Saturday, February 19, 2022

News Weakly - 2/19/2022

Submit or Die
As the pandemic winds down, California is aiming to be the first in the nation to ban employment to those who refuse to submit to the vaccine. Assembly Bill 1993 will mandate that everyone who wants to work will need to prove vaccine status. Now aren't you Californians glad you ended that recall? Last one out remember to turn off the lights.

It's okay, though, because California is schizophrenic. They planning that mandate for vaccines on one hand while we all saw the maskless crowd at the Super Bowl on the other. "There will be no vaccination, testing or masking requirements" at Coachella because people at large music festivals cannot give or get COVID. Vaccine mandates and no masking. Makes sense in California.

By Any Other Name
The Reuters story was about a website being hacked that was for a "Christian fundraising site" that was providing funds for the Canadian Freedom Convoy. Hacking? Bad. A "Christian" site called "GiveSendGo" funding a Canadian protest? Worse. Don't gather funds under a missional heading and give it to something -- anything -- else. Nothing at all to do with "Christian."

The City of New York, while in the process of dropping mask mandates, fired more than 1400 workers who refused to be vaccinated. Remember when America used to be "the land of the free"? Remember when "informed consent" was the law? Ah, freedom. Those were the good ol' days.

Tough Break
A priest in Phoenix resigned after discovering that the last two years of infant baptisms he had performed were invalid because of a word. He was supposed to say, "I baptize you ..." but actually said, "We baptize you ..." Now, since Roman Catholic theology holds that baptism confers cleansing of original sin and regeneration, it's looking bad for thousands of babies. That is, if you're a Catholic. Not so much for those that believe in believer's baptism and don't require some sort of extremely precise wording that doesn't actually come from Scripture.

End Democracy!
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is worried that we won't be a democracy in 10 years because of those who are trying to ensure that only people who are authorized to vote can vote. I think it's odd since 1) we're a republic and 2) she's in favor of socialism which requires no democracy at all, so if she had her way she'd be glad to have no democracy. (Black Republican Senator Tim Scott calls it a false narrative.)

Social Ills
A new paper is out saying that "Gender differences extend to cancer treatments, with women having a higher risk of severe side effects from certain [cancer] treatments." Now, if gender is a social construct and you are whatever gender you think you are, then men who think they're women will need to be concerned about increased risk that they acquire by thinking they're female, right? Or do we just suspend credulity when we wish?

Fake News You Can Trust
Some good ones this week. Like the story about the nation preparing to celebrate 2 years of "two weeks to flatten the curve." Or the guy who donated to the truck convoy under the name "Hunter Biden" so the Washington Post wouldn't "dox" him. Or the one about China's president criticizing Trudeau's heavy-handed approach.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

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