Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Talk to the Owner

The hymn, written in 1901, is titled, "This Is My Father's World." A classic. It speaks of nature glorifying God. It speaks of creation speaking to us everywhere about His wonders. The last verse, however, is particularly appropriate.
This is my Father’s world:
Oh, let me ne’er forget
That though the wrong seems oft so strong,
God is the ruler yet.
We live in a world where the wrong seems strong. Truth is denied. Wrong is declared right and right wrong. God is openly opposed, even by self-identified Christians. "He doesn't know what He's talking about. He's not reliable. We know better." The wrong, whether it's moral or mental or emotional or spiritual, seems to be strong. It feels like things are out of control and getting worse. They're not.

There is a tendency to think that things are out of control. Maybe you think the Left is out of control. Maybe you think it's the Right. Maybe you think the Russians are out of control. Or maybe just your spouse. Psalm 19 declares that God owns it all. "The heavens declare the glory of God" (Psa 19:1). In Psalm 50 God declares, "Every beast of the forest is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills. I know all the birds of the hills, and all that moves in the field is mine" (Psa 50:10-11). And He does whatever He pleases with it all (Psa 115:3). Maybe that's why we can take our concerns to Him and be given a peace that passes understanding (Php 4:6-7).

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