Saturday, August 21, 2021

News Weakly - 8/21/21

Trading Lives
As we've all seen all week, Biden ordered the withdrawal of U.S. support in Afghanistan and promised that the Afghans could hold their own. Now armed Taliban troops have entered Kabul awaiting "a peaceful and satisfactory trnsfer of power" and Biden belatedly sends troops where they "aren't needed" because it's Trump's fault. Meanwhile, many fear the elimination of women's rights and the return to terrorist support. Good job, Mr. President. Afghan President Ghani appreciates it. Video shows Afghans cheering as the last flight out of Kabul leaves. Oh, wait, no, not cheering. Running for their lives. And dying. Biden pulled out the troops because he wanted no more American lives lost. He defended his decision. He defends it still. To him, lost lives and human rights in Afghanistan is fine. We'll just have to hope that the Taliban doesn't launch more 9/11-type terrorism on American soil ... because they're certainly an honorable bunch. I'm not saying we should have gone into Afghanistan. I'm just saying, "You break it, you bought it." We may not have been right for going in, but we certainly have the obligation to not leave it as we found it ... or worse.

Booster Club
The word is out. Turns out the fabulous protection our fine COVID vaccines give us isn't so fine. "Trust us," they said, "this will last awhile." Now it's "Trust us. You're going to need a booster." Now, of course, the more wary among us might read it as "See? It's not as good as they promised." The more jaded might understand it to mean, "See? They're trying to milk more money out of us ... perhaps even mandatory money." The unspoken questions like, "If this vaccine is so effective, why do three fully vaccinated Senators come down with COVID this week?" or "Why aren't they telling us that they believe having COVID gives 'more than 8 months' of immunity?" Or "'10 months'?" Even "'very long lasting'?" Like years? Or the another question: "What causes a virus to mutate?" That answer is 1) error, 2) pressure from select cells, and 3) creation of a vaccine. Wait ... aren't they telling us our only protection against mutation is the vaccine??? At what point do we ask, "Why trust them?" Oh, that's right ... these are questions we're not supposed to ask.

Constitutional Right
The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a Texas law that, in the language of the media, effectively banned the most common abortion procedure for terminating 2nd-trimester pregnancies. Originally the law was blocked as "unconstitutional" because it "unduly burdens a woman's constitutionally protected right" to kill her baby. I have not yet found any such constitutional right, but in our drive to secure our right to do whatever we want, facts are not necessary to support claims. I was interested on the side that they threw out this "Republican-enacted abortion restriction" line of thinking, clearly distancing Democrats from any concern for the sanctity of life. Meanwhile, South Korea is granting legal status to animals. In South Korea abandoning a pet will be punished while in America killing a baby is a "constitutional right."

Facebook and Twitter-type media have been banning people lately for disinformation, presenting "false information" or, more truthfully, viewpoints that are not currently allowed. Unless, of course, you're a Taliban spokesman who finds a warm and welcoming platform on Twitter and the like to tell of how wonderfully the Taliban is treating their new conquests ... pay no attention to the reports coming out of the country about actual conditions. If someone questions the efficacy of masks, they're labeled "misleading or deceptive." If a spokesman for the Taliban spouts all roses for the Afghans, he's fine. The Babylon Bee picked up on this with the story about Trump getting back on Twitter by getting hired as a Taliban spokesman.

Something About Money and Trees
Biden is canceling $58 billion in student loans from the government because, hey, it's not his money; it's yours. People who unwisely borrow money and find out they can't repay shouldn't have to pay for it when there are so many good-hearted taxpayers who will do it for them because the president told them to. I once heard that a miracle requires making something from nothing, which only God can do. Well, except for government; they can make money out of thin air.

You mean, it's NOT true?
Timely as ever, the Bee included a couple of stories this week about Afghanistan. In one, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez goes to Afghanistan to warn refugees not to come to oppressive, racist America. Especially the women. Another "quotes" a Taliban spokesman who assures that they will guarantee to protect women's rights in Afghanistan ... which is none. And I had to laugh about the giant hurricane that formed over Washington because of the White House's spinning of the Afghanistan story. Speaking of the White House, on the COVID front, Biden promises "15 booster shots to slow the spread." There was a questionable entry. They wrote one about the looming crisis of infertility among transwomen. Can you say "Sensitivity training"?

Must be true; I read it on the internet.

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