all that "man of lawlessness" stuff. In that section, Paul writes,
The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. (2 Thess 2:9-10)
Take a look at a couple of features here. First, this "lawless one" is clearly attributed to "the activity of Satan. Of course, we know that the end times are ordained by God, so clearly this is God allowing Satan to produce "power and false signs and wonders" for the purpose of "wicked deception for those who are perishing." Choosing not to save some is absolutely God's prerogative (Rom 9:15, 18), so it shouldn't be a problem that God would allow Satan some work to complete the end of those who wish to perish. Ask Job.

The next thing we note is why God allows Satan to do this -- why these people are perishing. It is not because they didn't know the truth. It is not because they didn't believe the truth. It is "because they refused to love the truth." Now that's interesting. Romans 1 tells us that God's wrath is revealed against those who suppress the truth (Rom 1:18) because "God has shown it to them" (Rom 1:19). They are "without excuse" (Rom 1:20). No, access to the truth is not lacking. Believing the truth is not impossible. Their problem is neither. Their problem is they refuse to love the truth. Now that's a condemnation.

Paul goes on to write,
Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thess 2:11-12)
So Satan is working deception for those who refuse to love the truth and God confirms it ("a strong delusion") much like He did with Pharaoh. Remember, Pharaoh repeatedly hardened his heart after each plague until, eventually, God hardened his heart. "Oh," God says in essence, "you want to harden your heart against Me despite all the evidence I give? Fine. Let's take that to its logical conclusion. Let's just say 'you win'." In order to show His power, God raised up Pharaoh (Rom 9:17) and God hardened his heart. That's God's prerogative. It's a simple procedure. God doesn't actually have to act. God simply has to remove His protection. Like in Romans 1 where He "gave them up" to impurity (Rom 1:24) and dishnorable passions (Rom 1:26) and, ultimately, a debased mind (Rom 1:28). It's not so much of an action on His part as it is a withdrawal. In this "strong delusion" then He simply says, "You don't love the truth? Fine. Go ahead and believe what is false. Go ahead and condemn yourselves." Note the last factor. They "had pleasure in unrighteousness." They didn't merely endure it or indulge it. They liked it. They pleasured themselves with it. Their condemnation is earned.

Some people have difficulty with "God sends them a strong delusion." I see clearly that the "strong delusion" is Satan's activity that God simply allows it to make His wrath and power known (Rom 9:22) because people simply hate the truth and love unrighteousness. That's not unfair in my view. God lets them have their way and gives them their just condemnation for it. What's most interesting to me, however, is this. This seems to describe our world more and more. That is, our world is, on an increasing basis, demonstrating a hatred for truth and a love of pleasure in unrighteousness. How else do we make sense of people who identify themselves based on who they want to have sex with? How else do we explain a nation of people that affirm that "man" and "woman" are "social constructs" and you are what you feel like you are? How else do we understand the radical redefinition of "marriage"? How else do we make any sense of "all white people are racist and no one else is"? How else does "We are inclusive and we exclude you" make any sense? How else is "I'm a follower of the Word of God (John 1:1) and I don't much care or believe in the Word of God" reasonable? Jesus prayed, "Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth" (John 17:17). Some Christians argue, "Well, no, not so much." That only makes sense in a world of people who refuse to love the truth. So, my ultimate question. How close do you think this brings us to these last days -- the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ?

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