Saturday, January 15, 2022

News Weakly - 1/15/2022

Sick Media
Story after story hits the media. Anti-vaxxer dies of COVID. Famous anti-vaxxers die of COVID. QAnon star dies of COVID. And they defend this. Why? "The public has the right to know," is the kind of garbage they'll tell you, but the truth is, "The public has the right to know what we want them to know." So they'll take great delight in those who die when they die outside the media's comfort zone, but ignore all those that violate their goals. So you don't hear about the deaths among the fully vaccinated, the fact that omnicron is a vaccinated pandemic, or any other stories that lead to "misinformation" -- that which contradicts the approved narrative. Instead they will gloat over people who die. Shame on them.

Widespread Voter Fraud
There was no widespread voter fraud, they assure us, but now it appears to be the plan. New York City has decided to let noncitizens vote. More than 800,000 noncitizens will be able to participate in making the rules, at least for New York. Of course, they're not the first, but they're certainly the largest. Fortunately they at least have the requirement that they have been a resident for 30 days. That's something ... right?

Just the Facts, Ma'am
Justice Sonia Sotomayor, during oral arguments at the Supreme Court regarding the vaccine mandates, made the important observation that "We have over 100,000 children, which we’ve never had before, in serious condition and many on ventilators." Well, this is certainly horrible ... if it's true. It's not. The CDC says there have been less than 100,000 admissions of children with COVID since August, 2020. Once again the terror outweighs the facts. And what will our legislators and judges rule from -- facts or fear?

Now They Tell Us
Have you heard the "latest"? (I put that in quotes because it has actually been around awhile.) Forbes is reporting that studies indicate that the having the common cold can provide some measure of immunity to COVID. Or ... you could get injected with an "experimental" (in the sense of "who knows what the long term affects will be?") vaccine over and over until we're through it. Yeah, that seems much better.

Make Up My Mind
We used to call males who acted "actors" and females who acted "actresses." They have worked diligently to erase the difference and just call them all "actors," sometimes with a vengeance. Except, of course, if it's a guy who identifies as a girl and "becomes the first trans actress" to win a Golden Globe. Since "actress" to "actor" was intended as an equalizer, I suppose we're emphasizing the inequality?

COVID-Related Death
In an effort to push and agenda, IKEA has decided to cut sick pay for unvaccinated staff who need to self-isolate or who test positive for COVID. It's an agenda because vaccinated people are self-isolating and testing positive and get sick pay. And it's foolish because the natural response will be, "Well, if we can't get sick pay, we'll just have to come to work sick." COVID has killed a lot of people, to be sure, but it's the death of compassion that concerns me.

Who's Afraid of Democracy?
The story: Biden wants changes to the filibuster rules. The purpose of these changes is to get his way. Filibusters were necessary when the GOP held power in Congress because it was the best way to prevent the majority from running roughshod over the other side, but now the other side wants to run roughshod over the minority, so it has to go. "Democracy over autocracy" they're saying, but that's really not it, is it? If it were, they wouldn't have enacted the filibuster in the first place. (And, considering the power of the LGBT etc. crowd, are we really in favor of a majority ruling the minority?) Maybe they should just put it on hold until the GOP regains some ground; I'm sure they'll want it back again.

No Longer Free
Starting January 15, Washington D.C. will require people to prove they've received at least one COVID vax (2, starting next month) to enter businesses ranging from restaurants to sports arenas. "We're not mandating vaccines; we're just making sure you won't survive not getting it." (And the story includes a hotline for reporting businesses who don't comply.) We are working hard to change our national image, including deleting that "land of the free, home of the brave" line.

Oregon State University has suggested that certain cannabis compounds might prevent COVID. Is that even legal? No, not the cannabis; the suggestion that something other than the mRNA vaccine might be effective. Pretty sure Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube will ban this story too, right?

Just Curious
I'm just wondering. Why should we forgive a woman who ran off to join ISIS but not forgive someone who, say, made a questionable racial comment? How does our current cancel culture decide when to burn to the ground or forgive?

The Battle of the Sexes
Twenty-two-year-old Lia Thomas is shattering women's swimming records at the University of Pennsylvania after competing on the men's team from 2017-2020. No one is clear why this girl-that-used-to-be-a-guy is doing so awesomely now, but she'll be favored in the upcoming Ivy League championships next month. Oh, and every competition and every record should now have an asterisk attached to indicate "This wasn't a biological female." Seems fair to me.

I'll Bee Back
Some good ones from the Bee this week include the promise from Pfizer that their new omicron vaccine will be ready in time for the Q1 earnings report. Meanwhile, Pfizer and Moderna are suing the human immune system for patent infringement since natural immunity is cutting into their profits. Sen Roger Marshall suggested that Science may have lied under oath. And they're saying that AOC has accused the COVID virus of just wanting to date her. (Note: that last link is the real story from which the Bee drew their satirical one, just in case you hadn't heard it.)

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. "Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great."

    My OT Professor in college attributed this quote to Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America

  2. That attribution is fairly common (and I originally did, too), but they tell me they can't actually find anywhere that he said it.


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