Monday, May 23, 2022

Codifying Roe

With the fear that the Supreme Court might possibly overturn Roe v Wade, the Democrats are pushing hard for the passage of the Women's Health Protection Act, which, as it turns out, is a really odd duck.

The opening "finding" begins, "Abortion services are essential to health care and access to those services is central to people’s ability to participate equally in the economic and social life of the United States." So the first concern is economic, apparently. But it gets much worse. The 10th Amendment leaves all things not covered in the original Constitution to the States, but the federal government has managed to find a loophole by placing things in the category of "interstate commerce," so a key argument to make abortion a matter of federal law is that "Abortion restrictions substantially affect interstate commerce." Thus, the federal government must intervene over the States. More disturbing is the clear intention of removing all restrictions on abortion. Under "Section 4. Permitted Services," they aim to eliminate full disclosure to women and any viability restrictions on when abortion can occur and more. Their "Limits and Requirements" are a removal of all limits or requirements. Even more disturbing is the position that argues that "Reproductive justice seeks to address restrictions on reproductive health, including abortion, that perpetuate systems of oppression, lack of bodily autonomy, white supremacy, and anti-Black racism." If you oppose abortion, you're a racist. This from a group of people who struggle to define "women" (as in "women's rights") and have to slip into "all people with the capacity for pregnancy."

There is no question. There is much more at stake here than whether or not (actual) women can terminate the lives of their babies as a birth control technique. The up-front concern is "reproductive justice," but the real thinking behind this is primarily economic and ideological as a means to castigate pro-life people, labeling them as sexist, racist, white supremacists. The Democrats would like to allow you to kill your babies after birth and to make your notion that human life is valuable a hate crime if possible. It is not compassion they're offering. It is control and hate. And they hope to make you pay for it ... financially and/or otherwise. Don't be fooled by their calls to "codify Roe." It is something else they intend to codify.
You may have noticed that I didn't put the "Abortion/Pro-life" label on this post. I didn't by choice. This isn't really about abortion. It's about control and ideology, about government overreach and plots from the Left -- from the world. Abortion just happens to be the entry point.


  1. I'm sorry, but isn't "participating equally in the economic and social life of the US" a contradiction? It's literally impossible for 300 million people to "participate equally".

    I do agree that this is intended to codify women working full time as more important than raising children. I suspect that the end goal is to have children raised by the state, not the parents. I also agree that this lays the groundwork for post birth abortion as advocated by Singer and others.

  2. Clearly the end goal is to let the state raise our children. I forget which recent state election series, but the Democrat openly said he wanted to ban parents from having any input in education.

  3. David,

    Nancy Pearcey wrote about this a while back (I can't remember which book). I think she talks about the idea of replacing the familial relationship (based in the parent child relationship) with a contractual relationship. I definitely think that we are seeing a movement toward dissolving the parent/child relationship by inserting the government as a substitute for the parents.

  4. "I'm sorry, but isn't 'participating equally in the economic and social life of the US' a contradiction?"

    Never said they were rational.


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