Saturday, January 01, 2022

News Weakly - 1/1/2022

I Just Can't Keep Up
They tell us that the omicron variant is coming to get us. They tell us that most of the current omicron cases are among the vaccinated, so they urge us to get vaccinated. Wait, isn't this now a pandemic among the vaccinated? (Of course not ... but I can't keep up.) They tell us that omicron cases are skyrocketing, the vaccinated are at risk, and ... they're decreasing quarantine times for hospital workers. "No, it's okay," they assure us, "as long as they test negative after a positive." But ... didn't they tell us that it can take 3 months to test negative after a positive? Okay, fine, let's just make that 5-day thing for everyone. They tell me to "trust the science," but I don't think science trusts the science. "Our savior, the vaccine, is here, so pay no attention to the record-setting infections even among the vaccinated and get vaccinated." And now a study says the J&J booster offers strong protection against hospitalization from omicron ... which doesn't appear to be sending very many to the hospital anyway. I just can't keep up.

Stages of Grief
The sad story of a 14-year-old bystander who was accidently killed by a police officer whose stray bullet went through a wall and hit her in the dressing room was heartbreaking. The demand for justice is understandable, but what is "justice" here? I suppose, as in all cases in America today, if a police officer, even by accident, injures or kills someone, it will be bad for law enforcement.

The average number of COVID cases in the U.S. hit a record high this week. That's despite a record high number of people protected by the "vaccine." We're all gonna die. Okay, too dramatic? (Not really; we are all gonna die ... just not from this.) No, it turns out that omicron is less severe than other versions ... not much worse than a cold. But, don't you worry, the government and the media and Dr. Fauci et al. will continue to beat you over the head with this terror among us. Beware ... the "Immacold" is gonna get you. Better get another booster. (Is this a "booster" for "immunity" (which currently appears to be a myth) or does it refer to boosting the government control and Big Pharma profits?)

Fake News?
Well, this certainly can't be right. Data indicates that shootings in Oakland declined when the police force grew. Well, that just doesn't make sense. Why would more law enforcement cause a decrease in crime? How is it possible that an armed police officer in the vicinity might decrease the threat of armed criminal activity. Who thinks this stuff up?

A New Beeginning
It's 2022. Here are a few items from the Bee for fun. Don't miss the story about the woman who attended the communist-themed New Year's Eve party and was surprised it didn't have any food. Be sure to commiserate with other Christians over ways we're being persecuted in America these days. And there is the excellent report on the genius rebranding of the common cold as "omicron" to generate more hype.

Has to be true; I read it on the Internet.

A little postscript here. When 2021 rolled around I remember hearing optimism. "We should be nearing the end of COVID with this vaccine and all." "We should be heading to a better country with Trump gone." Funny thing -- I'm not hearing optimism for 2022. Why is that?


  1. I Just Can't Keep Up

    I just feel so bad for the powers that be how much harder it is for them to convince us the Covid virus in all it's variations is the Andromeda Strain. Everything was going just fine until Omicron came along and spoiled it.

    Stages of Grief

    I disagree. There's nothing understandable about a demand for justice in this sad case. One can't say it was anything more than a freak accident, and thus there was no injustice...except in the sense of "cosmic" injustice, for which no human entity is truly responsible.


    Same as above. This is just a desperate attempt to perpetuate the fear they should never have been hyping up in the first place.

    Fake News?

    Amazing. Who'da thunk it?

    A New Beeginningpostscript

    False optimism is a terrible thing. Any optimism from this point is for the midterm elections. If the country is still standing by that point, we'll have a better chance of keeping it so should we flip the House and Senate.

  2. "There's nothing understandable about a demand for justice in this sad case."

    I merely meant that 1) everyone wants justice and 2) when a loved one is lost, it is understandable that they want recompense -- justice. The point I made was what does that look like here? The officer didn't do anything wrong. No one is demanding that the people creating the problem that caused the officers to be called to be prosecuted for the death. I understand that we all want justice and that people in grief feel the need to obtain justice in their grief, but suing the police officer or the department won't arrive at justice in this case.


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