Saturday, October 23, 2021

News Weakly - 10/23/21

Sad Passing
Colin Powell died due to complications from COVID-19 after being fully vaccinated. Sad for him and his family and friends. A warning note for those who are placing their hope in a vaccine.

Powell's death was a sad passing. The Arizona Cardinals, on the other hand, have some pretty good passing. They are undefeated this year so far. In mid-July they were 50% vaccinated, but by September they were at 100%. It's odd, then, that the Cardinals lead the league in COVID cases -- 23 so far. Six just this last week. Odd how "fully vaccinated" seems to be losing its force.

California Again
Californian parents, kids, and school employees protested the statewide vaccine mandate for school employees and kids. In California school-age children (5-17) constitute 12% of the COVID cases and 0.037% of the deaths from COVID. For that age group, COVID is a nonentity. But let's get all those kids jabbed and now because ... well ... we know better. "Can I avoid this shot?" the little boy asks. "No! You're a minor!" "Can I be a girl?" "Sure! You know best!"

In related news, thank goodness the White House is on the job. They're finally planning to roll out COVID vaccinations for the least threatened, least impacted people on the planet -- the children. Soon children from 5-11 will be able to get vaccinated against a disease that has hardly disturbed the waters of this age group. File that under "protecting the well-defended." Of course, science is still not sure whether that's actually a good idea, but Biden promised to "believe science" ... unless, of course, he chooses not to. In the meantime, killing the unborn remains a high priority.

Politics as Usual
Everyone knows that churches cannot promote political candidates or they risk the loss of their tax-exempt status. Apparently over 300 black churches across Virginia have nothing to fear on that score when they air their video featuring Kamala Harris encouraging viewers to vote for Terry McAuliffe for governor. That old "No politics in the pulpit" doesn't apply to pulpits that agree with the party in power, I suppose

The "great Howard Stern" took on a black NBA player for his position on the vaccine. Of Kyrie Irving he said, "In terms of idiots, he’s got to be the top idiot in the country right now." He sprinkled in some other descriptives I won't reprint. Luckily, all the Social Justice Warriors jumped on him instantly, warning Stern to be less intolerant, less judgmental, less racist. Oh, wait, no. I guess as long as you're saying what the SJWs like, it's okay to be all that and more. Does that make them Social Injustice Warriors in this case?

The "ACLU" (I put it in quotes because they have demonstrated that the will pick and choose which "American civil liberties" they will defend) is suing Oklahoma because they have outlawed curriculum that teaches that "an individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, bears responsibility for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex" or that "an individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, is inherently racist, sexist or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously." The lawsuit is over free speech. In stark contrast, then, Netflix employees walked out in protest of Dave Chappelle's humor because no one has the right to make jokes about anything LGBTQ+. And a top Berkeley physicist has resigned because his colleagues refuse to allow a geophysicist speak because of his views on merit-based college admissions. Dear ACLU, "free speech" is under attack in much more prevalent places than this. Oddly, you oppose it in cases that you oppose the speech. Isn't that a bit hypocritical?

What it Ain't
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez waved her superior education on Twitter defining capitalism as "a system that prioritizes profit at any & all human/enviro cost." There are, apparently, no dictionaries or internet where AOC lives. The accusation is that she is using capitalism to push socialism, "investing heavily in her online store, selling T-shirts, sweatshirts and other merchandise with her name ..." Yes, that is capitalism. Unless, of course, we've redefined "capitalism" like we have "marriage," "racism," "sexism," "inclusion," "tolerance" ... oh, a long list.

Satire That Makes You Want to Cry
In a tragic event, Alec Baldwin fired a prop gun that killed a cinematrographer and injured the director on the set of his current movie. (If you want a laugh, the Bing news feed headline for that story read, "Prop gun kills one." Mean ol' prop gun.) Clearly accidental. Clearly sad. One might wonder, however, why the media isn't jumping on this "mass shooting."

In other news, given Terry McAuliffe's position that guys who consider themselves girls should be allowed to use the girls' bathroom laid alongside the reported rape of a teenage girl in a high school bathroom by a boy dressed as a girl, it might not seem a leap to conclude that churches in Virginia will be interrupting worship for a brief message from Satan. I'm just sayin'.

1 comment:

  1. Sad Passing

    It seems it's becoming more common that we're seeing examples of where the highest vaccination rate is also where there's the higher incidents of infections, hospitalizations and deaths. Seems counterintuitive.

    California Again

    Child abuse. Our culture no longer cares about what's best for kids. Even among parents this seems to be true far more often than a rational person would like.

    Politics as Usual

    I believe that law only applies to right-leaning politicians and positions. It was, after all, enacted by Dems.


    Too many are attacking those who wish to be left alone to make their own decisions because they don't buy into the hype about the severity of this virus. The true idiots, in my opinion, are those who do. They wish to believe we who oppose the "vax" mandates think the virus has no deadly potential. In typical fashion, they choose to portray those who disagree are without understanding, while never demonstrating much of their own.


    I don't think the ACLU picks and chooses "which" civil liberty to defend, but who's.

    What it Ain't

    One of the major failings of the right is in not jumping down the throats of leftists who attempt to redefine words and terms, or demonstrate a poor understanding of what words and terms mean. To allow these despotic people to take control of the language has proven to be a clear and present danger to the culture.

    Satire That Makes You Want to Cry

    Sometimes, despite the best of intentions and dedication to following protocols, tragedy happens nonetheless. We can't legislate out our imperfections, but only insure upon investigation that no one was truly negligent or intentionally seeking to cause harm. Then, strive to make sure it never happens again, though we can't guarantee it never will. In this case, I have to believe there is some reason that live ammo might be used on a movie set. But I also have to believe there's some way to get the desired effect without endangering anyone. With CGI advances, I have to wonder if live ammo is ever necessary on set any more.

    I find it shameful and a sad commentary on our culture that a Terry McAuliffe can generate support from anyone. But then, that's the Democratic Party in a nutshell.


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