Monday, June 28, 2021


Okay, this is not political, economic, sexual, religious, any of those "forbidden" topics. It's just a quandary I came up with recently. I spent 10 years in the Air Force. For some of that time, I was an instructor. In my classroom, I put up some old newspapers ranging from the bombing of Pearl Harbor to the first man on the moon. I used that last one as an ice breaker. "Where you when they landed on the moon?" There was a wide range of answers. "Oh, I remember that! I was ..." and it would range from "at work" to "barely old enough to remember." I stopped that practice when one of my students answered, "I wasn't born for 4 years after that." Thanks, kid. Thanks for the reminder that I'm getting old.

I got to thinking about that. I got to wondering what would serve as that today. For instance, it might be, "Where were you when 9/11 happened?" A certainly memorable event (although you must realize that it was 20 years ago and anyone under 20 won't be able to answer). The primary difference between the moon landing and 9/11, however, is that the moon landing was a positive event. It was like the end of World War II or some other large-scale good thing. As opposed to the Kennedy assassination or some other large-scale negative thing.

So, if you wanted to ask people "Where were you when?" about something 1) in the recent enough past that most people could answer and 2) was a positive event, what would that be today? We could all probably think of negatives. What grand, memorable, universally positive event has occurred in the last, say, 15 years? What would you suggest?

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