Saturday, September 25, 2021

News Weakly - 9/25/21

Father of Lies
After promising a kinder and gentler Taliban, the story comes out that they will begin executions and amputations again. After promising to protect women's rights in Afghanistan, the Taliban is now telling female workers to stay home. Just like a liar would do. It's hard to believe -- I'm thinking "fake news" -- given the well-known honesty, integrity, and kindness the Taliban has shown in the past. Oh, wait ... no. So, can I draw any parallels from the promises made by our representatives in government that are typically then ignored?

The Supreme Court will hear the case of Mississippi's pro-life bill protecting children as young as 15 weeks. The hope of women everywhere is that this travesty shall not stand. While women around the country scramble to find ways to protect their 5-year-olds from a virus that has almost no effect on 5-year-olds, they work just as hard to insure that they can kill millions before they are born. They consider both -- a failure to protect lives against a non-threat and saving lives of the most vulnerable -- a moral evil. The whole rationale is lost on me.

We've just surpassed the death count from the Spanish flu pandemic. Now, be careful. They're hoping for a specific response from you. The fact is that the population of the United States in 1918 was around 100 million as opposed to the 320 million we have today. The death rate to the U.S. population now is about one third the death rate in 1918. Put another way, since there are so many more Americans today than in 1918, how could we not exceed the deaths in 1918? In fact, the Spanish flu pandemic lasted about a year, while we've gone on for more than a year with no end in sight. Taking into account the size of the pool from which to draw cases and the length of time to do it, the fact that it has taken this long to reach that number is quite amazing. Oh, I'm sorry. That was not the response they hoped to get out of you. Please, feel free to go back to your prescribed panic mode.

Obstruction of Justice
The basic concept of a Judicial Branch of our government is that there would be an independent check and balance that can say, "Mr. President" or "Congress" or whomever, "what you are doing violates the Constitution." In keeping with that principle of independence from influence, 500 female athletes are urging the court to protect abortion because, if they don't, many female athletes will be forced to "sacrifice their athletic aspirations and pursuits." This is not a constitutional argument. It is not aimed at defending the law or protecting the Constitution. It is aimed at "getting my way." "I want to be able to kill babies if I have to in order to do what I want. You have to protect that right." It is a felony to influence, intimidate, or impede the outcome of a proceeding. How is this not a felony?

Cutting Off Your Nose
A North Carolina-based health care system has suspended hundreds of employees for not getting vaccinated. You know the next sound. "We're having a health care crisis!" The "really dangerous" ones -- those who have exemptions and no vaccination -- are tested weekly and masked, frankly safer than the "safely vaccinated" crowd, but forcing the vaccine and causing your own health care crisis is more important than any rational policy.

Naturally-Caused Global Climate Change
Apparently the wildfires (almost exclusively caused by lightning this year) have produced more carbon dioxide emissions this fire season than India produces in a year. Stupid wildfires. Don't they know we're in the midst of a human-caused climate change crisis?

Wrong Message?
In response to Texas's right-to-life law protecting the most vulnerable Americans, the House is set to vote on legislation guaranteeing the freedom to kill your babies nationwide. Now, I'm baffled. Everyone keeps telling us it's a "constitutional right." If it is in the Constitution, why does the House need to pass a law? And why is "the peoples' party" so anxious to execute more babies, especially noting that more babies of people of color are killed this way than any other? Is this really their position?

Poor Winners
The report is out. The election audit in Arizona has confirmed that Biden won in Arizona. So why is it that media types like Huffpost and CNN are declaring the audit a "sham" and "bogus"? I mean, if the audit shows what you've always claimed, confirming you are right, and you call it "bogus," does that mean you believe your claims to be a sham? I'll tell you what it does mean. It certainly means that these types of news outlets cannot be counted on to even have the pretense of being unbiased.

Bee Better
You've followed the border nonsense, right? Our Vice President has. She is demanding to speak with whoever was put in charge of the border. Meanwhile, she hopes her unlikability will distract from the terrible job she has been doing at the border. Sadly, now that the border patrol has lost its horse privileges, they can now only bang two empty coconut halves together. On a positive note, Pfizer has declared that the vaccine is just about as safe for kids as COVID.

Must be true; I read it on the internet.


  1. Propaganda

    I also have to wonder about the difference in the definitions of death by. We clearly have an inflated number of Covid deaths that were just people that had it when they died. Since the goal now is fear mongering and the goal then was business as usual, of course the numbers will be different. I also see the population argument in all sorts of things that have increased. Did you know there were more vehicular deaths in 2020 than in 1950?

  2. Now, David, don't go getting all "truthy" on us.

  3. Thanks, Dan, for reminding me why I banned your comments. Note: Attacking family members is not classified as "friendly" in anyone's book.

  4. Based on what little I've seen, I'd suggest that the AZ audit does suggest areas of concern in how votes are handled (fraud, incompetence, error, who knows) that should be addressed in elections going forward. Either that, of someone needs to determine what the acceptable amount of those thing is and let everyone know.

  5. Craig, I would think that eliminating election fraud would simply be an impossibility. Decreasing the amount to a level that won't affect outcomes would be good.

  6. Stan,

    I agree that it is virtually impossible to 100% eliminate all election fraud or error. What I believe is possible is taking steps to minimize election fraud or error to the degree possible. Beyond that, I'd like to see those who argue for the status quo in terms of election security provide an actual percentage of election fraud or error that they find acceptable. For example, if they think that 10% of ballots being fraudulent or in error is acceptable, then I'd like to hear that stated explicitly.


We're always happy to have a friendly discussion with you readers. "Friendly" is the key word here. If it gets too heated or abusive, I'll have to block the comment. Let's keep it friendly, okay?