Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Inciting Terror

This could be the most outlandish thing I've heard to date. Based on a report from the Yale School of Public Health, the headline reads "Unvaccinated people should expect to catch COVID every 16 months." Mind you, COVID has infected 10% of the population. Mind you, the vaccination lasts 6 months and needs to be boosted, from all appearances, every 6 months, so the immunity acquired from catching COVID is, according to Yale, more than 3 times as long as the vaccinated immunity. But the real problem is only 10% have been infected with COVID. So why would they decide to state that all unvaccinated people should expect to be infected every 16 months? This is why we hear people tell us, "We're all going go die!" (And I haven't heard that from only one.) This is why people are so terrified of COVID. This is why people have lost their minds to so much fear that they believe that any unvaccinated need to be quarantined, locked up, or worse. This is absolutely intended to produce terror. (And what they're not saying but must if they're going to stand by this headline is that every vaccinated person will need continuous, 6-month boosters ... for life.)

Read the Yale report. What they said was the immunity for those who recovered from COVID wanes, on average, after 16 months. The report did not say people should expect to get it. Statistically, no one should expect to get it. You have a 90% chance of not getting it. But that doesn't matter anymore. The media, the government, and now the populace have lost their minds to this virus. We happily surrendered freedom for security after 9/11. We surrendered far more freedom when this virus came out in 2020. We're being conditioned to surrender freedom for safety like so many sheep. And we're thanking them for it. Just shut your mouths, roll up your sleeves, take the continuous shots, and thank the government and Big Pharma for their kindness. Whatever you do, don't THINK.


  1. The more immoral our nation has become, the more freedoms we've been told to give up for safety. I don't expect our nation to last as a democratic republic much longer after the next major national crisis.

  2. Uh...where did I hear some smack about putting one's freedom above the safety of others? Wasn't that here somewhere? Perhaps I don't recall exactly how it went down, but no matter. Our freedoms are definitely being usurped by those in power, and the virus is but one excuse used to do just that.

  3. You'll have to find that reference, doesn't sound at all familiar to me.

  4. Yes, really. To my recollection, nobody here has advocated giving up freedoms for safety. I do recall Stan bemoaning that situation as far back as 9/11. He's definitely been against it during Covid. The only ones on here that I know of that are for giving up freedoms are the liberals like Dan and his ilk.

  5. David, I had it on the sidebar of my blog for some time. Benjamin Franklin is believed to have said, "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

  6. Ah. That doesn't show on mobile. And I thought Marshall was saying someone here was advocating for giving up freedoms for security. My misunderstanding.


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