Saturday, May 14, 2022

News Weakly - 5/14/22

Message Received
I thought it was ironic in the vice president's speech to the graduating class of Tennessee State when she rebuked her political opponents.
Here in the United States, we are once again forced to defend fundamental principles that we hoped were long settled; principles like the freedom to vote, the rights of women to make decisions about their own body, what constitutes the truth.
No, Madam Vice President, we have obviously not settled what constitutes the truth, given that you still refer to what all of science declares an "unborn child" as "the woman's own body."(Since a baby in the womb has its own body, its own organs, its own DNA, etc., and she refers to it as "the woman's own body," doesn't that make the woman the owner of that child? Don't we refer to people who own other individuals as "slave owners"?)

Anti-American Protests
Protests have been organized at the homes of Supreme Court justices. They are hoping to encourage, scare, intimidate, change the minds of the justices to satisfy their demands. Kind of like the protestors from Jan. 6. It stands in stark opposition to the American premise of the separation of powers. The Executive Branch and the Legislative Branch ought to listen to the people, but the Judicial Branch must not make their determination based on preferences, but solely on law. These protesters are opposed to saving the lives of unborn children and, apparently, to the American philosophy of government.

Keeping Promises and Bankrupting People
In 2019, running for president, Joe Biden vowed to "end fossil fuel." He started out strong, cancelling the Keystone XL pipeline his first day in office and reversing more than 100 Trump actions on the environment. Today, that translates to record high gas prices. Which, of course, does not bode well for any of us.

Of all the nerve! Apparently the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) isn't following the law. SB132 took effect last year allowing transgenders to transfer to the "suitable" prison. Of 321 requests to do so, only 46 have been granted. Attorneys, legal centers, and the ACLU are demanding that they ignore all those women who are scared to have a woman with "male body parts" in their cells. I mean, what could go wrong, right? This on the tail end of the story of the transgender inmate convicted of raping a female prisoner in Rikers last month. Nah, it can't happen.

This is what I'm talking about
We're told to "Trust the science" to the point that Science begins to sound like its own god. I'm not convinced. Like the story where they discovered 50 years later that plastics may cause cancer. Or this latest one where they say that short-term ibuprofen use could increase the possibility could increase chronic pain. I'm not looking at a conspiracy. I'm not thinking that someone hid the data. I'm thinking that "Science" didn't actually know how it all works and now, 70 years later, they're figuring out it may be harmful. "Trust the science" is problematic when science can't be trusted.

Seems Reasonable to Someone
Remember that last $1.9 trillion COVID relief package the government sent out to help us all get through COVID? I know, I know, not much help, but, hey, now the president has a bright idea. Seeing as how so many government entities are defunding the police, Biden is suggesting they use money from the relief package for public safety -- policing. Spending your tax dollars, stolen fair and square, on something not part of what it was stolen for and something that not a few governmental entities are opposed to spending it on. Makes sense. Okay, not to me, but ...

Tone Deaf
Governor Newsom: "Yes, California, we've imposed the highest tax rates in the country. Yes, we're actually losing people. But, good news! Your caring government is sitting on a record-smashing surplus of $97.5 billion, so vote for me in November!" (Aside: "They're sheeple; they'll do it.")

Gotta See it to Beelieve it
The House passed a $40 billion aid package for Ukraine. (The Senate blocked it, but the humor that follows is still humor.) Russia is looking forward to $40 billion in new equipment when the U.S. abandons Ukraine. On the other hand, starving American babies are disguising themselves as Ukrainian soldiers hoping to get some of that federal aid. It's okay. Biden has come up with a plan to ease the baby formula shortage. He's asking each illegal immagrant to please bring a can of baby formula. That ought to help. And Psaki tells parents who can't get baby formula to just feed their babies a margarita. Until the formula problem is resolved, Pete Buttigieg will need to resort to chestfeeding.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. On the protests outside the Justices' homes, it is illegal to do that, but the White House is encouraging them to continue.

  2. It is illegal. I didn't know that. Biden encouraged them to break the law ... peacefully. Nice.

  3. The left has been mostly peacefully breaking the law for quite some time now.


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