Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Glory Be

We met with a couple whose missionary work was to minister to university students in Tucson, AZ. Interesting stuff and all, but it struck me. There is a fundamental difference between their mode of living and ours. They survive financially off gifts from supporters; we survive by our hard-earned dollars. They are constantly reminded that they live off God's grace. The temptation for us is to think, "I've earned mine." We're tempted to think that we survive on our own merits. It just isn't true.

James wrote, "Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow." (James 1:17) Everything good comes from God. Including my hard-earned paycheck. Perhaps this is one of the reasons we are exhorted to "give thanks in all circumstances." (1 Thess 5:18). It's because everything (Remember, all things work together for good (Rom 8:28).) comes from God. It isn't our own.

Turns out that everything God does He does for His own glory. He made everything to declare His glory (Col 1:16; Psa 19:1-4). He made humans for His glory (Isa 43:7). He works every day to make His power known (Exo 9:16). He saves us for His glory (Ezek 36:22-32). Do you want to know what makes Him happy? To magnify His glory (Isa 42:21). Disabilities (John 9:3) and even death (John 11:4) glorify God. The blessings He gives us are to magnify His glory (Eph 1:3-14). And on and on. So that paycheck I "earn" -- actually a gift from God -- is a gift from God for God's glory.

If our primary concern was God's glory (1 Cor 10:31), how would that change our direction in life? How would it change our motivations? Our actions? Our attitudes? How would it change what we do and how we do it (Matt 5:16)? If we understood that all of life is aimed not at us, but at God and His glory, what would be different? Perhaps the better question might be what wouldn't be different?


  1. As I've transitioned from a salaried position to being self employed, the topic of God's provision is one I've though about quite a bit. I've been trying to articulate a theology that gives proper balance to God and His provision, and the reality that I can't sit idly by and expect God to shower me with financial blessings. My tendency is to give myself and my "hard work" all of the credit, when I know better. So far, my response has been to be very aware of being thankful for everything. Even for things that don't go the way I'd prefer. I'm not sure I've got it all figured out, but I figure that being more grateful to God rather than less is probably a pretty good starting place.

  2. Amen!
    My job over the past 8 years has been a very interesting faith ride. Fulfilling govt contracts that were very interesting and required hard work and a high level of faith. Lots of feast and famine (laid off, back to work, laid off, etc). Fast forward to today, govt contracts are completed but we are bringing in a far greater steady income than ever before with a fraction of the stress. That could end any day but as far as today is concerned, thank you Lord!


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