Saturday, July 09, 2022

News Weakly - 7/9/22

Move On has hosted a petition to impeach Justice Clarence Thomas. His crime? He voted against abortion. "If that's not enough," the petition says (as if "voting the way we didn't want him to" is enough to impeach someone), he also voted "wrong" in other travesties, like the insurrection hoax. Oh, and he has a conservative (read "bad") wife. I mean, what else do we need? Well, all we need to do is get really angry and make sure a lot of people agree and justice will demand that he is gone. Well, I say, good luck with that. Please ... move on.

Just Wondering
Just thinking out loud here. If "Pride goes before destruction" (Prov 16:18) and Pride Month just ended, what should we expect in July? And, consider. Pride month ... we got that. I'm sure we can work in lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, envy, and wrath months, too. Should be no problem, right? Just thinking.

The "D" Stands for "Double Standard"
In Minnesota, the DFL legalized THC-infused edibles. It caught Republican Sen. Jim Abeler by surprise because he didn't read the legislation he voted for. And now, of course, the senator is up for ridicule ... unlike Congress that never read, say, the Obamacare bill. But "they're on our side." It's only "the other guys" that deserve such ridicule.

Department of Jokers?
The DOJ is suing Arizona because they require people to be legally qualified to vote and the DOJ thinks that's unfair. Now, if the law says that you have to be a citizen to vote and the DOJ sues people for enforcing that, in what sense are they the department of justice?

Not Misinformation
Bette Midler and Macy Gray are in trouble. Both made "transphobic" statements that were ... you know ... undeniably true. Midler complained that they were taking away "women" and making them "birthing people" and that was just mean of her. Gray said that just because you change body parts, it doesn't make you a woman. Really mean. Both are true. The science is undeniable. Neither suggested that trans people were bad people. Both simply wanted to point out that "woman" has a meaning and "because I feel like it" is not part of that. Haters. Of course, it will make it difficult to support equal rights for women when "women" becomes this vague, undefined, "because I feel like it" term.

No Surprise, But ...
It's not like this wasn't a likely possibility, but President Biden is issuing an executive order to protect the continued murder of babies. Executive orders have limits and it appears that they can be used for good or ill, and, clearly, Democrats in general and this president in particular, over against the majority of nations (who, if they allow abortion, limit it) and over against his stated religion (Catholic) and over against laws of various states which is, therefore, over against the 10th Amendment, are all proving that protecting the Constitution and the people for which it stands is all nonsense as long as they can kill who they want in order ... to have unprotected sex when they want. No surprise, but sad and even alarming just the same.

Tower of Babble
You may have heard that Justice Kavanaugh was harrassed while having dinner in a restaurant. You know, like "mostly peaceful" folk do with people they don't like. Because the restaurant told the truth about the unruly protesters, thousands of false reservations were made at restaurant. And AOC thought it was funny that Justice Kavanaugh couldn't eat dinner in peace because "he decided half the country should risk death if they have an ectopic pregnancy within the wrong state lines." Of course, it's a lie. All the states that have currently banned or limited abortion include the exception of the risk of a mother's life. But, of course, truth is not an issue for her type. It should be to all of you.

The A, Bee, C's
On the tails of our Independence Day celebration, the British parliament has convened a special July 4 commission to investigate colonial insurrection. (For the record, folks, that is what an insurrection looks like, not that ridiculous Jan 6 thing.) In Texas, the story is out that Elon Musk, father of 9, is planning to go to Mars ... to get some peace and quiet. And after the president gave his passionate speech demanding that gas stations lower their prices, he is now asking pollsters to raise his approval rating. We'll see how that goes.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

Postscript: Please note that there is nothing in the news about the Department of Justice or the Attorney General or any national law enforcement agencies taking any action on the criminals that illegal attempted to coerce Supreme Court Justices to vote the way they wanted them to or to investigate and bring to justice any of the domestic terrorists responsible for ongoing attacks on churches and pregnancy centers. I wonder why that is. Note: It's not a conspiracy theory when the conspirators openly document it.


  1. Move On

    Unfortunately, the won't Move On. The prefer being an annoyance.

    Just Wondering

    Hmmm. Gluttony Month. I intend to hold my own after my daughter's wedding in September. I'm dieting now (down about 19lbs) and gluttony sound really appealing right now.

    Hmmm. Sloth Month. I like to nap. Especially since I'm so weak from dieting.

    The "D" Stands for "Double Standard"

    I would hope reps aren't voting without reading so they don't have too many "presents" on their record. But I'd prefer that to signing on to bad legislation. In the meantime, I also think some are signing on to the main policy the bill supports and don't think they have to read the whole thing to uncover the nonsense also packed into the bill. Either is bad and not what I demand of my reps.

    Department of Jokers?

    The DOJ has been an arm of the Dem Party for probably the last two presidencies, and now the current one.

  2. It's pretty funny that the DFL managed to "slip" the THC bill by the GOP up here. I guess it goes to show that the DFL will do all sorts of unethical things to get their way, and that most reps are too lazy to read what they vote on.

  3. Does that mean that July is "Fall Month"?

  4. Well, seriously, Craig, I was thinking, "Wait, if Pride goes before a Fall, shouldn't August be Pride month?"

  5. Poor Dan. He could never be a map maker in Arizona. He has no sense of Yuma.


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