Saturday, April 23, 2022

News Weakly - 4/23/22

Florida opted to reject 54 mathematics textbooks from next year's school curriculum because they failed to comply with standards. One standard was that they included critical race theory. Now, I don't much care what you think of CRT, but I'm trying to figure out what CRT has to do with math and why that topic was smuggled into math books, especially for elementary school students. Please note. Educators have an obligation to provide information that is relevant and appropriate to the age group they're teaching. That is not "censorship" or "book banning." Stop saying it is. If you do, include the Left's attempts to "ban books" like To Kill a Mockingbird, Jane Eyre, and the works of Shakespeare.

Unclear on the Concept
New York City Mayor Adams is demanding that social media companies do more to remove violent rhetoric after the man arrested for the Brooklyn subway shooting was discovered to have posted a serious of racist rants online. I'm confused. Haven't we determined that only white people can be racist? Wouldn't a black mayor know that? Doesn't he know that the black man that posted the "racist videos" is black? Shouldn't we be considering those rants as "seeking justice" rather than "racist"? I just can't keep up anymore.

Christian Dysphoria
The biblical teaching on sexual orientation (heterosexual is "nature" and everything else is ... sin) and gender identity (you're born either male or female) isn't vague, unclear, or hard to find. With that in mind, it was painful to come across this. Wheaton College, a traditionally Christian college, has a "Sexual and Gender Identity Institute." What for? A current research project called the "Christian Gender Identity Project," for instance. Come on, guys. It's not that hard. You were born male? You think you're a female? Repent. It is a variety of things, but one thing it is not is "Christian." Understand, too, that this is a surface problem coming from a deeper heart problem at Wheaton. And other "Christian" colleges. "The name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you" (Rom 2:24).

Child Abuse
White House press secretary Jen Psaki broke down in tears on a podcast while discussing the "cruelty" of Florida in blocking educators from grooming kindergarten through third grade students with LGBTQ+ education. It makes her sad that parents would have rights and it makes her sad that she can't mold the most malleable minds to the current craziness.

Unclear on the Concept II
Two female New Jersey women's prison inmates became pregnant after having consensual sex with a fellow inmate ... who was "transgender" ... in a women's prison ... because New Jersey has failed to realize that women cannot impregnate women, but men can. In nature, in science, in all of history in all the world, a man that believes himself to be a woman is still physically different than a woman. New Jersey, an example of where biology and culture collide.

Whose Truth?
The story is that Barack Obama visited Stanford for a panel by the Cyber Policy Center where he blasted big tech for promulgating disinformation. Now, I'm not thinking here about Obama; I'm considering the concept. He's complaining about things that many from all sides complain about. He wants big tech to limit free speech to insure that we only get the truth, not opinion or fiction. Whose truth? We've seen too many "conspiracy theories" over the last few years dismissed as ridiculous and then proven true. Who gets to decide who gets to be heard? Who gets to decide what "fact" is? I'm dubious.

Thanks, Joe
In an effort to make housing affordable for all Americans, we've arrived at the highest mortgage rates in 12 years. Thanks, President Biden.

Unclear on the Concept III
A judge blocked Kentucky's new abortion law that would almost completely prevent the murder of all unborn babies while protesters held signs calling for them to "protect safe, legal abortion." By "safe" I assume they mean that only one sure death occurs instead of the, likely, none in the case of no abortion?

Mask mandates for public transportation were terminated by a federal judge in Florida. Conservatives are assuring liberals that we're only going to stop wearing masks for 2 weeks to slow the spread of tyranny. Airline passengers are pleased. Now they no longer have to pretend to eat for 5 straight hours. A conscientious Christian couple are waiting until marriage to remove each other's masks. And this week we remembered April 19, 1993, when a mostly peaceful siege by law enforcement resulted in the deaths of 76 residents of the Waco Branch Davidians.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

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