Saturday, February 05, 2022

News Weakly - 2/5/2022

Essential Qualifications
With the retirement of Justice Breyer, the president will nominate the best candidate he can for the next Supreme Court Justice. Let's see ... necessary qualifications ... well, of course, black ... and female. I mean, that's obviously the most important qualifications. Imagine that ... using the Supreme Court for affirmative action instead of interpreting law. Oh, and liberal, of course. Conservatives stink. The sooner we can eliminate them from the courts ... and the nation, for that matter ... the better.

Media Ban
If you don't know the book, Maus, it's a graphic novel about the effects of the Holocaust on a family. A Tennessee school district removed it from their cirriculum for 8th graders because of concerns about graphic nudity and profanity ... for 8th graders. The media has spun this up to a "ban" and the public has bought it ... literally. In other news, porn sales are through the roof after schools have refused to include it in their cirriculum as well.

Caught in a Truth
Whoopi Goldberg sure stepped in it this week. On The View they were discussing the removal of Maus from a Tennessee 8th grade cirriculum. They were calling it "a ban" and "racism." Whoopi had the gall to say the Holocaust was "not about race. It's not. It's about man’s inhumanity to other man." She warned, "The minute you turn it into race, it goes down this alley." Well, she apologized. It isn't about man's inhumanity to man; it's about white supremacy. It's always about white supremacy. You might ask Whoopi; she has been suspended. (But, seriously, teaching 8th graders to read with graphic novels?)

Counting the Cost
The story is simple. "Starbucks plans to keep raising menu prices due to inflation and the labor shortage." No big thing. Unless, of course, you catch that "inflation and labor shortage" thing. Inflation, they tell me, is due to the government lockdown for COVID. (To this day I don't understand the plan of "Lockdown the healthy!" instead of protecting the at-risk and quarantining the sick.) And the labor shortage is also a government-induced COVID effect. Imagine that! Add to that the massive new government spending which changes tax structures which will get passed along to you, the consumer. And so on. The real cost of lockdowns and government overspending comes out of your pocket, but you don't notice because "It's just Starbucks increasing their prices."

Making Sense of it All
Kaiser Health News is reporting that "Boosted Americans are 97 times less likely to die of COVID than the unvaccinated." Now, let's make sense of that. According to the story, out of 100,000 people who got COVID without vaccination, 9.7 died. Of the vaccinated, it was 0.7 deaths. Let's see ... 9.7 divided by 0.7 is about 14, so the unvaccinated are 14 times more likely to die than the vaccinated ... even though we're looking at a worst case death rate of 0.0097%. (Did I do that math right?) Now if you're boosted, that death rate drops to 0.1 in 100,000, so you get that "97 times" figure for the boosted. What they don't tell you is that large numbers of vaxxed and boosted have had COVID and the death rate for them is not zero. And they lump together the group called "unvaccinated" without regard to natural immunity, an entirely different category of people. In other words, they're giving you statistics for their agenda without regard for reality. Sorry, I can't make sense of this stuff.

More Hate
Another state his signed a ban on guys who identify as girls from competing in girls' sports. The media plays this up to a "transgender ban," but no state that I can find currently bans girls who identify as guys from competing in guys' sports. All of these "bans," then, are with women in mind -- making sports safe and fair for women. Libs hate that. Now, I think this would be a simple thing. Just require that anyone who wishes to play a school sport prove their gender. Done! Oh, wait, I forgot. There is no scientific test for transgender. Yeah, "believe the science." Looks like Libs hate that, too.

The Bee had a string of stories that required only the headline. One-liners. Like "White House Cat Already Tired Of Being Blamed For All These Accidents On Oval Office Carpet." Or "Joe Biden Beats Out Brussels Sprouts For America's Least Favorite Vegetable." Oh, and "Trump Designing Much, Much Higher Wall To Keep Out Biden's Migrant Flights." That kind of thing. You may have to think for a moment, but ...


  1. Essential Qualifications

    Just one of the many ways Biden has flouted the Constitution he swore to uphold. Does that count as "corruption"? I think it does.

    Media Ban

    In my area, there's High School District 214 not far from me. At the time...probably 15 years ago or so...a customer of mine ran for the school board of that district, spending far more than any other member had ever spent to win the seat and more than those who ran against her. One of her main planks was the moral quality of the materials showing up on recommended reading lists. A Christian women's organization ran articles which included uncensored excerpts from some of the books on the summer reading list of juniors. To describe them as rank pornography is to understate the level of filth inherent in their graphic depictions of sexual acts, many of which were intended to promote sexuality among teens as morally acceptable or benign.

    There is no value in exposing anyone under 18 to such materials and no school with a shred of moral decency would do so. I applaud any who take up the cause to remove these books from schools...public or private...and am aggrieved it was ever allowed to take place at all. It is true that the most important elections are school board elections.

    Caught in a Truth

    I have mixed feelings about various aspects of this story. I disagree with the Whoopster, but I can understand what she was trying to convey, and I don't think it's all that egregious. But like many in the black community, Jews seem to want to protect how the Holocaust is presented and regarded. Few look upon it as less than one of the worst cases of evil in human history, but it is by no means the only. Blacks do the same with slavery in American history. No. Don't you dare compare anything to either. Don't you dare question the only way WE say it must be regarded and're not black/Jewish, so shut up and don't dare think you can have an opinion on it.

    The fact is that comparisons don't mitigate the horror of either. RFK JR. just took heat for merely mentioning Ann Frank and what he said when he referenced her is absolutely spot on. But because he mentioned Frank, he's a pariah. Nonsense.

    More later...

  2. Whoopie because she said he holocaust wasn't about race. Jews are a race, as are the Irish, the Scots, the Finns, the French in regards to the original use of the term "race." But aside from that, HITLER said they were a subhuman, non-Aryan "race" and therefore needed to be destroyed. HITLER called the a race and the reason for the Holocaust was to destroy that race. It may have also been a case of inhumanity to man, but it certainly wasn't about "white supremacy."

  3. Because I said more was coming...

    Counting the Cost

    Not much to add to this one, though it bears repeating that those on the left rarely seem to understand the connection between their policies and the consequences which seem obvious to the other side. Worse, the other side routinely warns of the consequences and are proven right when they manifest. It doesn't take a prophet. We have history.

    Making Sense of it All

    There's very little sense to any of it. The response to this virus flies in the face of everything we've learned from all the other viruses we've encountered in history. Every other disease has been best addressed when addressed early in the disease's progress. Yet, all who promoted that strategy were ignored by "experts" running the show. Every other virus has stimulated immune system response to fight the invader because that's how the body works. Actual vaccines were based on this knowledge and used actual viral particles to achieve the affect. They should never have abandoned the development of an actual vaccine while using the mRNA on specific people in the meantime. We already know the extreme limitations of masks (they don't work) and have known it since the Spanish flu epidemic in 1918 (they didn't work then, either). The only way to make sense of anything regarding Covid is that the "experts" running the show ignored all we've learned and done the opposite. And I think it wouldn't be hard to make sense of those decisions (think "cash").

    More Hate

    I don't much care how the criminal, immoral or disordered feel about any law-abiding, moral or rational response to what they want. I do think it's important to always respond in a way which clearly expresses the criminal, immoral and/or disordered nature of their desires. "Truth in love" is neither truthful or loving if the truth isn't clearly expressed.


    "Least favorite vegetable" is my favorite. Glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read it!


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