Saturday, October 02, 2021

News Weakly - 10/2/2021

Not Fitting the Narrative
According to this story, the FBI had an informant in with the Proud Boys in the crowd at the Capitol riot on January 6. The informant was "texting an FBI agent throughout the day." Interesting. But here was the kicker. "The informant seems to suggest there was no plot to storm the Capitol prior to the riot." Well, that puts a kink in the "Trump-instigated insurrection" storyline, doesn't it? Don't worry. No facts that don't fit the narrative will be allowed in this witchhunt ... er ... investigation.

Crazy with a Gun
General Milley and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin testified before Congress this week about "the chaotic and deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan." They went home afterwards. Marine officer Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller asked similar questions and has been imprisoned for it. The military is insane.

Your Honor, We Object
This was a strange one. An Arizona abortion law set to go into effect last Wednesday was halted by a judge at the last minute. So says the report, but what the judge threw out was only two provisions of the law that brought charges against doctors who aborted on the basis of genetic issues. The provisions required that the doctor tell the patient that abortion for genetic abnormality was prohibited. That was "unconstitutionally vague." The judge let stand a provision that classified fetuses, embryos, and fertilized eggs as people. Governor Ducey claimed there is "immeasurable value" in all life, and, apparently, folks like the Center for Reproductive Rights heartily disagree.

Let Freedom Ring
Los Angeles appears to be headed for a much more "Australian" kind of utopia to live under COVID, requiring vaccine passports for restaurants, gyms, malls, and other more common places. Calls to mind, "so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark" (Rev 13:17). (No, I'm not saying that the vaccine is the mark of the beast, but it's starting to bear a resemblance.)

Here's my question. We are moving more and more toward "Take this vaccine or suffer the consequences." At the same time, we're demanding that the Supreme Court overturn laws that block the "Divine Right" that says, "My body; my choice!" Why does one (a vaccine which may not prevent you from getting or transmitting the disease) require loss of freedom while the other (a procedure that kills a child every time) does not?

If you recall your 1984, Orwell wrote of a society that aimed to control how you think. YouTube would have fit nicely in that Orwellian world. They are banning all content that questions vaccines. All vaccines. Similar to the "Big Pharma will not be liable for anything" approach with this vaccine, YouTube is taking a "No one can voice questions about this vaccine" tactic. "Misinformation" they call it, although technically "not the information we allow" isn't necessarily "misinformation."

Time Off for Good Beehavior
The Babylon Bee was in good form this week. Most recently was the sad news of a nation in mourning as the government averted a shutdown. In the ongoing "consensus" argument, the CDC reminds people to listen to all medical profesionals ... except for the tens of thousands who refuse the vaccine. On the vaccine, still, New York atheists are seeking a religious exemption from the vaccine after New York Governor Hochul said the vaccine was from God. In entertainment news, now that Daniel Craig is ending his James Bond role and conjecture that a woman could be the next Bond, we learn that Bond will remain a male played by Elliot Page. Just a sampling.

Of course, actual news was funny, too. Like the report out of Stanford that says that students are more likely to wear masks than helmets when riding bikes. (Note: Stanford is 99% vaccinated.) So the real danger is the virus for which they are vaccinated and not losing their brains in an accident. Oh, wait ... you know, I've noted that there are no reports of zombies in that area. Could it be a lack of food source? Like the Turkish fellow who got drunk one night and didn't go home so his is wife reported him missing. In the morning, he noticed a search party, so he joined them ... to find him. He didn't figure out who they were looking for until he heard them calling his name. An actual story about a guy trying to find himself. And I laughed at the story about the president stating straight-faced that his $3.5 trillion plan would cost nothing. Democrat economics?


  1. As I was watching the trailer for the new Bond movie, I was thinking about the push to make James Bond a woman, or black, or whatever. My first thought was "Why?".

    As I understand the Bond mythology, he is one of a small number of people with a skill set that gives them carte blanche to take whatever action needed in defense of King/Queen and country. Further these people are known by their 00 numbers, indicating the existence of others besides Bond. Given that, why not simply kill or retire Bond and introduce a completely different character? It's not like the plot is going to be different, but come up with a character that's a woman or black or whatever, give them their own backstory, and move forward. Hell, do a woman AND a black guy, go crazy. It seems like a win/win, the Flemming estate keeps getting paid, the Broccoli family gets to keep making the movies, and the series gets some new blood and the ability to tell slightly different stories.

    Instead you have a bunch of people complaining about something pointless.

  2. I think you missed the point. The aim is not merely to include women or people of color. It is also to remove white males. If they just included another character that was a female or a POC, the white Bond would remain. Obviously you're not woke.

  3. Let Freedom Ring
    Is there any way to describe 'the freedom of my body' yet 'no freedom to refuse vaccines' other than "hypocritical"? Hey, does that mean they are hypo-critical or critical of everything even if their thoughts aren't congruent at a base level (preservation of life). Actually, maybe they are congruently for death...

    Just looking for a way to expain it oops meant 'explain' it without just feeling like they need a big waking up.


  4. I'm sorry. I can't help, Esther. When it makes no sense, I have no method of making sense of it.


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