Saturday, December 11, 2021

News Weakly - 12/11/2021

It Just Doesn't Add Up
California made the news because they want to change how they teach math to make it more "equal." They plan to hold back gifted students and remove the possibility of individual advancement in the name of social justice -- equality. Math, some are arguing, is a tool of white supremacists to keep the black man down. It just doesn't add up.

Land of the Scaredy Cats
Playing off the fear of omicron, New York City has now mandated that all businesses in New York City have their employees vaccinated by December 27. Of course, all the vaccine makers are saying their vaccines are questionable against omicron, but that doesn't stop us, does it? We are Americans! We can't be bothered with science!! We've learned the art of terror! You can't take that away from us.

Opposed to Equality
Apparently the House and Senate Armed Services committees are opposed to equality for women. Women have fought hard to be included in all things "male" including military combat. So, as a slap in the face, the Armed Services committees have rejected the inclusion of women in the military draft. Lousy congressionals who think women should be protected, not shot at. Go figure.

Back in 2018 Deqa Dhalac started going door to door to try to get elected to her City Council ... in Maine. South Portland is 90% white, but she got elected and has now become the first black mayor of the small city as well as the first Somali American mayor, perhaps in the U.S. You have to wonder, though. If 90% of the town is white ... and racist, as we all know ... what kind of devious race-hating plan are they hatching by electing this black woman? Because it cannot be that these people are not systematically racist, right?

Depends on Your Point of View
First, the the story. "Saule Omarova, President Joe Biden’s pick to oversee the nation’s largest banks, withdrew her candidacy." The ol' "just the facts." Now, as to why. Media outlets like Huffpost say it was because Republicans were "smearing her as a communist" (noting, by the way, that some Democrats also opposed her). Other outlets like MarketWatch said it was "bipartisan opposition to her views on banking regulation." Apparently Omarova recently published an academic paper suggesting the Federal Reserve take over banking ... and your money. So, was it "mere politics" or was it principle? Depends on your point of view, I suppose.

At It Again
Fearing the end of the murder of babies, California is preparing to become a "sanctuary" for abortion. They hope to provide travel, accomodation costs, and procedures for women from other states who want to kill their babies. Currently about 15% of abortions in the U.S. are performed in California. They're hoping to become the #1 baby-killers in the U.S. So they will continue to kill babies, but they will not let people throw food waste in the trash. Because throwing away a baby is a woman's choice, but choosing to throw away food waste is not.

And counting
The National Fraternal Order of Police reports that the number of police officers shot and killed reached an all-time high in 2021. I suppose, since it is racist to say that blue lives matter, we'll have to come up with a different explanation than disrespect and disdain from the media and the public.

Oh, Canada
Canada passed a ban on "conversion therapy" this week. Conversion therapy is any effort to change orientation, gender identity or expression, or sexual attraction from the abnormal (statistically) to the normal. (You know what I mean. Please accept my shorthand.) If you offer it or practice it, you can get jail time. If you want it, you can't. It's banned regardless of your own wishes. If you'd like to go elsewhere and do it, you can't. That's banned, too. It might be illegal to quote Genesis 1:27 from the pulpit (no joke). Any wish to change from the abnormal to the normal is based on "myths and stereotypes." That is, you silly folk that believe that male is male and female is female are blinded by myths and stereotypes. The intolerance has shifted to exclude and criminalize any longstanding, traditional understanding from Scripture. Pray for Canada. And Satan's next target in a community near you.

Fake News
The report says that inflation is at a 39-year-high. Wait, no, that can't be right. Biden has turned the economy around from the evil Trump days. He's made life better, not worse. Clearly fake news. (Except, of course, the costs of my purchases for the last several months say otherwise.)

In the "News"
Stories this week include a warning from Biden that if Russia invades the Ukraine, we will evacuate haphazardly and leave billions of dollars worth of weapons behind. Remembering December 7, Genesius Times memorialized, "This day in mostly peaceful history: Japan bombs Pearl Harbor." And New York Mayor De Blasio has unveiled his plan to get more people to move to Florida with his new total citywide vaccination policy. Just a few items in the news this week.

Must be true; I read it on the internet.

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