Saturday, June 04, 2022

News Weakly - 6/4/22

Clearly a Lie
Everyone knows that the Democratic Party is the party that supports black people, so this story can't be true. They say the White House is experiencing a "blaxit" (their term) where black White House staff are leaving in droves (or cars or whatever other transportation they can find). Complaining about "little support," 21+ have left or are leaving. It looks like the inverse of diversification. (I loved the line, "around 14% of current White House staffers identify as Black" like that's possible?)

More Mass Shootings
It feels, from the news cycle, that we're experiencing a "mass shooting" pandemic. They're everywhere. In South Carolina 10 people were "wounded in a mass shooting," one of 14 over the three day weekend. Oh, wait. Let's see. "Mass shooting." The definition varies, but it is typically "three or four deaths minimum." The federal government says at least four deaths. By that definition, there were no mass shootings over the holiday weekend. But, hey, there's no agenda here, right? No one is leading you on, right? You're certainly not gullible enough to buy all this "so many mass shootings!!!" nonsense ... right? Or, maybe they identify as mass shootings, so ...

What Could Go Wrong?
Canada, like so many other countries today, has a drug problem -- meth, opioids, cocaine, that sort of thing. So they're going to try a new tactic. They're going to temporarily decriminalize the possession of these drugs to destigmatize and allow them to approach law enforcement for help. Just for 3 years. Since people are basically good and don't want to be addicted to drugs, this should fix the problem ... right? I mean, what could go wrong?

And Why Not?
A California state court judge has ruled that bees can be legally classified as fish. The reasoning is that they want to classify some bees as endangered and there was no place for "bees" in the state Endangered Species Act. If a man can identify as a woman and White House staffers can "identify as Black," why not identify bees as fish? Makes perfect sense ... in a totally nonsensical way ... which hasn't bothered California for a long time, it seems.

CISA is the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency. They've determined that electronic voting machines in at least 16 states have software vulnerabilities. Which is NOT to say that any voting was tampered with ... or that the stolen election in 2020 was possibly stolen ... or any other obvious misinformation. Okay, look, let's just call this finding "misinformation" to start with just so we won't find ourselves, once again, discovering that what was declared misinformation previously turned out to be truth. "Oh, no; not again."

Didn't Get the Memo
Research published in Psychological Science says that androgens -- sex hormones such as testosterone -- play a role in the development of male-typical gender role behaviors. Now, we know that can't be true because gender is a social construct and this study suggests that it's a function of biology. Stupid science.

This Week's Bee
In the wake of Memorial Day, Democrats are proposing we replace Memorial Day with a day honoring all those who have been misgendered. That could be problematic, I suppose, because, despite attempts to add more genders, there still only appear to be 2 ... plus, maybe, 767 mental disorders. And in California news. Governor Newsom tested positive for COVID (no joke). He can't figure out how. He has been vaccinated and double-boosted, and all his servants wear masks. (Was that Newsom at the feed store buying Ivermectin?) We hope California enjoys the momentary peace as Newsom goes into isolation.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

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