Saturday, September 11, 2021

News Weakly - 9/11/21

Odd Statistics
Violent crime in America in 2021 is hitting the highest rates since the 1990s. Now, let's see; what makes 2021 different than previous years? It's not gun ownership; that's remained fairly constant. We are a year and a half into "15 days to flatten the curve" with no relief in sight. They're saying that is a factor. Tensions are heightened and all. We do have a new president whose competency is a real question. The economy is not booming. We are not recovering. And there is, of course, the cumulative buildup of immorality. I mean, if you continue to tell people, "Human life only counts if we say it counts" and they think, "I don't think it counts in this situation," who is to dispute them? Hmmm, I don't know, I can't see anything that would make 2021 more violence-prone than any other pandemic-ridden, incompetent-government, offended-on-a-hair-trigger year. Can you?

Just Too Easy
Apparently the women's basketball team at Baylor no longer qualify as "ladies." They've dropped the "Lady" from their team name and now admit to just being "Bears." "That's no lady; that's a basketball bear." Too easy.

The Message is Clear
A report claims that U.S. airstrikes, manned or unmanned, killed something between 22,000 and 48,000 civilians in the war on terror over the last 20 years. I'd suggest that's hard to calculate, especially in this situation, because the term "civilians" refers to those who are not in the armed services, so almost anyone killed in the war on terror would most likely have been civilians, since almost all terrorists are civilians. It should be mentioned that 25,000 people were killed by terrorists in 2019 alone. But, who's counting, right?

Immediately following Mexico's Supreme Court decriminalizing the murder of babies, a 7.0 earthquake struck Acapulco. Coincidence?

In the infinite wisdom that every talk show host possesses we learned that unvaccinated people don't deserve beds in hospitals. So says Jimmy Kimmel. The compassion is overwhelming. Hey, look, let's do this. Why don't we just get a COVID-carrier to go door to door to everyone not yet vaccinated. They can get it (or not) and live (or not) to be immune (or not). It would be over in a very brief time. Hey, it is just as compassionate as Kimmel's idea and we could do away with the silly vaccination question.

Not the Bee
Singer Actress Bette Midler made the news when she called on women to stop having sex with men until the Texas anti-abortion law was repealed. Seriously, I can't make this stuff up. Did she just come up with a great answer? I mean, yeah, women, if you don't want to be pregnant, don't have sex. Midler is a genius.

New Constitutional Right
Maybe I exaggerate. Maybe it's not new. But it's coming up again. The Biden administration (you remember, that good ol' Catholic boy?) is suing Texas over their new pro-life abortion law. Attorney General Merrick Garland said, "This kind of scheme to nullify the Constitution of the United States is one that all Americans, whatever their politics or party, should fear." I'm looking ... I'm looking ... I find the equal protection clause and "nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law", but nothing at all about the right to kill babies. How can I miss it? If it's me, I'm going to fear a government that seeks by force of law to allow killing without due process.

Here's a thought. Abortion, they say, is a constitutional right under the "right to privacy" found in the 4th Amendment. Now, to be fair, no such right is in there, but let's just go with it. If the 4th Amendment insures the right to privacy, which makes it a constitutional right for a mother to kill her baby as a matter of privacy, then why would refusal to answer the question of vaccination not be equally protected under the same law? Just thinking out loud here.

No Way!!
This can't be right. Some animals appear to be adjusting themselves to live in a climate-changed world. Now, we know that can't be because we know that climate change is going to kill us all, so someone needs to put a stop to these crazy animals and their adjustment mechanisms.

You've Got to Beelieve
"Believe the science," they tell us. And then they complain that Americans are trusting in an unproven anti-science treatment called "the human immune system." This story is about the ambitious 6-point plan President Joe Biden unveiled Thursday to both end the threat of COVID-19 and completely dismantle the liberty-loving United States as we all know it. It could be because he has natural immunity to the Constitution.

Must be true; I read it on the internet.

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