Saturday, December 18, 2021

News Weakly - 12/18/2021

I Missed This One
Last week the governor of Oregon signed into law a bill that drops the requirement for high school students to have proficiency in reading, writing, or math before graduation. The story says, "The new standards for graduation will help benefit the state's Black, Latino, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander, Tribal, and students of color." The bill was signed without fanfare, but if the ability to read is not necessary in Oregon, I don't suppose posting a story about the bill would matter, right? Oregon has adopted a strange approach to helping students to "thrive in the 21st century."

My Hero
In last weeks ruling, the Supreme Court allowed a Texas abortion law to stand. In retaliation, California Governor Newsom has directed his people to work with legislators to make it legal to sue gun makers, distributors, or sellers in California. (Ironically, he sought to use state law to save lives lost by assault weapons as opposed to making laws, like Texas, that saves babies. Have you compared the numbers of deaths from the two, governor?) Agreeing with Justice Sotomayor who dissented on the SCOTUS ruling, he plans to enact laws that effectively nullify constitutional rights. She was warning, but I think she was his hero. What next, governor? Suing churches out of existence?

When You See It ...
On the right is an actual picture from an actual Christmas concert that I actually attended last weekend. Good music, but I was distracted by this one musician who cut a hole in her mask to blow COVID through her french horn. Everyone knows the virus can't fit through a hole that small, right? Perfectly safe. It's another sign of the insanity we call "anti-COVID measures." As someone pointed out, COVID has been a deadly pandemic. It has killed science, logic, evidence-based medicine, and common sense. May they rest in peace.

You're Kidding
In the news this week was the one year anniversary of the COVID vaccine. One year ago on 12/14/2020 the first vaccines were administered in the U.S. Lots of things wrong here. In that first vaccine, the Dems promised to refuse the shot because it came from the Donald ... until Joe assured us that he produced it. Since then nearly 60% of Americans have been fully vaccinated, some with boosters as well. Some with Dem mandates ... to take that shot they originally refused. We can see the stunning effect by the continually climbing COVID crisis. (The CDC says most omicron cases are among the fully vaccinated.) But not to worry. We can get more equally successful vaccines up and running in no time and save the world just like we've done so far. Happy Anniversary! Now, go get your jab, you slackers.

Something Completely Different
In October in Haiti 17 Christian missionaries (including their families) were kidnapped by a Haitian gang for ransom, $1 million each. Thursday the last of them were finally released (some had been released earlier). Good news. Nothing to ridicule or satirize. Just ... good news.

I'm Confused
The Democrats have been outraged about politics in the past year. Republicans have tried to make voting laws. The Senate, evenly split, has been stymied by "more than majority" rules. And, of course, there's the whole "assault on democracy" thing from January 6. So this story baffles me. Civil rights leaders are demanding that Biden change voting rules before the end of the year. And Democrats are looking to change the rules to allow a simple majority in the Senate to decide on a question. And they want to eliminate the filibuster which works well for the minority side. It seems as if the Democrats are opposed to democracy and are wanting to change the rules so they favor the Democrats while they are opposed to Republicans possibly doing the same. It doesn't sound reasonable to me.

Building Trust
Then there's this piece of news. The flu vaccine for this year, unfortunately, doesn't match the main flu that's going around this year. They tell us this, I suppose, to further encourage us to trust the medical profession and Big Pharma to get it right on ... oh ... I don't know ... this questionable COVID-virus-vaccine-that-doesn't-handle-omicron-but-is-still-our-only-hope?

In light of vaccine mandates and mask laws and now the banning of natural gas from New York City, it appears that the Statue of Liberty is fed up and plans to move to Florida. Elon Musk called Elizabeth Warren "Senator Karen," clearly a case of a white man attacking a Native American woman. From the North Pole, the story is out that Rudolph has changed his name to Rolanda and now dominates n the female reindeer games.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.


  1. So does the governor of Oregon, and the complicit lawmakers, see white students as superior since they aren’t included in who benefits from the law? Isn’t this racist to think these other students don’t have the abilities that white students have?

    There is no way anyone can sue gun makers for crimes committed by guns without also making it legal to sue car makers, knife makers, etc for crimes committed by those devices. It’s the old LEFTIST ploy of removing responsibility from the criminal for his acts.

    I’ve was told I had to have the “vaccine” or wear a mask for one of my scheduled performances. I noted that the “vaccine” isn’t and I was not going to be a guinea pig, and that I would be unable to play the pipes with a mask. So I was denied my playing. I just laughed.

  2. "There is no way anyone can sue gun makers for crimes committed by guns without also making it legal to sue car makers ..."

    I think you're right, but, unlike cars or knives, guns are constitutionally protected. The aim here is explicitly to bypass constitutional protections to obtain the desired outcome. Like suing for speaking in public or suing churches for "damage" from expressing biblical positions. They can't outlaw things protected in the Constitution, but perhaps they can allow lawsuits to eliminate them.

  3. If everyone connected to those Haitian gangs weren't killed by law enforcement, the news wasn't anywhere near as good as it could have been.

  4. Way to bring down the one spot of good news there, Marshal. Stay positive!

  5. My pleasure, David. I like to keep it real. Kidnapping is a serious evil. If they got their money, then apparently some have decided there's a monetary value to human life. I'm happy the kidnapped were released. I'm hacked their captors made a fortune. If they're still breathing air, others will follow suit. I'm done with coddling criminals. Pray for them if you must. I will, too. But I want them to feel the heat now so the prospect of profiting from the suffering of others doesn't seem like a good risk/reward calculation. I'm positive that will produce better results than paying them off and not killing them all.

  6. Just a note. None of the stories I read indicated the kidnappers were paid.

  7. I hope that's the case. Then it's just a matter of tracking them down, arresting them and throwing away the key.

  8. Without trying to be realistic or anything, Haiti has plenty of more pressing problems than kidnapping.

    But it is great that the hostages were freed.

    Didn't someone say something about the "Soft bigotry of low expectations"? That seems like exactly what's happening in OR.

  9. I just saw a headline (didn't have time to dig) that indicated that the missionaries escaped.

  10. There WAS a ransom demand for the missionaries, but they escaped on foot under the concealment of darkness.

    (the article says "cover" instead of "concealment" but the word "cover" means something protective verse something which just hides; learned that as a combat engineer)

  11. I heard that they waited for a specific set of circumstances that would indicate to them that God was telling them when to go.


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