Saturday, November 06, 2021

News Weakly - 11/6/2021

Not the Best Strategy
PETA is at it again. In a spectacularly stupid move, they are demanding that baseball change the term "bullpen" to "arm barn" because "bullpen" evokes images of terrified bulls being held before the slaughter. Incredibly stupid because "bullpen" doesn't evoke that image for anyone I know. Spectacularly stupid because "barn" is a concept they protest because it's not nice to animals to keep them penned up. Colosally stupid because it just makes everyone want to laugh at them and their cause. Like the Babylon Bee suggesting they'll want to change the word "bat" to something different to not offend flying rodents.

Did Not See That Coming
Patrick Anderson bought an electric vehicle (EV) and did a comparison with gas cars. His conclusions were a bit of a surprise. EVs have hidden costs, are more expensive to drive, and are a significant challenge in finding chargers. He published a report, and it was not what we've been led to believe. The extreme environmentalists want us to pay the price for cleaning up the planet. We should probably look at the price tag.

Unequal Equality
Philadelphia will be the first major US city to ban traffic stops for minor violations ... for the sake of equity. "Equity?" you ask. Yes. Black drivers are targeted at disproportionately higher rates, so the "Driving Equality Bill" (their term, not mine) will remedy that. Training police not to target racially is not possible. Banning police from arresting for all causes on the basis of race doesn't make sense, apparently. So let's just solve inequality by giving bad drivers a pass. Problem solved! Say, shouldn't we consider including other crimes for which POC are arrested at disproportionately higher rates?

Unexpected Consequences
Delilah Hamlin, daughter of actor Harry Hamlin, believes she suffered an accidental overdose while battling an autoimmune disease triggered by the COVID vaccine. The medical community isn't ready to reject the possibility. Is this vaccine safe? Sure, it is! Until it isn't. The point is not "Don't get vaccinated!" The point is "Know the risks." The point is we don't.

A Solution Without a Problem
Well, good news! They've managed to provide a solution to the problem of massive illness and death from COVID among preteens. U.S. Health officials have okayed vaccinations for 5 and up. Mind you, 94% of all deaths from COVID occur in the 50+ age group. Comparing the 50-64 age group with the 40-49 age group, the older group constitutes 18% of the deaths while while deaths in the 40-49 year old group comprise 4%. It's that sharp of a drop. By the time you get to the 0-17-year-olds, it is 0.08%, a total of 558 deaths out of 736,875 (as of Oct. 27, 2021). Compared with the risks of other possible problems caused by the vaccine, this is not a good sign. But California will be sure to ram it down their throats ... with others not too far behind.

Cancer Culture
We live in a culture no longer able to think, it seems.
The Hockey Hall of Fame decided to cover the name of the assistant coach that led the Chicago Blackhawks to victory in 2010 for the Stanley Cup. Why? He's accused of sexual assault. Now, there is no way to justify sexual assault (although I will point out that he is accused and we are theoretically a nation of "innocent until proven guilty"), but the Stanley Cup has nothing to do with the character of those whose names are on it. I'd venture to guess that many of those names couldn't pass a "good character" test. The Stanley Cup is not a "good character" award. And the guy did help coach them to victory. The name on there says, "And he helped" and not "He's a wonderful fellow." We cannot keep this straight, and this kind of cancel culture has become a cancer in our midst.

We've Come a Long Way, Baby
The latest invasion of "My body, my choice!" kind of personal privacy and body sovereignty has arrived. Biden coerced OSHA to issue an illegal mandate that any employer with more than 100 employees (Why stop there?) must have their workers vaccinated. The aim is not ambiguous. "You will take our vaccine or you will not work, eat, survive." Twisting Paul, then, we get, "He who will not [get this vaccine] should not eat." Remember when we used to treat illnesses with soup and vitamin C instead of totalitarianism?

We're Being Lied To
We all know that previously obscure term now: "herd immunity." If enough of us can gain immunity to Virus X, Virus X will no longer be a problem. So we've been infected and injected and we're working hard toward this goal of "herd immunity." So it's strange how places like Germany where better than 2/3rds have received injections are experiencing record numbers of COVID cases and are calling the risk to vaccinated folks "moderate" and rising. You'd think, given the number who have had it and the number who have been vaccinated against it, the number of new cases would be plummeting rather than climbing. An aide to Biden, Jen Psaki, the chief of Homeland Security, and an "unnamed NSC staffer" -- all fully vaccinated -- have all come down with COVID. Could it be that the vaccine is not as effective as they have been advertised? It feels like someone is not telling us the truth.

I apologize for this week's News Weekly. I won't be posting a "Bee Humor" section here. My president has opted to insure that, despite the fact that, having had COVID, I'm safer in the work environment than the vaccinated, I'm not safe enough to keep my job. So I'm not in a laughing mood while I look for work elsewhere ... while my president is working hard to make sure the opportunities are hard to find. As a believer, I see it as "guidance" and trust God. As an American, I see it as a war against reason and freedom, for which they will have to answer to a higher authority than I.

Postscript: It occurs to me that if a guy can identify as a girl and demand recognition for it and a girl can identify as a guy and everyone is required to agree, then I can identify as having been immunized against COVID and everyone must admit it's true ... shouldn't they? And given the objections "You're not a girl because the paperwork (birth certificate) says you're a guy" and "You're not a girl because the science says you're a guy" is answered with "None of that matters," then "No, you don't have a vaccine passport" (paperwork) or "No, you haven't been vaccinated" (science) shouldn't matter, right? Right? Methinks there is another double standard here.


  1. Not the Best Strategy

    Ever since I first heard it, I explain the acronym as "People Eating Tasty Animals". It still gives me a chuckle and satisfaction knowing eating animals certainly rubs those fools the wrong way. It also reminds me of that great philosopher, John Cleese, who said, "If God didn't want us to eat animals, He wouldn't have made them out of meat." Weird thing for an atheist to say, but...

    Did Not See That Coming

    The batteries are a major environmental problem...sort of like wind turbine blades.

    Unequal Equality

    Clearly encouraging folks to obey traffic laws would be too much to ask. Perish the thought!

    Unexpected Consequences

    One more thing in the risk column!

    A Solution Without a Problem

    Child abuse.

    Cancer Culture

    The story can't be true, because I'm told homosexuals are wonderful people. I saw an interview with his accuser who came forward and identified himself, though he couldn't possibly have been victimized by a wonderful man, so I don't know what to think. Hard to believe in these days a homosexual would be cancelled...since they're wonderful people.

    We've Come a Long Way, Baby

    I hear there's been a stay ordered by some judge to prevent people from being forced to vax under threat of job loss.

    We're Being Lied To

    That's not possible. I'm told the liar was voted out of office and this new admin is the gold standard of honesty.


    Terribly sorry to hear of your job loss. My daughter succumbed to the edict at her place of employment. She's getting married next fall and trying to find a job when she's trying to arrange and finance a wedding put her in a major bind. I'm really hacked and the thought she may have compromised her ability to have kids...or worse...provokes all sorts of nasty in me. So far, so good, but who knows long term? No one, that's who.

    May your hunt be short lived and successful. God speed.

  2. I actually heard someone recently say that the passing of the recent trillion dollar spending bill in the Senate is somehow Trump's fault. Of course people are going to believe the lies because the lies fit their internal narrative.


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