Saturday, March 19, 2022

News Weakly - 3/19/22

In Russia
Comic Yakov Smirnoff made a routine with the phrase, "In Russia." "In Russia homosexuality is a crime and the punishment is seven years in prison, locked up with the other men. There is a three year waiting list." Like that. So, now, in Russia protesters are being arrested ... for blank posters. One woman was arrested for holding a sign that said, "Two words" in Russian. Tell me again why some of you want to eliminate democracy.

Latest Terrorist Threat
Have you noticed this trend of late? Someone will, say, cut you off in traffic ... and then flip you off. Or a parent will blame the teacher because their child misbehaves. Well, there is an actual growing terrorism threat from guys known as "incels" -- involuntary celibates. They can't develop relationships with women ... so they target them. They blame the women for their failures. Terrorism from the entitled.

Learning Disability
In January of 1974 the sun rose at 8:30AM ... because the government wanted permanent Daylight Savings Time. As a result, children died on their way to school in the dark. But that's okay; let's do it again. Hey, I know! Let's test out the old adage, "Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

Actor Arnold Scharzenegger posted a video that's trending on Russian Twitter. He tells Putin, "You started this war, and you can stop it." Putin, of course, realizes that he's facing the Terminator and is scrambling to recall his troops. We're largely agreed that this war ought to stop. I don't know why we think actors are the best ones to address it.

For Women
Lia Thomas won the Division I national title in 500-yard freestyle swimming, finishing 1.75 seconds ahead of the closest actual woman in the competition. Lia is a biological male and females just need to get used to the new version of men's rights masquerading as "women's rights."

Not Your Mother's Pixar
Pixar, the makers of such cute animations as Toy Story and Wall-E, and Up, have decided to force your kids to watch an animated on-screen same-sex kiss with their rendition of Lightyear. That is, let's very carefully insert this very blatant message for your kids to absorb because you're not paying attention.

Bumbling Bee
The Babylon Bee put out a headline that read, "99.9% Of Americans Support Sending Mitt Romney To Fight In Ukraine." In light of the Scharzenegger story, I think we should send Arnold instead.

Meanwhile, reports are out that Hunter Biden will be indicted soon and that the story of his emails that was tossed in 2020 is actually true. The nation JUST wishes there had been some way they could have known about the story before they elected his dad.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. Not Your Mother's Pixar

    Disney has outright admitted that they plan is to use their children's entertainment platform as a means to affect change in society. They said this after receiving backlash about not being more vocal publicly as a company in support of LGBT issues. They know they have the most malleable people enraptured by their "innocent" media. So change society from the bottom up instead of the top down. I imagine this will be a very effective strategy.

  2. People are saying, "It's just a kiss. What's the big deal?" They'll have to ask Disney/Pixar. The story says they restored the kiss in response to the Disney "Don't Say Gay" backlash. So, first, "It's just a kiss." Well, if it's "just a kiss," why did they remove it? If it's "just a kiss," why did they restore it in response to a LGBTQIA+ (their letters) complaint. Why do the LGBTQIA+ folk consider it "LGBTQIA+ content"? People ask me, "What's the big deal? It's just a kiss!" Apparently LGBTQIA+ folk and Pixar and Disney disagree. Apparently the aim IS to restore LGBTQIA+ content. For your kids to consume. With just enough vigor to normalize it. "No big deal."


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