Thursday, July 07, 2022

From the Perspective of Normal

I read an interesting piece on Canada's social, political, and moral climate. Interesting. From 1963 on Canada has been shifting to perhaps "the world's most liberal society." They accomplished it by establishing "vast liberal-leaning media, juridical, academic, educational, bureaucratic, and corporate structures." Today, then, there is no "far right" in Canada not because it's banned, but because they've become so used to "liberal" as the norm that they wouldn't consider it. I would say, "There, but for the grace of God, goes America."

I'm not looking here to evaluate Canada or even liberalism. I'm looking at "normal." In China, for instance, the populace has been so isolated and so controlled for so long that they generally consider it "normal." The majority takes no offense at governmental overreach. Large segments are not up in arms over loss of rights or liberties. They never had them. Much like the Middle Ages when people lived from birth to grave as serfs and peasants, people seem to see "normal" as acceptable and right without further evaluation. It's only from outside "normal" that anyone will further examine such things.

This is the approach of the LGBTQ types of the day. Make it "normal" and no one will notice. It cannot be normal (statistically) because it constitutes less than 5% of the population, but if you make it appear normal enough, people won't notice. It is the approach of the Left, where "inclusivity by exclusivity" is regarded as right and good and no one notices because it's "normal" or "reproductive rights" over "human rights" is right and good because it's "normal." Control the media, academia, education of children, etc., and you can make your side out to be "normal" and, therefore, good and soon enough no one will know any different and anyone who disagrees, regardless of why they disagree, will have their claims evaluated; they will be rejected simply as "abnormal."

The article says that "Canada lacks many aspects of America that may temper the aforementioned trends." Things like a strong military, organized and especially conservative religion, homeschooling, traditional-leaning private schools, and various independent publications. These tend to balance out the controls of the Left in those areas and our "normal" includes them. You can sense, however, that our society is moving away from them, and a new "normal" is right around the corner for us, as well. For instance, in 2000 Californians voted in Prop 22 that defined marriage as the union of one man and one woman. In 2004, Then San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom (yes, that Gavin Newsom) illegally allowed some 4,000 marriage licenses to be issued in San Francisco. In May of 2008 the California Supreme Court declared Prop 22 unconstitutional and threw it out, ordering the immediate redefinition of marriage to change from the "longstanding, traditional definition" to include "same-sex." In response, Californians voted again to make "one man and one woman" the definition, this time as part of the state constitution. In 2013 the U.S. Supreme Court nullified the will of the people and, in 2015, made the new definition federal law. Wrong or right is not my point. The radical and sudden shift from a normal "No, that's not marriage" to "How could you think it's not?" took seven years in this country. What's next? Will we continue to allow "normal" to define right and wrong, good and bad, or will we have some standard we can look to that is universal, objective, and true? I think we all know the answer to that. So the real question is what will YOU do? Accept "normal" as good or believe God?

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