Saturday, February 12, 2022

News Weakly - 2/12/22

When Freedom Isn't Free
Sure, you're free, but that doesn't mean you're free. At least, that's what a father in New Brunswick, Canada, discovered. Because he was unvaccinated, he lost custody of his three children. He offered research that questioned the safety of Pfizer's vaccine, but the judge discarded it because of the advice of "our public health officials" who obviously can't be wrong. The story includes that of a woman in Chicago who lost visitation rights there, too. Her doctor recommended she not get vaccinated because of prior adverse reactions to vaccines. The judge didn't care. Sure, you're free, but that doesn't mean you're free.

"It Has to Stop"
As the Freedom Convoy rumbles on in Canada, Prime Minister Trudeau is urging the protesters, "It has to stop." Either he or I am unclear on something. A protest is designed to accomplish something. "Because I said so" isn't the answer. So maybe Trudeau is unclear. Or maybe it's just me, and Trudeau meant, "Freedom has to stop." It is Canada, after all.

Trust the Science
A study out of Israel affirms that sufficient vitamin D may positively influence the outcome of COVID infection. Wouldn't that stink if we found out, "Here, take this vitamin and be safe" was safer and more effective than "Here, take this experimental vaccine and ... oh, again and ... oh, again ..."? Not to worry. Big Pharma and the government won't trust that science.

Unclear on the Concept
Climate activists in Germany took to the streets ... literally. Fifteen of them glued themselves to the asphalt of motorways demanding cuts in greenhouse gas emissions ... apparently unaware that they would cause terrific traffic jams producing ... excess greenhouse gas emissions. Previously they had placed food on the roadways ... to protest wasting food. Just really unclear on the concept. Like the "Freedom Convoy" blocking the bridge between Canada and Detroit. You know that's not "freedom," right?

Trust the Science! Oh, Nevermind
The CDC is warning that omicron is still upon us and "now is not the moment" to drop mask mandates, so it's a bit surprising that some of the most tightly controlled places are dropping mask mandates. Perhaps it's not surprising that Sweden is ending COVID testing -- they were always a bit more open than the rest of us -- and Nevada has dropped mask mandates, but places like New York and California and beyond are dropping mask requirements and easing restrictions. Surprisingly, even Dr. Fauci thinks we're at the end of the pandemic. So while the CDC still demands obedience, even the most rigid states are getting tired of it.

Believe What I Want You To
TikTok, in the classical concern over truth, is banning "misgendering, deadnaming, and content promoting disordered eating." Ok, now, hold on. I get "misgendering" -- using the correct pronoun against a person's misguided wishes. "Deadnaming" is the term they made up for calling, say, Caitlin Jenner "Bruce Jenner." That is, calling by their given name rather than the name they decided to switch to because they can't tell what gender they were born with. But what is "disordered eating"? The story lists examples like "short-term fasting and overexercising." Now, the medical profession says that short-term fasting can enhance cancer treatment and enhance memory and even promote weight loss, and, of course, the Bible favors it for spiritual purposes, but, sure, we'll go with TikTok on this instead. They got the "misgendering" and "deadnaming" thing wrong, so they can't be wrong about this.

Hate Crimes and Misdemeanors
Florida is working on a bill that will ban sexual orientation and gender ideology from cirriculum for the primary grade levels. It doesn't ban private conversations. But clearly it is, in Biden's words, a "hateful bill." Why? Because labels matter and "hate" is a powerful label so no one will have to think about it. Because if you can influence more kids to be more confused about gender and orientation, you will build back better.

Nice Work If You Can Get It
Army investigators have been looking into the Afghanistan evacuation debacle. Senior military commanders said the administration didn't grasp the danger. Well, now we know that's not true. Biden said so. Sounds vaguely like, "Dominion, did your voting machines cheat?" "No." "Well, then, there you have it!" It's good to be king president. He said it' it's true. End of story.

Another COVID-Related Death
Bob Saget died last month in Florida. In the latest report we learn that he died from blunt head trauma after an "unwitnessed fall" that caused skull fractures and bleeding in the brain and, eventually, death. Oh, and he had COVID. Another COVID-related death.

A, Bee, Sees?
More from your best source for fake news. In an attempt to save his career, Joe Rogan has agreed to only spread CDC-approved misinformation. I wasn't sure if the next story about the media spreading misinformation about Joe Rogan to prevent him from spreading misinformation wasn't true. On the truckers' protest in Canada, the story is how the prime minister wants to stop them from shutting down the city he was shutting down. Oh, and there is one about truckers looting Nike stores and burning some police cars so GoFundMe will reinstate them. Makes sense.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. When Freedom Isn't Free

    It's always reassuring knowing we might have to appear before a judge with no spine or common sense.

    "It Has to Stop"

    It will stop when Trudy does the right thing: lift all Covid related restrictions. He'd be amazed at how quickly normal traffic resumes.

    Trust the Science

    Well, it's always been a question of which science should guide us. Hint: it's not the Fauci types of science.

    Unclear on the Concept

    I have no words. Such idiocy leaves me speechless.

    Trust the Science! Oh, Nevermind

    Yet, unsurprisingly, too many of the Dem-led states dropping their mask mandates will continue to impose the mandate on schools...because mandating masks on that segment of the population least likely to contract, suffer from contracting and least likely to spread must be tightly controlled by who who aren't their parents.

    Believe What I Want You To

    I "misgender" and "deadname". It's fun. My wife would insist that I already engage in disordered eating. She might even use the word "gluttony" if it ever came to mind.

    And as I reference her, she calls me away. More later.

  2. If only the Canadian truckers were burning and looting, then old blackface wouldn't have a problem at all.

  3. I'm ambivalent about "deadnaming." If I met Jenner for the first time and he introduced himself as Caitlyn, I'd use that. Lots of weird names out there. When we were in Kenya the kids laughed at my wife's name (Kim) because that's a boy's name there.

    But under no circumstance will I lie and say the wrong pronouns. I'm glad the company I work for stays out of the woke scene, but if they ever forced the pronoun thing they'd have to fire me.

  4. Yeah, deadnaming isn't the same issue as misgendering. Gender is a biological, birth fact. Names are not. Before deadnaming was a thing and the world went crazy thinking the gender was a choice, I always tried to call people by whatever they asked to be called.

  5. in response to trust the science, here in ca our governor is pursuing lifting some of the mask mandates but now there is a bill to force vaccinations on all the workforce no matter the size. South Dakota is looking so good to me right now.

  6. Oh, that makes sense after the CDC has said that vaccinated people can get, transmit, and even die from COVID and need to wear masks.


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