Saturday, July 31, 2021

News Weakly - 7/31/21

The Handwriting on the Wall
This last March reports were out that said that nearly half of all health care workers were not vaccinated. They are concerned about the safety of the vaccine and its side effects. As of June, "huge numbers of hospital workers" were still unvaccinated. Some of the largest hospitals are between 30 to 40% vaccinated. Still, Sean Penn says he won't go back to work until the entire cast and crew have received COVID vaccinations. If that was a one-off, it wouldn't be very significant. It's not. The president said the only pandemic now is among the unvaccinated. NYC Mayor De Blasio urged employers to mandate it and companies like Google and Facebook are already on board. The NFL will require teams to forfeit games if unvaccinated players get sick. (Will they require the team to forfeit if vaccinated players get sick?) The president mandated the vaccine for all federal workers and contractors, the DOD is complying, and the VA has mandated it for their people. New York has mandated it for all state employees. Alabama's governor says, "It's time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks" and vaccine shaming is on the rise. A woman in Seattle pepper-sprayed a mother and 7-year-old son in "self-defense" for not wearing a mask. The handwriting is on the wall.

Sin Melts Your Brain
Just look at the evidence. New research "confirms a school-to-prison pipeline." Wait ... what? Yep! Children who attend schools that respond to bad behavior with suspensions are more likely to be jailed as adults. What we know for sure is that the discipline makes people criminals and not anything else. It can't be bad discipline or bad home or social environments or bad schools or ... ? Because sin has melted our brains. So, right along with "defund the police," we should probably stop disciplining anyone. You know, in fact, if we simply eliminate prisons, a whole lot fewer people would go to prison. I think I'm on to something here.

It's the End of the World As We Know It
Researchers are warning that a climate tipping point is imminent and if we don't act fast, life on earth will end. They call for eliminating fossil fuels, restoring ecosystems, slashing pollutants, stabilizing the human population, and vegetarianism. Stabilizing the population is achieved by contraception, raising the legal age of marriage, and higher availability of abortion. The goal is zero or lower population growth. If we can just eliminate a large portion of humans, we might be able to save the planet. It's all a matter of priorities, you see? (What's this about a purely plant-based diet? Don't we need more plants to absorb more of the carbon dioxide?)

Values Clarification
Planned Parenthood killed 354,871 babies in 2018 (the latest stat I could find) and the law doesn't merely remain silent; it defends them. A security guard in Brighton in the UK kills 16 cats and gets five years in prison. It's what we call "values clarification."

At It Again
The EU (no fooling) put out a paper that argued that humor is the tool of far-right extremists. (I had to read the paper to see if my name was in it. It wasn't. Obviously I'm not as funny as I liked to think.) I thought it was odd at first, but then realized that far-left extremists don't seem to have a sense of humor, so ... maybe. The Babylon Bee appears to make the point with a story about CNN putting on an hour-long PSA on the signs of dementia. (Spoiler alert: It was a Biden briefing.) Less humorous was the story about the new study Bible for women with 30,000 notes that all say "Go ask your husband to explain it." Too close to biblical (1 Cor 14:35) if you ask me. Then, following on a few stories that appear to link the FBI with things like the Jan. 6th riot and the plot to kidnap Michigan's governor, there is the story about the FBI discovring a building full of extremists organizing acts of terror. The sign over the building says, "J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building." Humor. Yeah. The tool of the extremists.


  1. The Handwriting on the Wall

    "The president said the only pandemic now is among the unvaccinated."

    Hasn't that always been the case? But then one hears 99% of the hospitalized are unvaccinated. That almost sounds like an improvement of 1%, doesn't it? How common is it that people are hospitalized for NOT having an illness? About that 1%, didn't the vaccine work? So many questions, and all of them are the result of the convoluted reporting by "experts".

    Sin Melts Your Brain

    Another sign the end is near. This is the ultimate "woe unto those who call evil good and good evil". To suggest punishing bad behavior is what results in prison time is about as inane a point of view as any I've ever heard.

    It's the End of the World As We Know It

    If they truly believed this rot, they'd be volunteering to remove themselves from the surplus population.

    Values Clarification

    With values like that, who needs evil?

    At It Again

    There's just so much wrong with the left. It's bad enough we're all sinners. Must they make it mandatory?

  2. Art, it was the case that all the COVID cases were unvaccinated, but now that nearly half of America is vaccinated, it is no longer the case. "Breakthrough" cases -- where vaccinated people get COVID -- are "rare," they say, but 100% of the people I currently know who have COVID were vaccinated people. That "99%" means, as you suggested, that 1% are vaccinated people with COVID.

  3. And then I came across this. According to this story from the CDC, "nearly 75%" of recent cases from the delta variant were "in fully vaccinated subjects." (I'm no mathematician, but I think "75%" is significantly more than the "less than 1%" that was reported last week.)

  4. And in Los Angeles 25% of the new cases are in the fully vaccinated. Someone tell me again about how very effective this vaccine is.

  5. Well, then, they're lying harder than ever. I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.

    Seriously, I've heard all sorts of things with regard to vaccinated people getting sick. And if they ain't in the hospital, how can they come up with those percentages? Are they all self-reporting? I don't believe a word they say anymore about this issue.

  6. Indeed. This pastor suggests they might get "kicked out of Hell for lying." (You have to understand his sense of humor, I suppose.)


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