Saturday, June 18, 2022

News Weakly - 6/18/22

Fair and Balanced
A pregnancy center in Buffalo was firebombed last week by a pro-abortion terrorist group called "Jane's Revenge." It wasn't the first. The Left has said ... nothing. The national media keeps us informed moment by moment of any gun violence or "anti-abortion" sentiments, but this happened last week and it was almost unremarked entirely. Clearly our national media (and our nation) cannot be termed "fair and balanced" or "without extreme prejudice."

That's Curious
This isn't particularly remarkable. A government panel has renamed Mount Doane in Yellowstone National Park to "First Peoples Mountain" because Doan was an army officer that led a Native American massacre. The kind of thing we've come to expect these days. Fine. In other news, they've decided to remove the Crazy Horse Memorial because Crazy Horse was known for raids, murders, and Custer's "Last Stand." Oh, wait ... no, that's not right. Crazy Horse remains a hero for his killing of white people, combatant and non. Strange sense of "justice" this country has these days. Oh, yeah ... only white people can be bad. In the meantime, God expressed His opinion of the nonsense. (That last was humor.)

Just Wondering
The report is out that says that the Great White shark population off the coast of California has increased more than 5 times between 2017 and 2021. I'm just wondering. Is that because of white supremacy, male sexism, or climate change? Maybe it's COVID, Trump's fault, or the Ukraine war? I can't keep up.

Equal Protection
A private school in North Carolina had a dress code that required girls to wear skirts. A federal appeals court has ruled that unconstitutional. Violates the 14th Amendment "equal protection" clause. Now, if they had required all students to wear jeans and jockstraps, it would have been well within the 14th Amendment. Everything equal, right? I, however, would argue that requiring people to dress in accordance with their gender is equal protection. But, hey, that's just me. Gender-based dress codes are right out. I wonder how many schools are in deep, deep trouble.

Cure for Monkeypox
Those geniuses over at the WHO have figured out an clever way to solve the monkeypox epidemic (if 2200 cases worldwide can be called that). The name is "inaccurate," "discriminatory" and "stigmatising." So, change the name. I'm thinking something like "Fred." Poof! Monkeypox is gone! Now all we have to do is figure out a cure for Fred. And I know a few Freds who need a cure. Seriously, the name is "discriminatory"? For whom? Monkeys?

Pixar has given Buzz Lightyear a same-sex partner, apparently for the sake of educating our kids. (Some might say for grooming our kids, but that's so conspiratorial.) They did it to give the underrepresented LGBT folks representation. So ... if the question is representation, where is their religious character? (If proportional representation is in view, that would have to be more than one, wouldn't it?)

Biden Cares
We're looking at record prices for gasoline -- reaching prohibitive levels -- that hurt more than anyone the poorer among us. In an effort to relieve that problem, Biden is seeking to increase costs of fossil fuel operations in order to reduce methane pollution. I suspect, if he's successful, we shouldn't have to worry about prices much longer. We'll have to worry about how we'll continue to afford going to work and support our families ... in a "cleaner environment." Biden cares ... about the environment, perhaps, but not so much about the people he ostensibly serves.

A New Low
Through the 50's and 60's polls indicated that 98% of Americans believed in God. A religious if not Christian nation. Since 1967 it has dropped. It hit a low in 2014 at 86%, jumped up a bit in 2015 to 89%, and has steadily dropped until 2020 to our all-time low of 81%. Only 40% believe that "God can intervene on people's behalf." (It begs the question of what kind of "god" the other 60% believe in.) Younger people (18-29) (68%), college grads (78%), Democrats (72%), and ideological Liberals (72%) are less likely to believe in God. Republicans (92%) and married couples (88%) are much more likely. Tell me how liberalism and public education are good for us? (One of the oddest statistics was that 1% of those who don't believe in God attend religious services weekly. Why?)

Got to Beelieve
Have you heard the absolutely shocking news that science has tested positive for COVID? (Lest you've forgotten, Dr. Fauci famously declared, "I am the science.") Have you seen the latest in Supreme Court robes? Are you aware of the latest from biblical scholars who now believe that the "666" in Revelation refers to the price of gas in the end times?

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

1 comment:

  1. All the renaming/destruction of historical monuments is part of the effort to rewrite history to have a racist, white supremacist, misogynist, anti-LGBTQXYZ+, hateful nation. Get everyone to believe this and you have another step to communism.

    “Equal” protection nowadays has an upside-down definition.

    They did it to give the underrepresented LGBT folks representation
    Right. 3% of the population is perverse and the other 97% has to kow-tow to it.

    Excellent collection, Stan.


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