Saturday, January 22, 2022

News Weakly - 1/22/2022

Nice Headline
The headline says it all. "The 10 richest billionaires doubled their wealth" in the pandemic world while the rest of us lost income. They always say, "Follow the money." Well?

Not on the Menu
We can take a lot of news, but this one is gonna sting. They're telling us now that a 4th vaccine boost does not prevent omicron breakthroughs. Another "vaccine" (that hasn't really vaccinated anyone) won't vaccinate anyone. Not on the menu of possible narratives, is it?

On the Other Hand
On the other hand, the CDC says boosters are effective for preventing severe illness from omicron. Of course, from all reports, omicron is fairly effective for preventing severe illness from omicron, so ...??

"Net zero" is the term. Like when ExxonMobil says they expect to attaing "net zero emissions" by 2050. "Oh," they have to explain, "no, that's not in the use of our product. That's just in the buildings we own." Because, of course, their product is considered one of the largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions ... giving "net zero" net zero meaning.

A Bizarre Reciprocal
Kyrsten Sinema has been a big surprise to many. Elected as one of Arizona's senators, a left winger in a right wing state, she has appeared to hold fast to the hopes of many of the Arizonans that didn't vote for her. Most recently it was the filibuster vote where she voted against her own party. Well, of course, now her "big-dollar donors" are threatening to sever funding. Now, I don't know what she can do to change her vote to make them happy. And I cannot imagine how it can be legal for "big-dollar donors" to be able to pressure lawmakers to do their bidding. And then, of course, there is the "logic" I don't understand. "Bipartisanship works only if it is reciprocal," they told Sinema. So by "reciprocal" they mean "Only if it works for us when we are a minority and in our favor when we are not." "Reciprocal" in this instance means "We want the filibuster when we need it but don't want them to use it when we don't, and that is what we call 'reciprocal' and 'democracy'."

What's Good for the Goose
Florida is trying to pass a law preventing companies and schools from attempting to make people feel "discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race." And, of course, Florida State Sen. Shevrin Jones is opposed. Truthfully, I am, too. Making it illegal to say something that might cause someone else to feel discomfort or guilt is stupid. Conversely, that is exactly what those of Senator Jones's ilk want. "We need to make white people feel bad for what their predecessors have done." Or, "No one should have the right to say or do anything that might make us feel uncomfortable, but it is a necessity to aim to make white people feel that way."

Just When You Thought It Was Safe ...
California is trying to pass a bill that will allow children 12 and older for COVID without the consent of their parents. Now, you would like to think that there was such a thing as "parental authority" and that parents actually mattered, but you'd be wrong ... in Alabama, Oregon, Rhode Island, Sout Carolina, and Washington, D.C., and coming soon to California. And you thought it was safe. Okay, not safe. It is California. Still ...

As Funny As Can Bee
Perhaps you've heard that M&Ms are getting a new look. That includes a new trans character that identifies as a Skittle. On the president, on the anniversary of Biden's 1st year they noted that he outperformed the expectations of many by still being alive. In Congress, Chuck Schumer gave an impassioned defense of the filibuster after accidentally printing his speech from 2 years ago. Meanwhile, Democrats are warning that Republicans plan to steal elections by blocking Democrat efforts to steal elections.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

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