Saturday, June 05, 2021

News Weakly - 6/5/21

Hot Off the Press
Research has found "More than a third of all heat-related deaths around the world between 1991 and 2018 can be attributed to human-induced global heating." Interesting. The study actually looked at 732 locations "to calculate the number of deaths attributed to heat levels higher than the ideal temperature for human health." From there they determined that these deaths were by human-induced global heating (although nothing in the data would tell the origin of the heat and they're also attributing the news this week that the northeastern U.S. was hitting record lows to "global warming). The largest number of deaths were in places like Iran and Kuwait where heat has always been a problem. "It's a call to action," they say even though the #1 contributor is China and no one seems to be taking them to task for killing all those people. Sure, it's a hot story, but a questionable one just the same.

In Defense of Girls
On the first day of "Gay Pride Month" Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed the bill into law that required biological boys to play on biological boys' teams and not girls' teams just because they identify as a girl. The LGBT side is howling mad that any guy would think that protecting biological girls was acceptable. (And they're a bit miffed about that "on the first day of Gay Pride Month" thing.) More court battles to come, you can be sure. "No one gets to protect women in our state without our permission!"

I find the story disturbing. The Guardian is reporting that Arizona has purchased some chemicals to make a gas to use in a gas chamber. The story writers are aghast because it is the same kind of gas "the Nazis used at Auschwitz and other extermination camps." No one is complaining that Democrats have been seen wearing clothing made from the same kind of wool that the Nazi uniforms were made from. It's disturbing because it is so unrelated -- clearly intended as spin.

Valuable Education
Wilberforce University is an historically black university connected to the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME). They did the kindness of canceling student debt for 2020 and 2021 graduates. Nice, but I bet all those losers that worked their way through their education are kicking themselves now. "I thought I should be responsible and earn my way, but now I know I should take on bad debt and let someone else pay it off." Lesson learned.

But ... Which One?
In Germany they have started the House of One project where they will make a "multi-denominational temple" for Muslims, Jews, and Christians to be united under one roof. It will be a "location of tolerance and openness." No one is saying which God will be worshiped there. "Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, the chair of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany, told German media the building sent an important signal 'at a time in which antisemitism and Islamophobia are increasing.'" The important signal, I suppose, is "Christ lied; there are lots of ways to the Father. Can't we all just get along?"

With an Eye on the Bottom Line
Environmental activists now hold 3 seats on the Exxon Mobil board. Their stated goal is to shift away from fossil fuels. What an oil company does without fossil fuels is beyond me. I would guess the environmental activist aim is to eliminate Exxon. Much better for shareholders. So I can't imagine how anti-oil board members get put on an oil company board.

A high school valedictorian from Texas got headlines for defying her school policy and deviating from her approved speech to rage against protecting babies. No, we get it. She was raging for protecting "women's reproductive rights." The new Texas law recently signed that prevents abortion if the child has a heartbeat (about 6 weeks) is "a war on the rights of your mothers, a war on the rights of your sisters, a war on the rights of your daughters." Unless "your sisters" and "your daughters" are the unborn. "Before she can determine if she is emotionally, physically, and financially stable enough," she complains, "before they have the chance to take on the responsibility," someone else decides for them. "My rights to choose a baby or not outweigh that child's right to life." Even if it's more people of color being executed and girls being terminated. And the school didn't intervene, which speaks volumes.

Sometimes Turnabout is NOT Fair Play
Fauci in April, 2020: The whole "Chinese laboratory is the likely origin" theory is a stupid conspiracy theory linked to Fox News and the Right. Fauci in June, 2021: "I want to see the records from China of who got sick and why. It is possible this disease was of Chinese origin." I say, "How can we trust the science when it keeps switching sides?" (The Genesius Times has a story on how Fauci is now recommending wearing your mask over your eyes so you can't read his leaked emails.)

Hate As We Define It
After having banned Trump after the January 6 riot -- and America cheered the "guilty without having been tried" option -- Facebook will end the policy of giving free speech to politicians. They will block "hate speech" from politicians. That is, they've already commenced; now it's just official. Of course, "hate speech" is undefined, so I suspect that left-leaning politicians will get a pass for their version, but if any right-leaning politician strays from the allowed views, that "hate speech" tag will come in handy, won't it?

From the Ridiculous to the Sublime?
John the Baptist obviously wouldn't have made a good Baptist since the report has come to light that "John the Baptist was not invited back to the potluck at Jerusalem First Baptist Church after he brought a locust and honey casserole." The end of Baptists as we know them. In other news, the Left has corrected an egregious media error by changing Nickelodeon's "Blue's Clues" to "Red's Clues" to teach communism to kids. Then there was the tense news item about a Democrat pilot and a Republican co-pilot who were arguing about how fast they should fly the plane into the ground.

Must be true; I read it on the Internet.

P.S. If you don't get that last one about the pilots, let me know. I'll try to tone down my too-cerebral humor.

P.P.S. If you didn't get that the last comment was tongue in cheek, I'll tell you now it was.


  1. Hot Off the Press

    They're not even really trying to make the case anymore, are they? They just say stuff.

    In Defense of Girls

    I could not be more impressed that DeSantis chose the first day of June to make that announcement. I wonder if he did that on purpose. I certainly hope so.

    I gotta say, I'm trying to be objective about this guy, but he keeps doing things that compel me to throw all my support behind him that I'm afraid I'm missing something less than wonderful.


    OK. The wool thing almost made me spit up my Dr. Pepper! Kudos, muh man! Kudos!

    Valuable Education

    Uh...these were educators, right? People of knowledge and wisdom?

    But ... Which One?

    Muslims, Jews and Christians all using the same space. What could go wrong?

    On a side note, I've been going round and round with someone from Kentucky regarding John 14:6. Apparently Jesus didn't know what he was talking about!

    With an Eye on the Bottom Line

    How could those three people wind up on the board? That's insane!


    At least she didn't express gratitude for Christ! THAT would have resulted in repercussions!

    Sometimes Turnabout is NOT Fair Play

    I'm hearing that there are tons more emails not yet released. The fun is only beginning. Of course we didn't need them to know Fauxci was lying to us. This guy, at the very least, needs to lose his high-paying gig on our dime...if not his liberty.

    Hate As We Define It

    "Hate speech" is indeed defined. It means, whatever the left doesn't like hearing at the time they hear it. They'll know it when they hear it.

    From the Ridiculous to the Sublime?

    I recently saw a guy who may have been the founder of the BEE or some other person of importance from that wonderful "news source" and I found him to be less than I expected glibness-wise. That is, despite having the platform, he wasn't funny. It was weird. Just sayin'.

  2. I'm sorry, Dan, that you have no grasp on the News Weakly section. It isn't intended as direct commentary. It's intended more as satire. I called the canceling of debt a "kindness," but we live in a current climate that opposes rewarding people who work hard. I have seen too many hard working people finally ask, "Why am I working so hard when those who don't get rewarded more than I?" e.g., the trouble employers are having these days getting people to lay off their unemployment checks and come back to work. I try to say it humorously, tongue in cheek, and I'm sorry that you have no sense of humor when it's someone you despise. You should probably stop reading sites you despise just to ease your own tensions.

  3. You're right, Art, on your Anti-life comment. There are many reports of people going off script in their valedictorian speeches to name Christ or offer the gospel and getting shut down, but this one was okay. Saving souls -- bad; killing babies -- good. Is this a trend?


We're always happy to have a friendly discussion with you readers. "Friendly" is the key word here. If it gets too heated or abusive, I'll have to block the comment. Let's keep it friendly, okay?