Friday, January 28, 2022

Leaning on the Neverlasting Arms

Conspiracies. We seem to have no end of this talk these days. Trump was beaten by a conspiracy. The elction was rigged by a conspiracy. COVID, dragging from variant to variant ad nauseum, is a conspiracy. On and on. And most of us dismiss most of that. Some dismiss all. Some dismiss none. The problem, of course, is that the more conspiracies that are floated, the more likely that one of them has to be true. That is, they can't all be groundless.

The truth is there is always something going on behind the curtains. Individual or corporate or political agendas are woven through various activities and even if they aren't the grand "conspiracy theories" of popular thought, they are conspiracies of a sort. I mean, maybe COVID was not wrought as a conspiracy, but it seems likely that there are some who would like to use it for their own personal agenda.

Looking back at the 21st century so far, we've had some difficult crises. There was, quite obviously, 9/11. That put us at war with Iraq and Afghanistan. That made us aware of dangers that prompted us to surrender freedoms for security. And, of course, at the right time, the government managed to sweep in and kill Osama Bin Laden, making us all feel safer ... but not safe. We had the ebola outbreak in Africa that was, to us, remote and, yet, thanks to the media, immediate. People we sent to help came back with the disease and ... whew! ... we barely dodged that bullet. Immigration has been a problem for a long time, but bigger in this century. Obama separated families, but did it quietly so there wasn't much outrage. Trump did the same, but since the media despised him, it was front page news. Biden continues the practice, but gets by with it because the media is on his side. Once again, the government is our friend. Then, of course, in came COVID-19. There were ways to handle this, but in this case they opted for something new. The typical thinking was "protect the most vulnerable and isolate the sick." Our world opted to isolate everyone while, at least in some places, sticking the sick in amongst the most vulnerable. The government took control of everyday living. And it has remained that way to some degree since. They kindly handed out money at times, in some places with sufficient quantities to make workers not want to work. They forced vaccinations in some places and urged them in others. We've got to bow the knee, here, for the good of all. It wasn't a matter of science or logic or reason; it was turned into a morality issue. It was "a pandemic of the unvaccinated" and if you fail to surrender, you aren't foolish; you are evil. Now, of course, we have a Democratic president and Congress who seek to "build back better." This sounds nice and all, but the goal is quite stunning. Take more money than ever to build more than ever ... primarily from the rich. (We like that, but it doesn't actually work out that way.) They will subsidize child care and preschool (read "mold the minds of your youngest"), expand Obamacare (aiming ulimately for "universal healthcare"), expand climate crisis issues, ensure paid family leave, increase gas prices to encourage clean energy efforts, and more.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) sees this as a great time to change the world. Rewrite capitalism and government and give us a corporate-run government with socialism for the rank and file. The Great Reset, they call it. "Oh, another conspiracy theory," you might think. Is it a conspiracy when they advertise it? But don't worry. It's not the massively rich or even the politically powerful that are behind this massive conspiracy to undermine your freedoms and your finances. That would be the father of lies. Unfortunately, since we've edged the Faithful One out of our public eye, our ability to detect Satan's lies is diminishing rapidly. (How else can you explain "He's a woman if he thinks he is!"?) Sen. Joe Manchin said that the Build Back Better project was intended to "change our entire society to an entitlement mentality." I think he's right. America wants to be leaning on the neverlasting arms.

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