Saturday, July 03, 2021

News Weakly - 7/3/21

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is taking executive action for police reform. He is going to use $15 million in COVID-19 relief money to pay for community violence prevention grants. Now, I'm all for community violence prevention and all that, but since when was it a COVID problem? When was it decided to take my tax dollars to pay for Minnesota's police reforms under COVID? Because Biden said so, I guess. Once again, we see government at work taking your money for X and applying it to Y and we have nothing to say about it.

We Decide, Not You
Oli London is a British You Tube "influencer." He really loves the Korean band, BTS. So he underwent 18 surgeries and has now come out as transracial. That's right; he now identifies as Korean. As expected, the LGBT community is not happy. Rachel Dolezal is not allowed to identify as black and Oli London is not allowed to identify as Asian. Why? It's just the rules, arbitrary and illogical as they might be. If you want to know if you're allowed to identify as something else, you'd better ask first. We won't be having independent thinkers here, if you please.

California Against Women
California has decided to withhold support for protecting women against biological males who wish to interrupt their sports. Those "anti-LGBTQ states" that have laws protecting women's sports from biological males can expect no state-funded travel from California. I cannot fathom this whole discussion. There have always been male and female teams because male and female are different -- biologically. If transgenders want to compete on a level playing field -- like with like -- perhaps they need their own transgender teams. What they do not need is to pit gender against biology. As opposed to the first transgender Miss USA Pageant contender, which is about gender.

Speaking Past Each Other
Earlier this year reports were out about crime in Seattle (for instance) since more than 200 officers have left the force due to defunding and lack of support for police. All of the municipalities that are defunding the police are Democrat led. Then last week President Biden suggested that cities should spend leftover COVID funds to fund the police. Now, how "COVID relief funds" and fighting crime are connected eludes me, but that appeared to be the basis for the White House claim that it's Republicans are the ones defunding police. Turns out the two sides are talking past each other. The Republicans are "defunding the police" because they're not voting for Biden's multi-trillion dollar infrastructure package while the Democrats are defunding the police by ... well, defunding them. Sadly, the news media doesn't seem to know what's going on either, so the lies will simply be perpetuated. Situation normal.

Equal Openness
The Supreme Court (SCOTUS) ruled that Arizona's voting laws were constitutional. The test was "equal openness." Is voting available to all who wish to vote? The court said it was. "Mere inconvenience," Justice Alito wrote, "cannot be enough to demonstate a violation." The "inconveniences" were things like not allowing people not directly connected to a voter to deliver votes (called "third-party ballot harvesting") and not being allowed to vote outside of one's precinct. (Note: The laws in question weren't passed in response to the 2020 election; these were passed in 2016.) In a state that has a well-oiled mail-in voting system, it seems like most of these things hardly rise to the level of "inconvenience," but, hey, no one should ever be inconvenienced about anything, right?

First there was the story that China will not be bullied. Then there was the story that China is building what appears to be more than 100 nuclear missile silos. Is China taking Biden's comment about F-15's and nukes to heart?

Dream On
Walt Disney World used to begin their introduction to their "Happily Ever After" display with, "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, dreamers of all ages ..." No longer. "We will not acknowledge ladies, gentlemen, boys, or girls even though we've always included the gender-inclusive 'dreamers of all ages.'" Any reference to gender might be offensive, so Disney is dropping it. Next up, you're on your own finding a ladies' room. Maybe you can find a "dreamers' room."


Perhaps you heard the president's compelling argument in favor of the 2nd Amendment. That amendment was included to allow Americans to defend themselves from an oppressive government. Biden warned that this government has F-15s and nukes. We should expect expanded access to assault weapons and more, right?

In other news, we learned this week about the oppressed hammer-throwing athlete who feels so oppressed by America that she turned her back on the flag and the national anthem ... at the ceremony where she earned the right to represent the oppressive nation in the Olympics.

Did you see the piece about the Biden administration planning to transfer $500 million in student debt to people who never went to college? Seems fair.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

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