Saturday, September 18, 2021

News Weakly - 9/18/21

Strange Accomodation
In May, 2021, United Airlines and the union agreed that there would be no mandatory vaccinations and "pilots who elect not to be vaccinated will not be subject to any discipline." In August in the truly Soviet Russia way, United Airlines required that all employees be vaccinated for COVID-19 -- no testing option. In the truly American way, United Airlines has allowed for medical and religious belief accomodations. So, If an employee has an exemption on the basis of religious beliefs, United Airlines will place them on "voluntary unpaid leave" without pay, benefits, or the possibility of collecting unemployment. I put "voluntary unpaid leave" in quotes because employees are offered the option to accept the accomodation or ... accept the accomodation. Or quit. Very American. "By all means, stand by your religious beliefs. Just don't do it working for us. We won't allow any of those shenanigans here." It's a strange accomodation, but it's what America is becoming.

The Horse's Mouth
Facebook has internal research that suggests that their Instagram app is harmful to kids -- especially teenage girls. But, don't worry, neither Facebook nor the rest of the users will heed the Science because what is true is whatever we want to be true. They're minimizing their own data (while preventing their own kids from using their own products) and working on an Instagram for younger kids because they should just share the suicidal thoughts with everyone, shouldn't they?

Voters' Mandate
California Governor Newsom breezed through his recall election. Something like 64% voted to keep him. That, of course, is because the majority of the voters live in major cities and California's major cities are on "the Left coast." But Newsom considers it an endorsement, an "attaboy," a voters' mandate -- "Keep doing what you're doing!" I would think that the fact that there was a recall attempt suggests otherwise, but we Americans in general these days aren't too concerned about facts, are we?

When Caring Isn't
We're already aware of some of the consequences of protecting against COVID. Now we're seeing some more. In the UK they're looking at closing care homes because some care home workers haven't been vaccinated yet. In France, 3,000 health care workers have been suspended for not getting the shot. And Idaho has begun rationing health care amid a COVID surge driven partly by fear because too many primary care doctors are refusing to treat COVID patients. Well, that and the terror the government and the media are inducing over COVID. At some point "caring" is not caring.

Colorado Governor Polis joined with his male partner of 18 years in flaunting the longstanding traditional definition of marriage with a "traditional Jewish ceremony." His partner said, "As I was growing up, marriage was not even in the realm of possibility." He has remained true to his word, and the two have joined in this gay mirage with no sense of the irony.

Terrorists at the Highest Levels
From January 1, 2020 to September 15, 2021, 658,754 Americans have died of COVID. The number is hard to stomach. That's a lot of death. The older we are, the worst it gets. The 85-and-older crowd constitute 28% of the deaths. The over-75 folks bring it up to 55%. Those in the 65-and-up category make up 77% of the total -- 512,000 people. When you factor in the 50-year-olds and up, you're looking at 95% of all the deaths -- 622,000 souls. It's interesting, then, how suddenly that drops off. I mean, clearly if 50 and above constitutes 95% of the deaths, below 50 would be only 5% of the deaths. Those between 40 and 49 have been 4x more likely to die of COVID than those between 30 and 39, who were 3x more likely to die than those who were between 18 and 29. The under-adult group, 0-17, saw a total of 439 deaths in that time period. That group constitutes 0.0666% of the total deaths. So someone, please, tell me why parents of the under-12 group are lying about their childrens' ages in order to get them vaccinated? How does this not qualify as "misleading misinformation"? How is this not a result of terrorism ... from our nation's leaders and news media?

Something's Hinkey
The FDA voted against approving a booster shot from Pfizer. Not enough data. What I want to know is why is it that these companies with their new vaccines are not liable for problems they may cause? I get that they gave them "immunity" (small joke there) for their Emergency Use Authorization, but shouldn't that be finished now? Or is Big Pharma concerned about the safety of their product?

You'd Better Beelieve It
You heard about the woman who attended an ultra-exclusive gala for the elite in an expensive designer dress to lecture the nation on inequality, right? The story is she donated that dress to help her abuela patch the holes in her roof. Meanwhile, AOC wrote "Tax the rich" in the sky with her private jet.

And one that made me laugh over at Genesius Times was about how millions of Biden voters are so ashamed by the president’s administration that they are rolling over in their graves. (You may have to let that one sink in a moment.)

Must be true; I read it on the internet.


  1. Strange accommodation:
    For the life of me I can’t understand why all these corporations and businesses, etc, are buckling under the fascist ideology of the LEFT when it comes to COVID and forcing people to be “vaccinated” (it’s not really a vaccine) or lose jobs and every other public right. They are destroying the USA.

    Voter’s Mandate:
    There was a lot of cheating in CA, which is the norm for Demokrats; without cheating they can’t win. The media lied about Larry Elder, Hollywood and Soros poured $millions to help Newsom so he can continue his destructive, fascist reign in CA.

    I am highly skeptical of the stats on COVID deaths. Too many reports from too many sources demonstrate that many, many deaths are counted as COVID just because they discovered on autopsy that the virus was in their system. A heart attack becomes a COVID death, a car crash becomes a COVID death. Inflation of the numbers is to instill fear into the populace so that they will be easier to control.

  2. "Inflation of the numbers is to instill fear into the populace so that they will be easier to control."

    From what we've seen over the past year and a half plus, instilling fear is a primary aim.


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