Thursday, January 06, 2022


In the 2020 election we saw an unliked incumbent president (Is "unliked" too mild?) get slaughtered by an old white guy that no one likes. But it was a strange slaughter. All the first reports showed the incumbent leading handily, but the media was calling it for the old guy. Strange. But, hey, that's the way the politics bounces, right? Okay, no. Something was ... strange. This led to the "election fraud!" cries and the subsequent easiest dismissals in history. First, "Dominion, did you do this?" "No." "Well, then, there it is!" Then the media and its followers (which is mostly everyone else) hung the term "misinformation" on the claim and it was all over. Pay no attention to the fact that "misinformation" in this application merely means "doesn't align with the approved narrative." If "we" (media, Democrats, whomever has the loudest voice) deem it "misinformation," no further discussion or investigation is needed ... nay, allowed. It's a good way to get yourself banned from social media sites. Besides, we're too busy digging into an insurrection that wasn't and the tax records of a president who isn't anymore. We've got important matters to attend to.

In the subsequent year many states worked to "clean up" their act ... their election act. While the Left complained about the right "hating democracy" because they protested something, some sought to eliminate the question of election fraud. Simple measures like requiring ID (which, as far as I recall, was always the case) and verifying signatures on mail-in ballots and removing people from voter registration rolls that shouldn't be there1. These, of course, are "racist" and "anti-democratic" and whatever other terms they can provide to make you not ask, "Hey, are these steps making voting more reliable?" Whatever you do, don't ask things like that. That would mean you're succumbing to "misinformation," likely a "racist" (because everyone knows black people can't get ID) (seriously, who hates black people so much to believe they can't get ID?), and certainly "anti-democratic."

They aren't called "Democrats" for nothing. They've simply bought their own line. They define "democracy" as "democratsy" -- that which the Democrat Party believes. Every reasonable, caring, thinking person will agree with the Democrats and those who don't are "anti-Democratic." I mean, it's in the name, right? They are Democrats, so anything they do is preserving democratsy. Their enemies are the enemies of democratsy. They are Democrats, so whatever they want is, by definition, democratic. Democratsy does not exist outside of the Democratic party.

There's a book out there that lays it all out neatly and completely. It is titled Rigged by Mollie Hemingway. It tells how the 2020 election was rigged ... beginning way back in 2016. But don't worry. You won't see it. It won't be talked about. It won't be discussed, debated, reviewed, examined. I'm actually surprised it's there on Amazon since, like all Big Tech and media, they're not averse to hiding this kind of stuff from the public. No, it will be labeled appropriately -- "misinformation"2 -- and set aside. "Nothing to see here. Go to your cells ... I mean, go home." Because we are nothing in this country these days if not led by the nose by government, Big Tech, Big Pharma, and the media who all have their own our best interests at heart.

I am really not a conspiracy fan. I think people that see conspiracies around every corner are a bit over the top. It's just that with all this election stuff and now all this COVID stuff that all just doesn't jibe with the reality that is patently obvious, it doesn't appear to be "around every corner." It appears to be in your face.
1 Just a note ... an opinion here. Many (most?) (all?) states have mail-in voting. In my state (Arizona) we registered to vote (providing the proper ID) and signed up for mail-in voting and every election they send us a mail-in ballot. Sometimes they send us a note: "If you'd like to stop, send this in." But we keep getting these ballots and that's okay. Just my opinion here, however. If they opted to send out a registration renewal request every election that required us to reaffirm our status and mail-in option, I wouldn't consider that a hardship. If the default was, "If you don't let us know you still want to vote this way, we'll take you off the mail-in list," I'd think that was reasonable. But, I suppose, that's apparently only because I'm anti-Democratic.
2 Not because it is actually appropriate, but because "misinformation" now means "whatever we don't want you to consider."


  1. In theory, I don't have a problem with the type of mail in voting you mention. Where there is a specific request by a verified registered voter for a mail in ballot. What I have a problem with is the sending out of ballots en mass without any specific request from a verified registered voter.

    I guess I'd make the argument that not preventing those who aren't eligible to vote from voting damages our voting system and disenfranchises those who are eligible to vote.

  2. It reminds me of the line, "It's not really paranoia if they're really out to get you." There's of ton of that feeling today, be it Jan 6, Covid or the 2020 election. These days, I don't much care what anyone...particularly leftists/Dems/socialists/marxists (same things) think of me. I just consider the source, and the source is beneath contempt on the whole...some far more than others.

    I'm far more concerned with what they do and how they're doing it. None of it is good, none of is smacks of America and too many of their supporters among the electorate clearly have no problem with it, and I have a BIG problem with THAT! I believe that if they were confronted with these sins, they would oppose them outright if the names of the sinners were not brought up. They close their minds to they accuse Trump supporters of doing with his personal issues...and pretend things will improve. Sad.

    I still oppose mail-in voting (with the exception of legit absentee) regardless of how well one believes one's state is doing it. It's still more susceptible to fraud than is going to the polling place, and I believe the effort is well worth it to maintain the strictest integrity. It's just too important. Heck, even with that there's still the issue of idiots casting ballots. Why compound THAT with fewer safeguards?

    Finally, have you read Hemingway's book? It's on my list of books to get (if I ever get through the stack of books I'm slowly attacking now).

  3. Arizona has been doing mail-in voting for longer than we've lived here (decades). They have rules and controls in place. Not like, say, California who, in the name of COVID, did a vast mailing of ballots with reports of over 400,000 erroneous voters. It isn't a difficult system and it isn't an unregulated system, but it sure can be. And in today's electronic voting at the polls, I don't see it as more prone to fraud than in-person voting.

    No, Marshal, I haven't read the book. I've read excerpts and reviews. My primary concern is the glaring discrepancies (such as Hillary's email scandal or Hunter Biden's story) that get shoved under the table while others intending to ask legitimate questions get silenced because it's "misinformation." To the best of my knowledge, no court in the land actually heard the evidence regarding possible election fraud, for instance, opting instead to simply dismiss the cases and farm out the line, "No widespread fraud." (Since Biden won by small margins in some significant states, I don't think it would have required "widespread" fraud to make a difference, but no one can even ask the question without being jettisoned as a "conspiracy nut" and a "misinformation" moniker.)

  4. Craig, I haven't heard anyone advocating for blanketing the nation with mail-in ballots. You'd on only receive a ballot if you're registered to vote. I'm the type that doesn't even like to take time off of work for my personal health (ie doctor and dentist visits). How much more do I not want to take time off to participate in a process that I feel voiceless in? Receiving a mail in ballot allows me to participate without interfering with my normal life. Imagine how helpful it is for those less mobile. I don't see how there's any more or less potential for fraud with registered mail-in votes.

  5. David,

    Stan mentioned CA as an example of mass mailings of ballots.


    I agree that mail in voting can be done reasonably well, but I'm not sure that some states want to put forth the effort. I agree that voting day registration without any proof necessary is just an open invitation to voter fraud. Up here all you need is someone to "vouch" for you and you're good to go.

    I agree that I'd have preferred to see some of the court cases go to trial. I think that dismissing the cases just feeds the narrative that there is something to hide, while adjudicating some of them would at least get the evidence out whichever way it leads. I applaud the states (GA most recently) that are actually doing the work to figure out if things went wrong.

    Ultimately you've got all sorts of people who complained that the 2016 election was illegitimate (Hillary for one), yet the same folx are leading the charge to tell us that 2020 was perfectly fine.

    Ultimately, I would hope that states would do whatever they can to minimize fraud and errors so that we can have as much confidence in our elections as possible.

  6. Craig, you (rightly) point out the double standards that seem to keep cropping up. "The 2016 (and 2004) election was illegitimate, primarily because my side lost, but you are not allowed to question the legitimacy of the 2020 election ... primarily because my side won." And so nowadays attempting to minimize fraud and errors is classified as "hating democracy" while I see it is ensuring democracy.

  7. I agree. As I've seen the pictures and video of the riots against the results of the 2016 election, it just magnifies this sense of double standards. AOC says that 2016 was illegitimate, it's no big deal. Trump says 2020 was illegitimate and our very republic is at risk.

    It seems like this notion that simply accepting some unknown level of fraud, or error in our elections is the wrong attitude to have. It seems like we should shoot for 0 fraud or error, and assiduously track that which happens so that we can improve in the future.

    It doesn't help when certain jurisdictions are simply inviting ineligible folx to vote anyway.


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