Wednesday, April 20, 2022

God Loves

We know that God is love (1 John 4:8). We know that God loves, not conditioning that love on the merit of the loved ones. All remarkable stuff. We get it and we embrace it. So it can be somewhat jarring to read, "God loves a cheerful giver" (2 Cor 9:7). "Hey, wait a minute. That sounds conditional. That sounds like it is predicated on what we do." Apparently God loves unconditionally, but has a special love for cheerful givers. Interesting. How do I get that?

The text makes "cheerful" clear. It is when the giving is from the heart, without reluctance, and without compulsion (2 Cor 9:7). It is also generous -- "bountifully" (2 Cor 9:6). God appears to have a special love for those of His followers who, from a full heart give gladly and without reservation to God's work.

So how is that possible? I mean, we all have to live, don't we? How can we give gladly and without reservation? The verse that follows the two above is full of superlatives.
God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work. (2 Cor 9:8)
How can we give gladly and without reservation? God. God is able. God's grace is sufficient and abundant. God provides "sufficiency." Isn't that a marvelous concept? God provides what is literally "contentment" -- enough. In all cases and at all times. Why? Why does He do that? So you may abound in every good work. God enriches us so that we can be generous (2 Cor 9:11).

Giving is a sore spot for many American Christians. We have plans. We have desires. We have bills. And you want us to give? Perhaps the Bible does not command New Testament believers to tithe, but this text says that God has a special love set aside for His people who, out of a cheerful heart, give generously. It seems to me that if God plans to "make all grace abound to you" for the purpose of enabling you in "every good work" -- if God gives generously to make generous givers -- then it would show either a serious lack of faith or a serious problem of idolatry that is preventing us from giving cheerfully. And that's not trivial.

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