Saturday, March 05, 2022

News Weakly - 3/5/22

You Keep Using That Word
Satellite pictures show a 40-mile military convoy approaching Kyiv in Ukraine. (Why isn't someone shooting up that slow-moving, target-rich convoy?) Meanwhile, Ukraine applied to become an EU member and Russia denies they are at war while they bomb largely civilian populations, preferring instead to use terms like "special operation" and "peacekeeping" efforts ... a lot like the "mostly peaceful" smash-and-burn riots we recall in 2020. So is the Kremlin getting their word usage from the Democrats or vice versa? (I thought it was odd that Putin would invade Ukraine to insure that Ukraine didn't become part of NATO and that nuclear weapons didn't end up on his border ... by expanding his border to connect to various countries that are part of NATO. Think Latvia, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia).

A Sanction that Hurts
The World Taekwondo organization has struck deep in the heart of the Russian president, stripping him of his honorary taekwondo black belt over the invasion of Ukraine. I'm sure that will bring the man to his knees.

Kind of surprising. The Senate -- Democrat-controlled -- voted to block a bill that would make the right to kill babies in the womb a federal law. And a poll says that 71% of Americans support restrictions on baby-killing. So that's a surprise shift, given that our current media-overlords only tell us that abortion is the right thing.

In California a father took his kids and chaperone to a church (on a Monday?) and shot them all, including himself. Details are sketchy, but Governor Newsom calls it "another senseless act of gun violence in America." Now, he's right, of course, but notice something. If this is a "senseless act of gun violence," doesn't that suggest that there are "sensible acts" of gun violence? Didn't Newsom just confirm that there are bad uses and good uses of guns?

Government that Cares
Remember all those homes lost a couple months ago in that Colorado fire? Well, looking out for those victims, the City Council is requiring that rebuilding must meet net zero emissions standards ... leaving all who suffered the loss underinsured and out of luck. But, hey, if we're going to save the planet, it's gonna cost. That's okay. What else is government for?

Another Hole in the Boat of Rights
A substitute teacher in Virginia's Arlington Public Schools was suspended after suggesting to students that they consider multiple news sources and said he thought Putin's choice to invade Ukraine made sense from Putin's perception. In Russia, had he expressed the opposing viewpoint, he may have been shot, but in a country with a "freedom of speech" guarantee, you'd think that someone could express an opinion as an opinion and not be fired for it. But, then, again, we're no longer very keen on First or Second Amendment rights, so we shouldn't be surprised, should we?

Couldn't Be Clearer
These are not "anti-trans sports bans." No matter what the media or the LGBT community try to tell us. Iowa became the second state this year to pass legislation preventing "transgender women and girls" from participating in female sports teams. "What?" you say. "That's clearly a transgender ban." It's not. It's a safety measure for women. Because a male who is now a female can do serious harm to the emotional and physical wellbeing of women in sports. Because of very real, unavoidable, physical differences between males and females. It's not a transgender ban because no one has yet banned transgender men from competing against males. Don't buy the hype.

And Now for Something Different
Congresswoman Boebert was criticized for heckling the president at the State of the Union address ... by the same people that voted to keep killing babies legal.

The White House is urging Americans not to go to fight in Ukraine, but Beto O'Rourke is recruiting a battalion of NERF gun sharpshooters to go and fight for Ukraine. Look out, Mr. O'Rourke. The Russians are using Tie fighters.

Must be true; I saw it on CNN and read it on the Internet.


  1. Senseless
    Actually, it wasn’t “gun violence,” because the gun wasn’t being violent. It was people violence. But the LEFT always wants to blame the too rather than blaming the fool.

    Couldn’t Be Clearer
    How can one ban something that doesn’t exist? There is no such thing as a man becoming a woman (or a woman becoming a man); it’s just a bunch of pretense by deluded people. Nevertheless, if we must use their terminology, we should have a federal law “banning” perverse men from participating in anything that is for real women.

  2. You Keep Using That Word

    I thought about that convoy being a perfect target for attack as well. I don't know the terrain through which they're passing. Ambush works best from concealed position. But IEDs wouldn't be a bad idea, either.

    A Sanction that Hurts

    One must be seen as doing something. I wonder...can one oppose Putin for invading without having to promote Ukraine?


    The link to the Fox piece isn't working for me. Do you know the breakdown of those who voted by party? I haven't as yet been able to find anything on this, though I heard about it on the radio.


    I'd say that's what Newsome was implying, but I'm told one's words can't imply anything the speaker doesn't intend to imply (It was at that "Stan Is Wrong" blog). A lot of people have used that very expression. But the implication is most definitely true. George Zimmerman used his rather sensibly, though it might have been more sensible if he didn't quite wait so long to pull it out.

    Government that Cares


    Another Hole in the Boat of Rights

    C'mon, Stan. She was clearly teaching her kids how to think. That's not her job. She's paid to teach them what to think, based on lefty teacher union guidelines.

    Couldn't Be Clearer

    Females who think they're males should be banned from men's sports for the same reason. They'll get hurt far easier than smaller actual men would from the same degree of impact.

    I remember hearing a woman general (don't recall which branch of the service she was in) speaking about women in combat, and speaking of all the harm her infantry training and exercises did to her physiology. Just doing all that was expected of the typical male soldier led to lasting problems for her and other women about whom she spoke. War is the only field of competition where one can justify mixing the sexes, but only as a last resort. But in sports? No way. Not if one cares about women and girls.

  3. Stan,

    I does sound like the Louisville CO city government is backing off of the net zero requirements for the houses destroyed in the fire. Which is good, but shocking.

    The fact that seemingly intelligent people aren't willing to accept the biological realities that male physiology gives these folx an unfair advantage in athletic competition makes no sense. Of course, a guy who wants to beat up (figuratively speaking in most cases) girls is beneath contempt also.


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