Friday, June 24, 2022

Raise Your Standard

In 2011, "thousands of protesters rushed to the … Capitol Wednesday night, forcing their way through doors, crawling through windows and jamming corridors." Oh, the horrors! Another insurrection!! Republican lawmakers barely escaped the mob. Despite the obvious similarities to our more recent "insurrection" (that was not), this one was brought about by Democrats and the Left. They bused protesters in from out of state. The Democrats embraced the left-wing mob. Pelosi called it an "impressive show of democracy in action."

Proverbs says, "Unequal weights and unequal measures are both alike an abomination to the LORD" (Prov 20:10). Primarily, I suppose, this is a warning to butchers and others that deal in weights and measures, right? Of course not. The concept is not "weights and measures," but double standards. "For one side we give you this determination of good or bad and for the other side you get a different standard. Thus, we are perfectly justified in being hateful, intolerant, judgmental, and even violent toward those who disagree with us; it's only those who disagree with us who are evil for doing the same toward us." This "unequal measures" gives you, "We are inclusive, so we will exclude you." It gives us, "It was brave and right to protest the outcome of the 2016 election but treasonous to do the same in 2020." It gives us, "Church gatherings are a hotbed of COVID, so we ban them, but BLM gatherings are not, so we protect and attend them." It gives us, "We who have long been regarded as immoral demand to be regarded as morally right, so you must not only change your moral position; you must jettison the religious basis for it." Most recently it gives us a radical terrorist group that threatens and burns pro-life crisis pregnancy centers accusing them of being violent and "harming the vulnerable." Meanwhile, the government continues a farcical "investigation" into an insurrection the FBI says did not take place while ignoring completely more than 50 attacks on houses of worship and pro-life crisis pregnancy centers.

Double standards. They are part of what we call "hypocrisy." "It's right for me but wrong for you." "I'm not wrong when I do it, but you are." Jane's Revenge is a pro-abortion domestic terrorist group calling for open warfare on pro-life people and organizations and that terrorism is good, but a Christian school teaching a Christian worldview to students who signed up for it needs to be changed. Double standards. Regardless of what we as individuals think of such things, God gives His own opinion. He calls it "an abomination." We don't want to be guilty of double standards ourselves. But if we are followers of Christ and He is our standard, we should be set. How about you? Your own standards, likely to be "double," or His?

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