Saturday, May 28, 2022

News Weakly - 5/28/22

Note to my readers
Yes, the biggest news of the week was the children and teachers killed in Texas. My aim in this weekly entry is to point out the odd, the strange, the crazy news items that are, at the same time, misguided. I try to point out some inconsistencies or errors, hopefully with some humor. So, while there is no doubt that it was the critical story of the week, I don't have any satire or ridicule to throw at it. While there are lots of points to discuss -- shootings, murder, why is it okay to murder the unborn but not 3rd graders, gun control and the futility thereof, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera -- I can't and won't do it here on my News Weakly installment. Note, also, that I couldn't bring myself to put up humorous Bee stuff this week. My apologies.

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!
I really was surprised when I read that the archbishop of San Francisco banned Nancy Pelosi from receiving Communion because of her stand on abortion. I was surprised again when I saw that Catholic bishops across the country concurred. Mind you, I think it is the only consistent thing to conclude, and I will be further surprised if they actually carry through on the ban, but we'll see.

Appropriately Named
They are introducing a new Power Ranger to kids. This one is "nonbinary," using "they/them pronouns", and the character is called the Death Ranger. I wonder just how appropriate that might be, given that we are fighting about "women's rights" in a world where "women" can't really be defined anymore. I'm sure introducing confusion to kids is a great teaching tool ... if only to kill any intellectual honesty.

Double Standard
Oklahoma state representative Mickey Dollens (D) is proposing a bill that would require all young men to have vasectomies when they hit puberty. From the party that brought you, "My body, my choice."

Feeding Pharma
Pfizer says that children under 5 need to receive three COVID-19 vaccinations for it to be 80% effective. Now, of the 83 million COVID cases, less than 2 million were under the age of 5. So, statistically, they can take a shot that for the last three years has not been deemed safe enough for them -- and they must get three of them -- and be 80% safe or they can simply be 0 to 5-year-olds and be better than 98% safe. Who's benefiting here? I'd say, playing off parents' unfounded fears, it's Big Pharma, not kids.

Wait For It
Here's the story. "The Church of Scotland has voted to allow clergy to conduct same-sex marriages for the first time." Nothing new there. Churches in America and elsewhere show no concern about ejecting biblical views in favor of contemporary sexual views. The story goes on to say, "Members of the General Assembly in Edinburgh voted to change church law following years of campaigning." Ah, there it is! What changed their minds? Eminent reason? Clear Scripture? No, "campaigning," as if God's truth is a matter of "campaigning" and if you mount a good enough campaign, God has to change His mind. Even more arrogant than "the Supreme Court doesn't care about the will of the people."

Hypocrisy on Display
"The White House is considering waiving U.S. gasoline environmental rules aimed at reducing summertime smog, hoping the waiver will combat rising pump prices." The hypocrisy continues. Biden included "fix climate change at all cost" in his campaign and we're paying for it at the pump, but now he wants to increase summertime smog to ease the price hikes ... that his "eliminate fossil fuels" policies caused. (No, it's not the war in Ukraine.) They have nowhere to stand.

That Word Doesn't Mean What You Think It Means
The court has ruled. Candidates who take part in an insurrection may be barred from holding public office under the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution. Okay. Fine. Why do you ask? Madison Cawthorn lost his election. No issue. Marjorie Taylor Greene was cleared to run. No issue. There was no insurrection. No issue there. Why is this an issue? Oh, yeah, because the Democrats and the media keep using that word. That word does not mean what they think it means. The fact that it has traction simply illustrates that too many Americans have drunk the liberals' Kool-Aid.

The Next Big Thing
Big Pharma, the CDC, the government, and the media are all sounding the alarm over the new pandemic on the horizon -- monkeypox. More than 250 cases across 16 countries, a whole 9 in the U.S. Note that the "k" in "monkeypox" is silent.

Out of Touch
Nancy Pelosi claimed on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" that the president is doing a lot of good and we need to know that. "But," the host noted, "75% of the American's believe the country is headed in the wrong direction." Oh, no. The president is lowering inflation. Gas prices are up, but that's primarily because of the Russian war. His $2 trillion spending bill is "reducing the national debt." It's all Putin's fault. Just as the news breaks that the economy shrank another 1.5% in the first quarter of 2022. Too bad the Disinformation Board quit. Pelosi is full of it.

Yes, Your Majesty
Guess who makes the rules? Last week Nature magazine, a prime scientific journal, planned to require future study authors to regulate what they report based on how it might "perpetuate gender stereotypes." They, without study or evidence, assume that sex is biological and gender is "socially constructed." They pre-define "misinformation" as "what we tell you to believe about gender" and then limit misinformation ... and consider that good science. Today the LGBTQetc. rules, dictating law even as far as how science must work.


  1. To be fair to the Oklahoma rep. he sounded like he was being rhetorical. Like, if you believe this I've got beachfront property to sell you in Arizona. Unfortunately, his example was highly hypocritical and nonsensical. "Only reversible when they are emotionally and financially stable." That's a good way to end all reproduction. If you're going to go to that extreme, at least make it equal and also require all girls to get their tubes tied at puberty. Also, his premise is that abortions are only men's fault. Women apparently aren't complicent in the whole "sex" act.

  2. Doesn't virtually everything in nature confirm "gender stereotypes"? Aren't male birds colored differently from female birds in many cases? How does a publication devoted to nature miss the obvious?


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