Saturday, October 30, 2021

News Weakly - 10/30/21

2nd Hand Social Media
Doctors around the world are reporting a new pandemic, a rapid rise in teenage girls developing Tourette-like tics from Tik Tok. Tik Tok is a Chinese social networking service primarily for sharing videos. Trump was worried about national security over Tik Tok. Now it's addiction, pornographic content, privacy concerns, cyberbullying, and, this latest, sudden-onset-Tik-Tok-induced Tourette Syndrome. What could go wrong? We've loved the affects of cigarettes and all that. Let's keep this thing going, too!

You Keep Using That Word
The Tennessean reports "Conservative Southern Baptist leader Mike Stone sues Russell Moore." The problem is a claim of "defamation, false light invasion of privacy, and emotional distress" against Russell Moore, former president of the Southern Baptist's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. Moore quit that job and leaked documents against a variety of Southern Baptist leaders. Without defending Moore or any Southern Baptist leaders, I'd really like to get the media to stop using terms like "conservative" when describing a Southern Baptist leader openly and intentionally taking a believer to court in direct and clear violation of the Scriptures (1 Cor 6:1-6) that a true conservative Christian would uphold. Stop it. Both of these men have opted to drag the name of Jesus through the mud for all to see. Please don't refer to them as "conservative."

Honest Evil
New Zealand's prime minister was in an interview talking about a new traffic light system they were going to adopt. She said they would move forward when each District Health Board has 90 per cent of its population with both doses of the vaccine." The reporter asked if she wasn't creating two different classes of people -- the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. She unapologetically agreed, "That it is what it is. So, yep. Yep." But, please, let's not have any of those stupid comparisons to the Jews in Nazi Germany and the like, okay?

Strange Definition of "Irreparable Harm"
Days before some new Oklahoma life-saving laws were supposed to go into effect, the Oklahoma Supreme Court issued a temporary stay to allow the ongoing murder of babies. "'The Oklahoma Supreme Court recognized that these laws would cause irreparable harm to Oklahomans,' Center for Reproductive Rights President and CEO Nancy Northup said." Right. Because if an Oklahoman can't be killing an "unauthorized" baby, it will do them "irreparable harm." I'm sure the baby would like to contest that analysis.

Almost Right
I complain so much about the media that I thought it only fair to point to one story someone almost got right. All the outlets were reporting about the Texas transgender law that Governor Abbott signed, but I only saw one that intentionally made the salient point. "LGBT advocates say it will prevent transgender athletes from participating on teams designated for their gender identity," the story says. However, CBS also points out that the "bill's text states it will address past discrimination against girls in athletics." Despite the loud complaints from the media and the LGBT crowd, the bill is not about transgender, but about protecting girls from sports injuries incurred by playing against biological males. Now if only they got the "transgender" thing right. (I still haven't figured out what a "gay transgender" is.)

The Importance of Words
Last year during the riots in Kenosha, WI, around the shooting of Jacob Blake, Kyle Rittenhouse shot and killed two people and wounded another. His trial is going on now. A Wisconsin judge decided that those who died in the shooting could not be termed "victims" because Rittenhouse has not been convicted. Now, the simple fact that these dead men were unquestionably victims of a shooting is irrelevant here because if the prosecuters call them "victims," that would prejudice the jury. The defense can call them "looters, rioters, arsonists, or any other pejorative term" because that is definitely not yet determined. Tell me again why we put our trust in "the justice system."

Not News
The story says the White House will not be giving out any treats this year. Well, that's not really news, is it? Oh, for Halloween. Okay. But still ...

The Friendly Skies?
If you travel ... anywhere -- "passenger railroads, intercity bus services, and other public transportation" -- the Department of Homeland Security's Transportation Security Administration (TSA) now promises to fine you from $500 to $3,000 for failing to wear a mask. Vaccination status is irrelevant because we all know the vaccine doesn't protect you from getting or spreading COVID. I just love the comment of the TSA Administrator. "By doubling the range of penalties, we seek to reinforce the importance of voluntary adherence." "Voluntary adherence"? Is it voluntary when it's forced? "Have a nice flight ... just ... you know ... without sufficient air." Friendly skies indeed.

Unequal Justice
During the Obama presidency illegal immigrant families were separated at the border. Crickets. No one cares. During the Trump presidency illegal immigrant families were separated at the border. Outrageous! So now the Biden administration wants to make amends and provide an estimated $450,000 per person compensation. Mind you, many of the separations were because the family relationship was unclear or even nonexistent. Mind you, these people were coming into the country illegally. Mind you, we don't care. It was Trump! Please pay out the $1 billion and charge it to our account.

The New "Fake News"
From the UK Health Security Agency, there is a disturbing report. The report is an examination into the effectiveness of the COVID vaccine. Important question. The report says that the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine against infection is between 75% and 85% and against symptomatic disease is between 80% and 90%. In the last 5 weeks for everyone above the age of 30 those who have been vaccinated with at least 2 doses outpace the COVID cases of those who are unvaccinated (pg. 17). That is, currently, in the UK, more fully vaccinated people are getting COVID than unvaccinated people. We will, of course, have to suppress this as "misinformation."

Beagle Outrage
You may have heard about Fauci and his puppy experimentation, not only infecting beagles with diseases to test for remedies, but also cutting their vocal cords so they wouldn't have to hear them whimper. Fodder for the satire sites. Genesius Times says that the FDA has agreed to use children ages 5-11 in deadly experiments instead of beagles. The Bee suggests Dr. Fauci is hoping that the beagle story will distract from the fact that he has been performing experiments on humanity for the past 18 months.

Must be true; I read it on the internet.

Postscript: I had to laugh at the "Coronavirus has died after infecting Chuck Norris" story.


  1. Russell Moore is not a Christian, so the command against suing fellow believers does not apply.

  2. Richard, knowing nothing more about Moore than what I get from questionable sources like the media and internet, I'm generally not ready to declare people "not a Christian." I'm pretty hard on ideas and principles, but I prefer to give as much grace as I can to individual ... unless they prove me wrong.


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