Saturday, January 08, 2022

News Weakly - 1/8/2022

COVID-Related Death?
Following an attack on the American embassy in Baghdad, the U.S. sent drones into Iran to kill the mastermind, Qasem Soleimani. That was a year ago. Now Iran is demanding that Trump go on trial for their "criminal act" of killing the terrorist that killed so many Americans. Good luck with that, Iran. You'll have to get in line behind all the Dems still bent on executing the man.

Increasing Inflation for the Benefit of Us All
The headline reads, "A record 4.5 million Americans quit their jobs in November." Wow! 4.5 million quit. Not fired. Not lost. Quit. But, the story says, it's "a sign of confidence and more evidence that the U.S. job market is bouncing back strongly." Oh. Interesting. They're saying these people can get higher paying jobs, so they expect "strong wage gains." Read "higher cost to the consumer."

Record Breaking
We are breaking records right and left. The U.S. reached 1 million cases in a day to kick off the new year. Sweden broke their daily record on Tuesday to include their king and queen. At the same time more than 74% of the population have received at least one dose and 63% have been fully vaccinated. In the 65-and-over category nearly 100% have been vaccinated at least once. Record vaccinations over against record cases ... something just doesn't add up.

Off With Their Heads ... in a Good Way
I had never heard of this, but apparently the Taliban, those wonderful people our president equipped with billions in arms and left in charge of the country we were supposed to be protecting, has a Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention Vice. It was brought up in a story this week where they are demanding that all store mannequins be beheaded because "they are idols." Mind you, photos of women in the clothing that the mannequins are displaying are just fine. It's just the fake people that are idols. And I'm just thinking, "What would a Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention Vice look like in America today?" They certainly wouldn't have a problem with mannequins, but I'm not so sure about, say, people that don't want to be vaccinated or who believe the Bible is true.

Don't Believe the Science
Mayo Clinic fired 700 employees who refused the vaccine mandate. "Mayo Clinic must stand firmly behind the evidence," they said. Because the evidence says that 70% of current omnicron cases are fully vaccinated. Because the evidence says that the vaccine is less effective than they originally thought. Because the evidence says that the vaccine does not keep from getting, transmitting, or even dying of COVID. Because the evidence says that the vaccine has not decreased cases. So, yes, stand behind the evidence ... as in, "Pay no attention to the evidence behind the curtain."

Beeing Satirical
It is almost too close to real when the Bee reports that businesses are now requiring a positive COVID test as proof of vaccination. And the related story of the unvaccinated man who feels left out because all his vaccinated friends have COVID.I suspect the humor of the headline, "FBI to host first annual Jan 6 reunion" was lost on too many Americans. And CNN is proud that they haven't had an employee sex scandal all year.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet. (And, you know something that's funny and sad at the same time? I suspect that even though everyone knows that line means that the Internet is not the divine purveyor of truth, too many of us think most of what we see there really is true.)


  1. COVID-Relate Death?

    I'm sorry. I don't get the title.

    Increasing Inflation for the Benefit of Us All

    How many of those millions chose to quit because their employer mandated they get injected with a drug with documented adverse effects, including death?

    Record Breaking

    Now, with the Cron, more new cases means herd immunity! Time for celebration!

    Off With Their Heads ... in a Good Way

    Clearly that country is in the best of hands.

    Don't Believe the Science

    I just can't see how an organization based on science can be so in conflict with the science.

    "Bee" stands for "Best Satirical Site Every"!

    It's not so much that people believe what they read...on the internet or's that they don't read enough to determine what might be the truth, or most likely true or even just helpful. To read until one's preconceived notions are validated seems a waste of time.

  2. The title of that first entry is making fun of the fact that it appears that almost anything at all can be classified as a "COVID-related death" these days.


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