Wednesday, March 09, 2022


Have you noticed how current crises (plural for crisis) seem to be narrowing our minds? Consider. First there was the big explosion around racism in America. You whites are the reason because all whites are racists and no one who is not white can be racist. No, you can't question that. We'll give you CRT to educate you and anti-racism training to train you and it will all work out fine. No, you can't disagree. That's racist. It's misinformation. It's conspiracy theory. Stop it. Then there was the whole sexual harrassment scandal. Believe the women. We will cancel anyone accused because "innocent until proven guilty" does not apply if a woman accuses a man; all males are sexist abusers. DO NOT QUESTION it. That simply makes you out to be a hater. Well, of course, unless it's "one of our boys." Then, of course, COVID hit and all discussion around COVID was shut down. Yes, you needed to wear masks. No, you can't suggest otherwise. You can't even ask. "But ... Science keeps asking." Too bad; you can't. That's misinformation and conspiracy theory. Yes, you need to get the vaccine. No, you can't consider other treatment options and you can't ask questions about them. No, you can't question its efficacy. That's misinformation and conspiracy theory. We will tell you what's true and you CANNOT question it. Except that not all whites are racists, not all racists are white, not all males accused are actually harrassers, and a lot of that COVID "truth" has turned out to be false. But it doesn't matter. If you disagree you're a ... fill in the blank. A rightwing whacko. A religious zealot. A conspiracy nut. An anti-vaxxer. A hater. And not in a good way.

So now we're all commiserating with Ukraine over this Russian invasion. It's awful. And everyone is up in arms ... almost literally. But there are questions. There are stories about labs for biological weapons in Ukraine, far too close to the border. Some of those stories are built around American involvement and financing. There are stories out there about Ukraine releasing and arming criminals who use the civilian population as cover to attack Russians, so Russians are targeting civilian populations. There are bizarre discrepancies like Europe beating their breast against Russia ... but still buying all their gas from them. There are questions. But, oh, no, you can't ask those questions. You can't even think about them. Why? Don't worry about it. We'll give you the truth and you can stop looking elsewhere. Don't buy into that misinformation and conspiracy stuff. Don't be fooled.

I'm not saying there are conspiracies or lies going on. I'm simply pointing out that the American government and media (and elsewhere, too) have not been the most reliable sources of information for several years now. There is news and there is "what we want you to believe" and those who view or even question the difference are castigated, ridiculed, and marginalized. So we clearly are expected to be in lockstep here with the government lines and the media streams and thinking or questioning are out. It appears to be a pattern. Don't ask questions; we'll tell you what we want you to think. It feels like a pattern expressly addressed in the Bill of Rights ... but I think the pattern is to eliminate that, too, isn't it?

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