Saturday, June 26, 2021

News Weakly - 6/26/21

Threats and Accusations
Catholic California Democrat Rep. Ted Lieu went on a rant this weekend against the Catholic Church over the suggestion that they might refuse Communion to folks like Pelosi and Biden over supporting killing babies in the womb. So does Lieu, and he dared them to deny him Communion for openly and angrily defying the religion he claims to be part of. Lieu was right in calling the Catholic Church hypocritical in this, but I'm wondering 1) if he actually thinks he gets to determine what the Catholic Church does or does not believe and 2) if the Catholic Church will let him. I still can't figure out why people who don't believe Religion X feel the need to call themselves by Religion X. Get your own and move on!

Wopersons and the Huperson Race
Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker demonstrated again that we've lost our minds about the English language by signing a bill to make titles for state officials more "gender inclusive." Like "alderman" will now be "alderperson" and "congressman" (Don't they already call females in Congress "congresswoman"?) will be "congressperson." Now, "man" in English can mean "the male of the species" or "the human race." When the narrator intoned that the ultimate enemy had arrived in the forest in the movie, Bambi, he said, "Man was in the forest." I suppose, to be more inclusive, Disney will have to change that to "Person was in the forest"? And what about those that don't identify as persons? Oh, yeah, that's just the youngest humans. No one elects them.

A First
Laurel Hubbard is going to be the first ... the first transgender athlete to compete in the Olympics. Mind you, Hubbard competed in men's weightlifting competitions in 2013 before transitioning. And, mind you, weightlifting is not about "masculine" or "feminine" -- it's about the physical body. Female weightlifters are complaining with words like "unfair" and "like a bad joke." The article points out that there is a debate over "transgender athletes competing in women's sports." Why? Because no one cares if a biological female wants to compete with biological males. The problem is not gender; it's biology. And biology doesn't care what Laurel feels about himself. So this will be the first time the Olympics allows a biological male to compete with biological females knowing full well that biological males are intrinsically more capable at that kind of competition than biological females. Good job, Olympic Committee.

Vive La Différence
The story reads, "Washington Spirit and Japan forward Kumi Yokoyama came out as a transgender man." We're holding our collective breath to see if she will be playing men's soccer now. You know, for honesty sake. Let's not hold it too long.

Just the Vax
Quite a range of responses. In Arizona, Governor Ducey issued an Executive Order banning universities from requiring COVID vaccines to attend in the fall. In Indiana, students are suing Indiana University for having the same requirement. Then there is the "free nation" of the Philippines where President Duterte is threatening jail to those who refuse. In Houston, 153 workers were fired or resigned for not getting the vaccine. And now Morgan Stanley is saying to workers and customers alike, "Don't show up here if you aren't vaccinated." (So much for "The customer is always right.") The COVID vaccine runs from "don't have to," to "might have to," all the way to "definitely have to." Choose your poison.

I Don't Even ...
President Joe is naming a special diplomatic envoy for LGBTQ rights. Her role will be to "protect the LGBTQ rights around the world." Meanwhile, the ACLU is suing Georgia because they won't pay for "gender-affirming care." "If they were not transgender, Georgia Medicaid would cover the procedures they seek," they're claiming. Umm ... if they were not transgender, they wouldn't be seeking a sex-change operation and no one would pay for it. Haven't got a clue what to make of this craziness. (Especially this new euphemism, "gender-affirming surgery.")

Surprise, Surprise!
A Texas-based Christian prayer organization was rejected by the IRS for 501(c)(3) status because they hold to biblical values. They instruct people in what the Bible says about issues (like "the sanctity of life, the definition of marriage, and biblical justice"). The IRS has determined that a biblical worldview is "typically affiliated with the Republican party and candidates. This disqualifies you from exemption ..." Another reason to pray for America. Another reason to withdraw from the 501(c)(3) status and, oh, I don't know, count on God and His people to take care of funding God and His people's ministries. "Do not be surprised, brothers, that the world hates you." (1 John 3:13).

Too Close
Sometimes the Babylon Bee is funny. Sometimes it's not. Usually when it's not, it's because it's too close to true. Like the story, in the midst of debates about Critical Race Theory in schools, that California public schools were banning the teaching of critical thinking. Now, the story isn't true, but that's primarily because they stopped teaching it long ago. How about the story last week where Congress passed a law recognizing Juneteenth, the day Republicans freed the last of the Democrats' slaves? Too close to true. There is a humorous story about Kim Jong Un going to an Ivy League university to learn new brainwashing techniques. Truth or fiction? Not true, of course ... but now he might because it seems like a reasonable idea. Or the worst one. The satirical story is about a Progressive church starting a drag queen Bible story hour. Most Christians will laugh and realize how ludicrous that is. Too many Progressives will rub their chins and think, "Hey, that might not be a bad idea." Sometimes the satire is too close to the truth.


  1. I guarantee there are already churches with drag queen Bible study hour.

  2. My point exactly. It stops being funny when it's true.

  3. Threats and Accusations

    "Lieu was right in calling the Catholic Church hypocritical in this"

    What are you referencing in the above? Just wondering.

    Wopersons and the Huperson Race

    What I can't figure out is if such politicians actually expect anyone to believe they're sincere in thinking they've improved anything. They've certainly changed things, and under the guise of improving, but who actually thinks they're not just pandering for votes? Is this something they'd actually point to as a significant or important point in their legacy? It's so meaningless.

    A First

    I don't know when or why I completely lost interest in the Olympics. Now I avoid it intentionally.

    Vive La Différence

    Can't see how here career wouldn't quickly come to an end trying to compete against actual men, should she force some men's team to accept her as a dude. Can't see how her career in women's soccer isn't over immediately if she insists she's a man.

    Just the Vax

    Good on Ducey. I believe DeSantis has an executive order denying businesses the right to discriminate against the unvaccinated, or preventing them from threatening jobs over whether or not an employee is vaccinated. Given how all over the board the "experts" continue to be with regard to what prevents the spread and protects anyone from infection, I can't see how anyone can rationally rule one way or the other, be they politicians or employers. On the whole, it should be a matter of individuals deciding what they want to do to protect only themselves and leave others to live their lives as they see fit. Wear a mask if you think it does any good. Take a vaccine if you think it does any good. Don't do either and then say those who don't are a threat. Doing so means neither are doing you any good after all.

    I Don't Even ...

    ...I don't either, except that it's clearly no more than pandering for votes. Politically, no one seeks to deny anyone their rights, given those rights are proven to be the same as those everyone else has, as opposed to special and unique "rights", which is the case with these disordered people.

    Surprise, Surprise!

    Of course it's no surprise, really. The Dems have long ago exposed themselves as anti-religion, so it's no surprise that you'll find more religious people leaning toward the GOP than toward the Dems. So it's becoming more true that a church goer is likely Republican.

    Too Close

    The more I think about it, the more I believe that's the point of the Bee. It's not to make you laugh so much as to awaken folks to reality. But then, that's what comedy has always tried to do to a large extent...highlight goofy realities.

  4. On Ted Lieu, he complained that the Catholic Church was hypocritical because they sought to withhold Communion from Democrats who favored abortion but not from Republicans (such as Gingrich or Bill Barr). While we'd like the Catholic Church to be consistent, not being consistent in one case and not the other doesn't make it wrong to bar pro-aborts from Communion; it simply makes them wrong for not being consistent.

    Exactly my point on Vive La Différence.

    You point out an ongoing problem with your comment on Just the Vax. For the most part we'd just like to be left alone. I haven't heard much from the "anti-vaxers" about "ban the vax" -- just "Don't make me take it." Same with other things. "Go ahead and sleep with whomever you please; just don't make me agree with you." "If you want to believe you're a girl trapped in a guy's body, you may. Just don't make me pay for it or embrace it." The Right seems to tend more toward individual freedom while the Left seems to tend more toward "Bend the knee or suffer the consequences." (I tried to leave that as vague as I could.)


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